Recent content by CaptFinnBad

  1. CaptFinnBad

    I'm struggling a bit. Need advice how to dig myself out of a hole.

    String of bad luck last few months things out of my control and some of it in my control. Without going into great detail in the ways I've taken multiple hits from different angles I want to focus on digging myself out of this. Realistically there is nothing catastrophic that's happened...
  2. CaptFinnBad

    Women with cats > Women with dogs, I miss the crazy cat ladies.

    I have a business that's based around dogs. My young single female clients are mostly neurotiv and batsh1t crazy.
  3. CaptFinnBad

    Independent Women

    What a they independent of what?
  4. CaptFinnBad

    Shoulder mobility

    I've always benched with the bar to my chest, (benched this was a long time ) Lately the front of my shoulder feeling a little sticky at the bottom. Might be because of old age lol. Today I was flat benching and had to lower the weight onto the spotter bars because I felt a little bit of...
  5. CaptFinnBad

    My Wife Offered Me A Hall Pass w/ No Strings Attached...

    It's a trap !!! Don't do it!!! I'd forget about the fantasy for the time being. How I personally interpret the whole thing... I'm guessing your wife isn't putting out, or if she is it's just token. S ex, which is ****. You probably feel like she's putting in no effort , or passion into the...
  6. CaptFinnBad

    Break up...

    Honestly I know it's probably the wrong way to go about it, but this is why I want to just say **** it and go out and sleep with different women. Just to clear my head. Two things stopping me. 1. Afraid without getting grounded first and back to myself. I'll get lured in by crazy. 2. I...
  7. CaptFinnBad

    Break up...

    Around the same age. SMV is way above hers if I'm being honest. It honestly feels like addiction.
  8. CaptFinnBad

    Break up...

    No my 7 year ex was anything but boring!!! She was stunning, exciting, had a passion for life , was stable, level headed, so much fun and full of joy. We were going to have a baby and everything. It only went tits up, because we were living in a different country to our home country's for...
  9. CaptFinnBad

    Break up...

    I know man, you're right. It clearly runs pretty deep. Something in me that's kept me in this chaos, I guess first step is figuring that out. Had real healthy relationships prior to this mostly, longest being 7 years with a different ex that was the opposite of this. Stable and real...
  10. CaptFinnBad

    Break up...

    Hard to explain... Been few a few break ups over the years. Usually it doesn't bother me. Just be sad for a week, move on be alright. This one is different. I'd be focusing on those things to avoid getting sucked back in. This woman is my kryptonite.
  11. CaptFinnBad

    Break up...

    I guess it has become like a slot machine. Intermittent reinforcement. Amazing highs and lows lows. Chasing the highs, forgetting the lows. Slowly become addicted to chucking coins in not noticing you're bank balance dwindling. Logical part of me. Women have always come pretty easily to me...
  12. CaptFinnBad

    Break up...

    Lol mabye I should change my name to Captsaveahoe
  13. CaptFinnBad

    Break up...

    Had some trouble with my Ex in the summer. I broke up with her, basically issues with PMDD. Total head f uck at the end of each month, Got back together. She was working on it. Actually had an awesome time after, thought she solved it. Then she stopped taking the medication the doctors...
  14. CaptFinnBad


    Thank you!
  15. CaptFinnBad


    Pre Conflict control definitely sounds like something I could personally benefit from. Willingness to engage in conflict has always been a weakness of mine and an area I could improve in. Would you care to elaborate or point me towards to sources where I could learn more about this ? If...