A woman’s long term value to you is her behavior.

Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
Reaction score
Tijuana, Mexico
This is more for ongoing interludes and green youngins , if you're doing ltr’s, minis, building a harem, or just have a fwb situation, this is more tailored for you.

A woman should be nice and she should behave. Feel free to establish this early on, once your value to her has been established. Being direct and assertive, drawing lines early, will prevent future out of sorts. Like a dog, you must train a woman not to pee on the carpet when you first get her. Wait until she's already started and you'll be scrubbing out stink out of the floors until the little b1tch goes back to the pound.

Guys tend to get a little caught up and simpy when they get a hot one. Too tolerant of bad behavior, particularly if she's good in the sack. But looks really have no value. Her looks won't improve your quality of life unless you can enjoy them in peace. So as tempting as it may be to let her get away with a little of this or a little of that, slam the brakes on her ass. Believe it or not, it will make her more infatuated for you.

Women want a man with inherent value, but won't value him if he doesn't value himself. If she doesn't think he's willing to walk away the second she acts a fool. The door is a powerful weapon and underrated as a behavioral correction mechanism. I've kicked a few girls out, and after that they were more conciliatory.
You never really need to yell let alone hit a woman to control her.
Being able to walk away without any arguments or explanations is the only thing that will put a woman in her place.

The second she steps out of line, correct her. If she resists, door. She'll typically try to resist more, but the conversation is already over. Door.

A woman must always feel that she needs to earn the right to be in your presence. If you're emotional about her then she can feel your neediness. Dogs and bees can smell fear. Women can smell weakness. Show emotion and give her warmth only when she behaves. When she does not, respond with surgical coldness.
Be calm, composed, emotionless. Condense your lexicon of words.
The hammer drops without passion or prejudice, but sure as the Devil's forked tongue, it does drop.

it does not matter if she's right. She may well have a legitimate gripe. Maybe she caught you in a lie or you didn't do something promised. Doesn't matter. If she doesn't address it with you in the most respectful approach, door. Don’t get lost in the “who’s, what’s and when’s”
She needs to leave the instant she doesn't she doesn't show full respect for your manhood or shows the slightest hint of crazy.

And your ripple effect here is to not give a fvck. She's not "the one". None of them are. "Yeah but G, what if she doesn't call?" She will. You've shown resilience and woman love that. Not physical strength, which is overrated, but mental toughness which is a rare trait that all women, on some level, crave. Happy women are submissive by nature. You show me a miserable woman and I'll show you a woman trying to run sh1t. When they let go, and let you, you'll see the happiness come over them. It makes them feel in safe haven with you, and the instinct to seek security is found in all female social mammals.

"Yeah, but what if she really doesn't call, G?" Then unsubscribe her. Fvck her.
Thousands of them are within 25 miles of where you live, and a good portion of them will fit your looks preference and could be very dateable when it comes down to it. No one chick is going to break the bank

If you a factor from this board you know the world is full of females that are more hotter, feminine and nicer than her. Let someone else put up with her bs. You're a man and you plain ol’ fashioned don't have to take that sh1t off her or anyone else. If a woman doesn't IMPROVE your quality of life then she is worthless to you. And looks alone do nothing for your peace of mind.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
What if I want the b!tches to misbehave? How can I work on my brat-taming skills if they become all compliant and sh!t?


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Hi Giovanni,
Please tell me of the Women you are currently hanging out of?I am curious what type of Women would accept such a servile situation.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
Reaction score
what type of Women would accept such a servile situation
Much more than you think, though none of them will accept it openly or without submission being earned.
It's hardwired into them.

A great post about this:

Published 11/17/19 by Whisper
Eggs are expensive. Sperm is cheap.

You’ve probably heard by now that all redpill knowledge can be derived from this. And if you haven’t, your reading habits need to be more “Endorsed Contributor posting history” and less “whatever got upvoted today”.
But wise men never stop asking “why”. “What” and “how” always come from “why”. So why are eggs expensive? Why is sperm cheap? It’s pretty simple.

Giant heads.
Human babies have giant heads.

It goes like this:

  1. Human beings, with the possible exception of democratic socialists, survive by being smart.
  2. To make a smart brain, you need a lot of neurons.
  3. To make all those neurons, you have to start early.
  4. Which means your babies have giant heads.
  5. But you need to get those babies out of their mothers.
  6. So their mothers need inefficiently wide hips, sophisticated brain incubators, and a whole of bunch of other expensive reproductive system modifications.
  7. So human females are quite physically helpless compared to males.
  8. You also have to deliver those babies early, while their heads are still small enough to fit through those widened hips.
  9. So every human baby is essentially premature. (For comparison, infant horses can run a few hours after being born.)
  10. So a human female is a weak, inefficient physical specimen who, for much of her life, is carrying around one or more weak and delicate offspring.
  11. They cannot run, fight, or hunt.
  12. So, unlike females of other species, they are constantly dependent on the males to protect, feed, and care for them.
  13. Essentially, they are permanent children, in the sense that they acquire by proximity some of the fragility and importance of humanity’s very expensive children.
  14. So how do you prevent the males from tyrannizing them, to the detriment of the species? By imbuing males with the same protective instinct towards them that women have towards children, of course.
  15. And how do you prevent them from exploiting that protective instinct to take advantage of males, or from making themselves unprotectable by ignoring male guidance? By imbuing them with the same instinctive obedience towards men that children have towards women, of course.

So, because humans have giant heads:
  • Men instinctively protect and care for women.
  • Women instinctively obey and respect men.
  • Women are to men as children are to women.
  • Humans have LTRs instead of a mating season.

Sexism is hardwired into our species by evolution, as an inevitable result of our giant heads. Every social philosophy or sexual strategy is grounded in working with these two instincts, the female instinct to submit, and the male instinct to protect.

  • Tradconism is an attempt to maximize the male protective instinct, through indoctrination, for the benefit of women.
  • Feminism is an attempt to minimize the female submissive instinct, through indoctrination, to enable women to more ruthlessly exploit the male protective instinct.
  • TRP is an attempt to teach men to selectively suppress the male protective instinct, to avoid its exploitation by women who are not submissive.

This is why all the stuff that makes tradcons and feminists scream “My soggy knee!” is the precise secret ingredient that makes this stuff work. Men must be freed from the unconscious, knee-jerk expression of their protective instincts before they can deal with women in a way that maximizes their benefit, rather than that of a stranger.

A world dominated by feminism is a world where men prioritize the interests of women, and women prioritize the interests of… themselves. It is a world half full of adults who must protect children they have no authority over, and half full of unsupervised children.

To survive and prosper in such a world, a man must be able to act differently from other men, and suppress his protective urges until a woman has repeatedly proven to him that she will follow his lead and obey. You must be indifferent to women who do not submit to your control, and control women as a condition of not being indifferent to them. To do otherwise is to be their plaything… and they have no protective instinct towards you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Hi Money and Muscle,
I tend to take what I read with a grain of salt...Personal experience has unique power and authenticity....My early life was spent in a Migrant Hostel,with about 60 Families from all over,living cheek by jowel,there was no TV those Days...With wafer thin fibrous cement walls separating us,it was a community that thrived on gossip....This was the post War generation that one might think had Women with more traditional values than our liberated Ladies today,I cannot recall any of these Ladies being Hard Wired as You and Giovanni suggest.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Hi Money and Muscle,
Sorry I do actually recall an incident of servility,when we moved out of the Hostel I described we lived in a Street where on a weekly basis,before most Folk had Cars,There lived an Ex Ghurka presumably British Guy who had,I guess,brought a local Ghurkali Lady home as his wife....Saturday mornings,regular as clockwork having done their weekly shopping,down the Street would come, him,his wife and five kids in descending order of height,all in line and each carrying a bag of groceries,him in the lead and all shuffling along behind.
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Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
Reaction score
Tijuana, Mexico
Hi Giovanni,
Please tell me of the Women you are currently hanging out of?I am curious what type of Women would accept such a servile situation.
Here in northern Mexico there is still a handful of young women raised in traditional patriarchy households with fathers involved in their life till they get married. They will literally get tacked on with curfews the first couple of times you take her out on a date. My cousin is going out with a very cute 19 year old feminine chick and he had to bring her back by 9pm the first 6 months they started seeing each other. Now since he knows the family and is in good standing, he gets more leeway on weekends. My cousin and I share a lot of values and stride regarding the current dating culture. He is a gamed rooster and he really scored by getting this nice young family chick as a girlfriend. She is not “Americanized”. Just by that you are pulling ahead of the pack. She has no guy friends and is very loyal to him, despite his rugged behavior at times.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
Here in northern Mexico there is still a handful of young women raised in traditional patriarchy households with fathers involved in their life till they get married. They will literally get tacked on with curfews the first couple of times you take her out on a date. My cousin is going out with a very cute 19 year old feminine chick and he had to bring her back by 9pm the first 6 months they started seeing each other. Now since he knows the family and is in good standing, he gets more leeway on weekends. My cousin and I share a lot of values and stride regarding the current dating culture. He is a gamed rooster and he really scored by getting this nice young family chick as a girlfriend. She is not “Americanized”. Just by that you are pulling ahead of the pack. She has no guy friends and is very loyal to him, despite his rugged behavior at times.
I imagine it's even better the further you get away from TJ. American dudes, these women aren't very far from the border either.

@Giovanni SouthSide As an aside, whatever you do in life man, do not move to Italy for any reason. And when you'operate in Cali, learn to avoid Italianas. They look latina and claim to be traditional, but they are anything but compliant.
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Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
Reaction score
Tijuana, Mexico
I imagine it's even better the further you get away from TJ. American dudes, these women aren't very far from the border either.

@Giovanni SouthSide As an aside, whatever you do in life man, do not move to Italy for any reason. And when you'operate in Cali, learn to avoid Italianas. They look latina and claim to be traditional, but they are anything but compliant.
the further south the better chances she still has traditional values in the bloodline. “Americanism vanity and feminism ” has sweeped TJ and alot of chicks have succumbed to the phenomenon as well since it’s a borderline city. Life in the border is fast paced with options. Unless you're screening for nothing but very conservative girls then you're almost certainly going to have to train your flighty city girl to some degree.

never really came across any females from “the boot”.
Given that 411, now I really want one that way I can see what they really all about. Remember, the door can always be a behavioral correction mechanism.