Let's Be Real Here Pt.2 - WOMEN are the prize


Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2021
Reaction score
Women aren’t the prize. If they were, they’d mostly have life made by 25 - married to a rich successful and handsome man and living a life of leisure for the rest of their days.
However, life works on supply/demand and most fairly attractive womens beauty gives them, at most, about 4-5 years of feeling attractive, a handful of drunken hookups/one night stands, and a couple of long term bf’s that are low value / friendzone material. They then settle at 26-30 with a guy that is worse looking than them and average income, who doesn’t know game, acts very unattractively, she barely even has sex and has to spend the rest of her life living on a budget and working a paper shoving 9-5. After sex, most men loose interest in her, stop courting her, and she relies on scraps of validation she gets from low value guys liking her stories on instagram.

men, on the other hand, have about 25 years to work on themselves and build themselves up. Being more independently minded, our lives can be as varied and interesting as we please and we don’t have a biological clock nagging us. After sex, our bargaining power in a relationship doesn’t plummet. Worst comes to worst, we can buy sex from the hottest women in the world at any given moment. Most average men end up marrying a woman above their smv, and finding deeper satisfaction in career, friends and hobbies. high value men get to bang girls endlessly. A woman can never be a prize to a high value man because he is scarce where as her beauty is easy to find and endless supply, and the competition is fierce as there are beautiful women around the world turning 18 daily

the idea that women have it easy in dating complete a fallacy. if they had so much power in the dating game, most girls that are 8s plus SHOULD in theory be landing high value men for marriage - all they need is to find ONE high status man to commit and their life is made…but what happens is they cannot get these men to commit after a few months of fun and sex and most 8s end up marrying at 28 when they are now 5s at best:

pretty much every average looking, average earning man eventually gets to marry a woman he is happy about, but most women feel they are ‘settling’ and are genuinely less happy about the card they were dealt as they are unable to satiate their biological desire to cash in their beauty for a higher social status and lifestyle. Men don’t have that desire, we just need sex and a bit of compliance. Most average middle class girls end up middle class or with a worse lifestyle than what they grew up as. Men that are serious about self improvement can turn their life around drastically -good body good income good lifestyle in 40s as a single man trumps being a 26 year old girl now competing against 18 year old girls who get more attention than you because the main thing you have to offer is your what ur face looks like!

as a man there is more work at the start of the courting, but you can relax after you have managed to sleep with a woman as you know her attraction to you is multifaceted, where as a woman has continual competition threat in every venue they atttend from complete strangers that can instantly captivate her man’s affection and make her look worse in comparison.

men that think women are the prize are men that are losers in the dating market, and need to focus on self improvement. no girl wants a man that thinks she is the prize. Nobody that is genuinely doing well with girls thinks like this.

women that sleep around are not happy, is it not a win for a girl to have random one night stands, most of these girls need therapy and many are on meds. Women do not get the same ego stroke as men from casual sex, it hurts their self image as most of their value in dating comes from withholding sex for the highest bidder. A girl that gives it away easily is no longer about to maintain high self esteem and eventually suffers from depression, goes hardcore pink hair feminist etc.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
Facts are facts, women don’t have to waive a finger to get a man. Overlooking this and chest pumping that men are the prize is not only blatant denial, but a cope. What you should do is a knowledge your advantages and things you can control and move forward.


Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2022
Reaction score
Facts are facts, women don’t have to waive a finger to get a man. Overlooking this and chest pumping that men are the prize is not only blatant denial, but a cope. What you should do is a knowledge your advantages and things you can control and move forward.
Yes, when a man has a drive to advance in his craft, learn new skills, improve his physique, one of the reasons why he is usually doing it is to get a better woman at some point.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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I’ve had a great career. Had fantastic adventures. Travelled to wonderful places. Met interesting people. But. When I think back on my life. That’s all background noise (pleasant as it is). What I really remember and really treasure and what really brings me happiness: The Women. Women really are the prize.
Ask yourself why. Was it their beauty, their physique or the conquest of them in sex. Or was it something they taught you about life and love


Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2022
Reaction score
Here are some examples of famous female prizes:

- There are many women in literature, which were the center of a story. Below is an example of a whole war that was fought (allegedly) for a woman.

- A lot of songs were named after women with whom the singer/band had or wanted to have relations. Here is the famous muse of The Rolling Stones - https://www.rollingstone.com/music/...nes-muse-was-queen-of-the-underground-204744/

Seems like they were all in love with her at some point, taking her from one another and simping.

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Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
Reaction score
Ask yourself why. Was it their beauty, their physique or the conquest of them in sex. Or was it something they taught you about life and love
Sex & time spent together doing fun (non sex) things. The good feelings of being together. I keep pictures of most & a song or two.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
Yes, when a man has a drive to advance in his craft, learn new skills, improve his physique, one of the reasons why he is usually doing it is to get a better woman at some point.
That's our pro, us striving to get better quality women betters us in the long run.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Hi guys.

One of the things that I never understood and baffled me in the red pill is that you (the man) are the prize. And the women should compete for you. That might be true if you are a tall multi-millionaire, but for the ordinary guy, or even the above average guy this is not the case.

How do I know this? I am slightly above average height, 2-3x the national median income for my country, ok physique. Good to have, but those things aren't exactly conversation starters and cannot get the girls.

I have seen many threads about guys that embraced self improvement, and their disappointment that it did not get them a small tribe of women to compete for them. Self improvement is great, but you should do it for yourself.

In this post I have outlined a simple logic that the average female in her 30/40s+ can literally pick from the 1% of interested in her males. So sitting on your arse after watching a few red pill podcasts and thinking "I am the prize" won't help. You have two options - either become a 99%+ male or pick a female for which you are the 99% percenter.
If you make 2X-3X in the midwest i.e. Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota etc you will have women chasing you, in LA, NYC you're just another small fish in a big a$$ pond

Self-Improvement does work but the caveat is what are you going up against in your city, state? what you mentioned above would put you in the top 1% in my state as long as you're not a weirdo you will be drowning in poon

in LA, Miami, NYC 100K-150K is chump change


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Hi guys.

One of the things that I never understood and baffled me in the red pill is that you (the man) are the prize. And the women should compete for you. That might be true if you are a tall multi-millionaire, but for the ordinary guy, or even the above average guy this is not the case.

How do I know this? I am slightly above average height, 2-3x the national median income for my country, ok physique. Good to have, but those things aren't exactly conversation starters and cannot get the girls.

I have seen many threads about guys that embraced self improvement, and their disappointment that it did not get them a small tribe of women to compete for them. Self improvement is great, but you should do it for yourself.

In this post I have outlined a simple logic that the average female in her 30/40s+ can literally pick from the 1% of interested in her males. So sitting on your arse after watching a few red pill podcasts and thinking "I am the prize" won't help. You have two options - either become a 99%+ male or pick a female for which you are the 99% percenter.
TLDR You're a loser with a boring uninteresting life and no conversation skills or interesting hobbies that engage you. You probably lack the confidence to get up in front of 100 people and deliver a speech on any topic that you have interest in.

Money, House, Cars mean nothing if the man owning said products is a loser !!! At this point you're just a target for a golddigger tbh.

What have you done in your life that is interesting ? Travelled anywhere and done anything out of the norm of hotels restaurants and tourist traps ? Ever had something strange happen to you that you could spin into a "cool" story and engage a group of people with ?

The point of RP is to make you aware of why 95%+ of the male population SUCK at life and women and what you should be doing to better yourself.

If you're still failing then the method is NOT the failure the MAN is !!!


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Hi Billy,
Empathy and Compassion in a Person are to be admired....The Penny has dropped at last on why I vaguely recalled your Name...It was Kurt Vonneger of course...But that doesn't answer my question...Why do you feel it was the Bankers who were behind WW2?...Seems a very long Bow to pull.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
Reaction score
no girl wants a man that thinks she is the prize. Nobody that is genuinely doing well with girls thinks like this.
This is key.
Women hate guys that put them on pedestals and therefore friendzone them; because that is what most weak men do.
Weak men compliment them on a daily basis and that is what they are used to so they don't even are about it.

What they want is the man that know his worth enough to that other women want him and thus are worth their time to chase him. Not the other way around.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2021
Reaction score
This is key.
Women hate guys that put them on pedestals and therefore friendzone them; because that is what most weak men do.
Weak men compliment them on a daily basis and that is what they are used to so they don't even are about it.

What they want is the man that know his worth enough to that other women want him and thus are worth their time to chase him. Not the other way around.
Women are the most happy when they can finally have a man that is also wanted by other women, aka "the prize".

When will these youngsters ever learn? smh


Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2022
Reaction score
Women are the ones who choose men, she chooses what she thinks is her option to have commitment and possibly children.

If we were in the caves, she will choose the strongest and more capable man of providing safety, food, shelter.

In today's world is the same, men have to become the prize (muscle, money, game, status) for the woman to choose him.

Men are the ones who become the prize. Its true, he has to compete against other men to become guess what the prize. Women will compete with other women to chase/get the prize.

Why do you think when men chase women are turned off? Its common sense, women don't wanna be with a loser, they want a giant, they wanna look up to her man.

The only women who are okay (unhappy, settled, no real desire) with being with a loser are the ones who can't compete with with other women for those top guys, they know it, they are extremely insecure because those guys can replace them, and they wanna be the better looking, the ones with control, because the anxiety is too much to handle a top tier man.

Moral of the story. Become the prize, Muscles, Money, Game, Status
Hi All_Kindz_Of_Gainz.

Yes, I agree - men have to build them selves up (muscle, money, game, status), in order for the woman to choose them from her pool of suitors. But a man with a drive to improve in those areas does it so he can be in his desired woman/women's mating pool, compete better with other men and to increase his chances of selection (thus making her the prize, because until selected, he is just one of the guys in there).

I do not agree on the women competing with other women part - as I have shown in some of my threads, an average woman has 120-200 men per month which are in her top 20 percent (from 1000 matches per month, conservatively). So if she decided to lock a certain man, and that does not work out, she nexts and continues with the second best candidate.

Kinda like the recruiting process by a corporate HR department.


Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2022
Reaction score
Women aren’t the prize. If they were, they’d mostly have life made by 25 - married to a rich successful and handsome man and living a life of leisure for the rest of their days.
However, life works on supply/demand and most fairly attractive womens beauty gives them, at most, about 4-5 years of feeling attractive, a handful of drunken hookups/one night stands, and a couple of long term bf’s that are low value / friendzone material. They then settle at 26-30 with a guy that is worse looking than them and average income, who doesn’t know game, acts very unattractively, she barely even has sex and has to spend the rest of her life living on a budget and working a paper shoving 9-5. After sex, most men loose interest in her, stop courting her, and she relies on scraps of validation she gets from low value guys liking her stories on instagram.

men, on the other hand, have about 25 years to work on themselves and build themselves up. Being more independently minded, our lives can be as varied and interesting as we please and we don’t have a biological clock nagging us. After sex, our bargaining power in a relationship doesn’t plummet. Worst comes to worst, we can buy sex from the hottest women in the world at any given moment. Most average men end up marrying a woman above their smv, and finding deeper satisfaction in career, friends and hobbies. high value men get to bang girls endlessly. A woman can never be a prize to a high value man because he is scarce where as her beauty is easy to find and endless supply, and the competition is fierce as there are beautiful women around the world turning 18 daily

the idea that women have it easy in dating complete a fallacy. if they had so much power in the dating game, most girls that are 8s plus SHOULD in theory be landing high value men for marriage - all they need is to find ONE high status man to commit and their life is made…but what happens is they cannot get these men to commit after a few months of fun and sex and most 8s end up marrying at 28 when they are now 5s at best:

pretty much every average looking, average earning man eventually gets to marry a woman he is happy about, but most women feel they are ‘settling’ and are genuinely less happy about the card they were dealt as they are unable to satiate their biological desire to cash in their beauty for a higher social status and lifestyle. Men don’t have that desire, we just need sex and a bit of compliance. Most average middle class girls end up middle class or with a worse lifestyle than what they grew up as. Men that are serious about self improvement can turn their life around drastically -good body good income good lifestyle in 40s as a single man trumps being a 26 year old girl now competing against 18 year old girls who get more attention than you because the main thing you have to offer is your what ur face looks like!

as a man there is more work at the start of the courting, but you can relax after you have managed to sleep with a woman as you know her attraction to you is multifaceted, where as a woman has continual competition threat in every venue they atttend from complete strangers that can instantly captivate her man’s affection and make her look worse in comparison.

men that think women are the prize are men that are losers in the dating market, and need to focus on self improvement. no girl wants a man that thinks she is the prize. Nobody that is genuinely doing well with girls thinks like this.

women that sleep around are not happy, is it not a win for a girl to have random one night stands, most of these girls need therapy and many are on meds. Women do not get the same ego stroke as men from casual sex, it hurts their self image as most of their value in dating comes from withholding sex for the highest bidder. A girl that gives it away easily is no longer about to maintain high self esteem and eventually suffers from depression, goes hardcore pink hair feminist etc.
Hi SmoothSmooth.

While I agree with your general premise (women settling at 26-30 with an average guy, a late 20s woman competing with an 18 y.o. woman), I think that those things were valid in the pre-Instagram and pre-OLD era (or even way before).

Most women currently simply do not settle with a man with an SMV below theirs, and an average income to boot, as you said (unless she was knocked up by the guy or were high school/college sweethearts). They have enough suitors and choose to wait, to lock not just the 10%-ter, but the single best guy. That is why we now often see so many women who are 27+ and single.

As I have said and shown evidence, the wall nowadays is a myth, so any woman has access to even the top 1-5 percent of men (I am not saying she can secure their commitment though). But that is enough for them to get dopamine spikes, get feelz and chase the dream of the best guy committing to her. Which in turn hurts the options of the average or a bit above average guys (which can be seen in most threads in this forum).

I disagree on the part regarding the 26 y.o. competing with the 18 y.o. I have never seen that in real life, perhaps that was true up to the 50s of the 20th century, or for a very high value male. Most guys here or especially the blue pilled ones, prefer 24-28 when getting into an LTR or marriage, thus creating plenty of options for those women.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
Reaction score
I do not agree on the women competing with other women part - as I have shown in some of my threads, an average woman has 120-200 men per month which are in her top 20 percent (from 1000 matches per month, conservatively). So if she decided to lock a certain man, and that does not work out, she nexts and continues with the second best candidate.
False, if you are a prize as a man, women will compete, if you are in the top 10% of men, that's 1 out of 10 guys. If she gets tired of competing she will quit sure, but she will SETTLE, not CONTINUE, they will not respect those guys, the second best option is the other 9 guys, do you think women have lot of 10 percenters in their DMs? LOL yeah sure.

There is nothing that women hate the most, than losing their best option, their best hypergamy option


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
Reaction score
Hi SmoothSmooth.

While I agree with your general premise (women settling at 26-30 with an average guy, a late 20s woman competing with an 18 y.o. woman), I think that those things were valid in the pre-Instagram and pre-OLD era (or even way before).

Most women currently simply do not settle with a man with an SMV below theirs, and an average income to boot, as you said (unless she was knocked up by the guy or were high school/college sweethearts). They have enough suitors and choose to wait, to lock not just the 10%-ter, but the single best guy. That is why we now often see so many women who are 27+ and single.

As I have said and shown evidence, the wall nowadays is a myth, so any woman has access to even the top 1-5 percent of men (I am not saying she can secure their commitment though). But that is enough for them to get dopamine spikes, get feelz and chase the dream of the best guy committing to her. Which in turn hurts the options of the average or a bit above average guys (which can be seen in most threads in this forum).

I disagree on the part regarding the 26 y.o. competing with the 18 y.o. I have never seen that in real life, perhaps that was true up to the 50s of the 20th century. Most guys here or especially the blue pilled ones, prefer 24-28 when getting into an LTR or marriage, thus creating plenty of options for those women.
Stop taking what the manosphere preaches at heart, take the good, leave the bad. Women will settle with who they can, no woman wants to be alone, they prefer to be with a loser than being labelled a single woman.

As I have said and shown evidence, the wall nowadays is a myth, so any woman has access to even the top 1-5 percent of men
Dude wtf are you smoking? Do you think a lot of women have access to top 5% of men? You mean to tell me if you make a fake tinder profile as a women, you'll have access to the top 5% of guys? Men who make $350k a year or more? You're delusional. Show me the evidence that any woman has access to the top 5%


Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2022
Reaction score
False, if you are a prize as a man, women will compete, if you are in the top 10% of men, that's 1 out of 10 guys. If she gets tired of competing she will quit sure, but she will SETTLE, not CONTINUE, they will not respect those guys, the second best option is the other 9 guys, do you think women have lot of 10 percenters in their DMs? LOL yeah sure.

There is nothing that women hate the most, than losing their best option, their best hypergamy option
That would have been true if we assume that her dating pool is fixed - for example - only 10 guys for her entire lifetime, out of which only 1 guy covers are prerequisites of being high value. However, in the current sexual marketplace, most women have OLD and/or social media funnels which generate hundreds or even thousands of interested men per month.

I believe that the dating market for the most part shifted from LTRs and marriages to short term relationships. In such relationships, even a high value guy might be just a placeholder for when an even higher value guy comes.

In the below video, there are high value/model like/fitness influencer type of guys. How is this 65 year old grandma competing for them? Some are literally at her feet!

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Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
Reaction score
That would have been truth if we assume that her dating pool is fixed - for example - only 10 guys, out of which only 1 guy covers are prerequisites for being high value. However, in the current sexual marketplace, each woman has OLD and social media funnels which generate hundreds or even thousands of interested men per month.

I believe that the dating market for the most part shifted from LTRs and marriages to short term relationships. In such relationships, even a high value guy might be just a placeholder for when an even higher value guy comes.

In the below video, there are that are high value/model like/fitness influencer type of guys. How is this 65 year old grandma competing for them? They are literally at her feet?

I really fvcking hope that experiment is true and not faked. That mean less competition for guys with self-respect. However, with most guys being fat as fvck, I doubt the only matches those jacked dudes got were only grannies.


Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2022
Reaction score
I really fvcking hope that experiment is true and not faked. That mean less competition for guys with self-respect. However, with most guys being fat as fvck, I doubt the only matches those jacked dudes got were only grannies.
My point with that video was to show the amount of options that literally any woman can have. Women do not have to compete with each other for men when they have that many options. Your logic worked in a pre-internet era, in which every woman had almost a fixed dating pool (let's say 1-2 interested guys from work, 1-2 interested guys from the place she lives, and so on. And out of those, she chose the best guy and married him).

Below is an example with an obese woman.

TLDR of the video - she got 474 likes for 24h hours. Even if we assume the average quality of the guys was/is low, she still can select the best 5 of them, who would probably have a decent SMV in her eyes. But the problem with this is that every day there are newly generated profiles, and this becomes addicting for them (searching for and chasing the absolute best guy), and no relationship is the final one.

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