At an engagement party right now...


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
The amount of importance Women put on an engagement ring is astonishing...

Grouped together to compare rings is a sight to be seen...

Will update with thoughts later but wow...

You best believe they're all putting pressure on me to propose to my GF... sheesh...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2021
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Women may act great when the ring is not in their presence. Sexually available, ever-desirous of your attention, bitching little, women in this state behave well.

But then the ring comes into their presence. “PRECIOUS!!!” they drool. When the ring goes on their finger, they go crazy. Now they have MONEY! and ALIMONY! and a *****WHIPPED MAN! Suddenly their hair starts falling off, their skin begins to wrinkle, and their voice becomes creaky. They hold the ring to your face as they laugh hideously at your mistake. What has your girl turned into? What do I see in front of me? Nothing other than — Gollum himself!



Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
They absolutely love this sh!t...


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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They absolutely love this sh!t...
This thread reminds me of a party I attended at a friend's house in 2018. In my social circle, there were multiple weddings in 2017. In early 2018, all of these 2017 wed people were gathered and in comes a couple I had never met before. The woman from this couple got proposed to about 1-2 weeks prior to this party. All the women at this house party went apeshiit over the engagement because multiple ones of them had just been through the wedding cycle. Like you, I was astonished by the amount of importance women were placing on the engagement ring.

The thread below is a preview of your social circle in 3-5 years. Probably a bunch of "Last Call" pregnancies.



Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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They dont want husbands they want the wedding
I agree with this. Women love the engagement period, the wedding prep stuff, and the wedding day itself. They tend to like the honeymoon and the newness of the 12-18 months of the marriage. Many of them like getting pregnant, having their first baby, and posting the new baby pics on social media and getting the Likes.

What they don't like is the boredom that sets in from a long term marriage. By the time 1-2 kids get to around age 5, they've been dealing with diaper changes, late night feedings, toilet training, and screaming for years. That takes its toll. Meanwhile, their husbands have been becoming more beta for years and decreasing the attraction.



Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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Well, this is what I have been saying about monogamy and the marriage system. Its an accepted social construct in Patriarchy that women need to get something for giving it up, like a ring or a wedding.

All of this is a lie and deprives men of romantic and sexual value. It is a major disprespect to real Romantic Love and Morality that women drool over weddings and wedding rings. Its sick.

Thats why men need to stop playing into this Game and stop devaluing themselves by buying wedding rings and such.

Recently I did a hospitality shift where I worked as a waiter at a wedding. It was such a cold and depressing place. All about the bride and the groom was just a punk who was basically there to acknowledge the personal and romantic value of the bride, but his own personal and romantic value got no acknowledgement.

Its sad that we are still in the world where weddings and wedding rings are respected, because this concept is at the root of human moral, social and romantic failure.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
Well the night was pretty interesting to say the least.

I got asked twice by 2 Women "When are you going to propose" as they held their ring ringers up...

I just smirked and didn't say anything because in the back of my mind, I was thinking, these Women seem to only care about "The rock" on their finger. I am not one to talk negatively or judge anyone but to be honest, their soon to be husbands just looked deflated and for lack of a better term, beta.

I think these guys are cool people and I wished them well but something within me feels like they were bullied into this sh*t.

While they all sipped on their drinks, I watched as 4 Women were taking pictures together holding up their rings to post on Instagram. I chuckled a bit because it was like they were posing for the cover of an ESPN magazine showing their championship rings or something. I don't know why but I found it quite amusing.... but also scary at the same time.

The status of getting married for Women seems to me like "I found a Man who is willing to put up with my nagging throughout his life, my irrational shenanigan's, my period tantrums and everything else I can thrown at him while also restricting his freedom and prevent him from leaving for younger, hotter Women. I Got Him Locked In"

Sure society will try and shame me with that comment but am I wrong?

Statistically speaking, Men in marriage and in some cases, LTRs, have a drop in their testosterone levels. Their drive, their focus, energy and sexual prowess come to a halt and they NEED to become softer in order to make their Women happy. It's no surprise that bodyfat slowly begins to increase, more sitting on the couch eating crap, etc.

Look, I'm not against a Man getting married if he wants to and getting friends together to celebrate is enjoyable fun but it's what happens AFTER that, that is the concern.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 27, 2022
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Most married men I know are abject creatures at best. Those that aren't, probably aren't far from divorce.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Well, this is what I have been saying about monogamy and the marriage system. Its an accepted social construct in Patriarchy that women need to get something for giving it up, like a ring or a wedding.

All of this is a lie and deprives men of romantic and sexual value. It is a major disprespect to real Romantic Love and Morality that women drool over weddings and wedding rings. Its sick.

Thats why men need to stop playing into this Game and stop devaluing themselves by buying wedding rings and such.

Recently I did a hospitality shift where I worked as a waiter at a wedding. It was such a cold and depressing place. All about the bride and the groom was just a punk who was basically there to acknowledge the personal and romantic value of the bride, but his own personal and romantic value got no acknowledgement.

Its sad that we are still in the world where weddings and wedding rings are respected, because this concept is at the root of human moral, social and romantic failure.
As I approach 40, I have reached a concrete point where I feel Monogamy is not possible long term without experiencing sexual frustration and suffering.

Speaking from a Man's point of view, You ARE going to want to fvck other Women sooner or later. PERIOD.

However it's not just about the sex itself. Men like to feel fulfilled in accomplishing something and going out and conquering a new HB 8+ puffs a Man's ego up. He feels good. A Stud. A Stallion. A Playboy and Ladies Man. This makes Men feel great about themselves and uplifts their confidence and happiness.

It is not the same for Women as they just have to go out with makeup on, a tight fitting dress with their t!ts pushed up and they'll have 10 different Men trying to fvck them.

It is, what it is I suppose but sexual variety is always going to be the preferable option for Men no matter which way you slice it. ESPECIALLY Men who are known to be promiscuous in their pasts. What stops them is societal expectations and shaming until it becomes too much and then they end up taking the road of cheating behind their spouses back.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Speaking from a Man's point of view, You ARE going to want to fvck other Women sooner or later. PERIOD.

It is, what it is I suppose but sexual variety is always going to be the preferable option for Men no matter which way you slice it. ESPECIALLY Men who are known to be promiscuous in their pasts.

As I approach 40, I have reached a concrete point where I feel Monogamy is not possible long term without experiencing sexual frustration and suffering.
Mostly true. This viewpoint is backed up by a lot of social science statistics. There are some exceptions, but the exceptions prove the rule.