BRACE YOURSELF - invasion on November, 2020

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7onriverI f

Jan 31, 2020
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Yes, I've just said that. The Tablet has replaced the smartphone since 2017 because the screen is larger, as well as the images of women. However, the Tablet has many other uses, such as playing audio music, reading on a Kindle app, and looking at tones of choices of video that are NOT porn related.

At the end of things, the issue is in the heart, not the electronic device. Jesus had strong words against lust before the internet was invented. That tells me that whether it's a Tablet, or a woman walking down the street, or a memory of a woman I dealt with, it's still the same principle. The heart has to be right and right actions follow. The Tablet is simply a vehicle of choice. It doesn't make me do anything.

The Tablet is helpful to fall asleep. The hope is that I watch something boring and just fall asleep, or listen to a woman singing or talking if I'm feeling lonely, (as long as it's not a porn actress talking dirty and pretending to be my step-mother, daughter or step-sister, etc...).

I have already done this step. My mother is well aware if I look at porn on my bed at 4:00 am in the morning. She says my face looks different and she can tell if I did something like that. There is a strange and unsettling look in my demeanor after I look at porn. Maintaining the soundness of mind and my face is very important.

Again, I don't want to miss the rapture because I looked at an image of an escort or video of a fake step-mother or some nonsense like that.

These attacks occur between 2-5 am in the morning, normally if I have trouble falling asleep, or wake up in the middle of the night, or get a panic attack and feel doing this will make me feel normal or something. But I haven't looked at anything in over a couple of days and counting....lets see if this is permanent this time. The mild-porn thing was just too insidious. You think a woman, by herself, on a video, just talking with some exposure isn't that bad....sometimes that's even worst than hardcore. I've stopped this for now.
You will miss the rapture if you think you gotta not watch porn in order to make the rapture. That is blasphemy against God. The Lord paid a debt He did not owe, because we owed a debt we could not pay. From reading what you post I would label you as a straight up heretic.

King Lion

Senior Don Juan
Nov 18, 2020
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As the sun was setting, Abram fell into a deep sleep, and a thick and dreadful darkness came over him. 13 Then the Lord said to Abram, "Know for certain that for four hundred years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own and that they will be enslaved and mistreated there. 14 But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves, and afterward they will come out with great possessions. 15 You, however, will go to your ancestors in peace and be buried at a good old age."
Genesis 15 v.12-15


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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You will miss the rapture if you think you gotta not watch porn in order to make the rapture. That is blasphemy against God. The Lord paid a debt He did not owe, because we owed a debt we could not pay. From reading what you post I would label you as a straight up heretic.
Religious discussions are not allowed on this board and have therefore PMed a reply. This thread is not intended to start any religious discussion or debate and is purely interested in seeing if America will fall or something will happen globally in the month of November, or if its another failed month/date attempt to add to the list. So far nothing major has occurred and its looking like a date-setting prophecy fail.

There is only 6 days left to the end of the month. At that point, any religious discussion can occur because I won't care if this thread gets locked up then because the overall thread failed if the end doesn't come in 6 days.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I don't think there will be a tremendous change in the world by the end of November. Things could get weird after December 1. No one really knows anything.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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There is only 6 days left to the end of the month. At that point, any religious discussion can occur because I won't care if this thread gets locked up then because the overall thread failed if the end doesn't come in 6 days.
I had a bad feeling too, it seemed like there was one more horrible thing that was going to happen. Of course, the year isn't over, so no one should start counting their chickens. But people are notoriously bad at trying to make predictions. It does look like Covid is ramping up again now that cold and flu season is here. And it's entirely possible that something terrible with far reaching consequences has already happened, but it just wasn't noted as such.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2020
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Biden is shilling for Big Tech so they don't pack up and head to China, where they will receive a full tax break, won't pay a cent in taxes and all they have to do is hand over all private info to CCP.

Once all our information is sold, the war will basically be over before it even begins.

Definitely scary times.

Also, CCP Military forces were documented using Microwave Weapons on Indian soldiers, they are getting bold


7onriverI f

Jan 31, 2020
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Religious discussions are not allowed on this board and have therefore PMed a reply. This thread is not intended to start any religious discussion or debate and is purely interested in seeing if America will fall or something will happen globally in the month of November, or if its another failed month/date attempt to add to the list. So far nothing major has occurred and its looking like a date-setting prophecy fail.

There is only 6 days left to the end of the month. At that point, any religious discussion can occur because I won't care if this thread gets locked up then because the overall thread failed if the end doesn't come in 6 days.
For you my bro stop trying to predict the end of the world and focus on stop watching porn of step mom milfs and focus on getting back with your ex wife.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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For you my bro stop trying to predict the end of the world and focus on stop watching porn of step mom milfs and focus on getting back with your ex wife.
That is not possible. She divorced me and both she and her family hates me.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Damn bro you made me believe for a huge mess to happen, I already had a list of people to beat and stores to rob but apparently gotta wait till next month for the collapse of modern nations.

Anyway that guy from high school that pissed me off, he is still first on the list waiting for the "invasion of december".


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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This lady is hot:
Sometimes you have to look at nice things while modern nations are collapsing.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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This lady is hot:
Sometimes you have to look at nice things while modern nations are collapsing.
I like my girls to be hot, I want them visually aggressive and emotionally submissive.

Ofc under 25, no tattooes and long hair.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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man there is loonies who belive on rapture....

so how is the tinfoil hat wearing people faring on this month almost ending and nothing happening?

7onriverI f

Jan 31, 2020
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There is probably a high chance of war at some stage. It's been in the planning for a long time. Whether it happens this month or next who knows.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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I like my girls to be hot, I want them visually aggressive and emotionally submissive.

Ofc under 25, no tattooes and long hair.
I looked at the video @Who Dares Win, and I must say it's not turning me on at all. This may give me some insights into my wiring because there are some types of women and music that turn me on, and yet others that don't. Like this music video comes across as flat, no depth, no personality, no mental engagement or cinematic experience. Now, I want to say its the first time I heard this video, and perhaps its an acquired taste.

Here's an example of a similar black and white video from Selena Gomez that's more of a turn-on the way the video is presented:

Or this one, which looks like a smart and sexy gf:

These 'secular" videos are more mentally engaging somehow.

Here's an uglier vocal singer, but her personality just looks amazing in the video the way she's expressing herself:

I guess personality, expression, sexy and smart sounds allot better. But hey, each their own tastes. I would still stick to the Christian video though as far as fantasy video gfs are concerned, lol!


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Yup, Dec 1 is approaching, waiting to see where the goalposts get moved to next...
You want something to happen before Dec 1st? For the record, I don't, but the month isn't over. There is still 4 days left, not including the remainder of today. All that's certain is nothing happened in the past 26 days which makes the last 4 more interesting. Nobody said what exact date in November so until we are on Dec 1st, then we know that prophecies that set-dates usually don't work out.

This was debunked by other Christian perspectives earlier on though since some of these prophecies were made after the fact of the initial covid outbreaks, etc... There is no video of a prophecy of such made prior to the covid virus existing that I know predicted this, and then something else occurring later, which I guess should have been a red-flag.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Covid's getting pretty bad right now, so it could be that. That's not exactly new though, so not sure if it would count.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2019
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You want something to happen before Dec 1st? For the record, I don't, but the month isn't over.
For the record, I'd prefer nothing happen on anything like the scale of "Brace Yourself! Invasion!" to happen this calendar month. Nor do I expect anything to.

What I do expect, is that the contingency of people for whom apocalyptic forecasts are a visceral need, will just shrug off the "oh, nuttin' happen'd" for November and move on to find a pattern in the chaos that suggests another apocalypse in December. Rinse, repeat, learn nothing from the process.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2019
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Covid's getting pretty bad right now, so it could be that. That's not exactly new though, so not sure if it would count.
I think the people got the month wrong, and it was actually supposed to be October. After all The Great Pumpkin did in fact invade the pumpkin patch. oh, wait...

Well, no worries, next Halloween he's bound to show up. After all, the prophecy has been in place since 1959, so there must be something underneath it all...

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Well I wouldnt mind a further month of green on the markets before the next attack/war/explosion whatever.

Also whoever does it please inform us about it in advance if you plan to do it after 9pm UTC so wall street is still open to operations.
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