George Floyd Riots: A Possible False Flag?


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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But there's than homicide for even violent crime lol. Also, women still do commit murder btw. Just in a different way. A man will kill someone by his own hands. A woman will make another commit suicide. This is how it is. Direct vs indirect. Not nurturing vs sociopath.
Sorry 90% homicide rate is extremely high. You can't sugercoat that. How they got killed is irrelevant.

Yes women do murder as well but let's count....It's vuala 10%.

Men are much more violent period.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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Hey, I just had a brilliant idea. Let's get rid of the police.
Actually Andrew Cuomo would love to do it. He loves the protestors like his brother Chris Cuomo does. They understand violence is part of the protest but some people don't seem to like it. White flight is already happening in New York. That btw. is "racist"


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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The number of police has very little to do with the amount of crime, the causes of which are a lot more difficult to fix than just throwing more money at the police unions.
Yes it does. Take away the police see crime rise to the stars. Who is going to stop criminals?

Of course better skilled and motivated police helps a lot too.

" Seattle's CHAZ In CHAOS After Shootings Leave One Dead Another Critical, Anti-Cop Experiment FAILED. This morning around 2:30am what is being reported as two different shootings put one person in critical condition and ended the life of another. Witness claimed that a man exited an SUV with a rifle suggesting this may have been a targeted attack. Across the country the far left is getting its wish with deadly consequences. Police are resigning, calling in sick, and are completely demoralized. Democrats seems to be doing and saying nothing in support of police and it would seem that Trump and Republicans are taking the middle road while also doing very little. Many people are getting scared and frustrated as the crusade against police continues. Activists on the other are getting a cold wake up call to what happens when the police are not their to help. "



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Actually Andrew Cuomo would love to do it. He loves the protestors like his brother Chris Cuomo does.
I am done with these protesters. This ceased being about racial injustice weeks ago. They are straight up trying to destroy the country, and at this point I'm giving them pretty good odds. No one is standing up to them, and most are cheering them on.

The number of police has very little to do with the amount of crime, the causes of which are a lot more difficult to fix than just throwing more money at the police unions.
Get rid of the police, and the crime rate will drop to zero. That's what happens when there are no arrests.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
Sorry 90% homicide rate is extremely high. You can't sugercoat that. How they got killed is irrelevant.

Yes women do murder as well but let's count....It's vuala 10%.

Men are much more violent period.
Again, wrong. Firstly, it's not a 90% homicide rate, it was 90% are committed by men (90% of deaths are not homicide dude). Secondly, not all crime is homicide ffs; get that through your head. Thirdly, women commit domestic violence more than men, it's just not talked about lol. To put the nail in the coffin, domestic violence is more common in lesbian relationships than gay relationships, too (43.8% for lesbians vs 26.0% for gay men; for severe domestic violence, it's 29.4% lesbians vs 16.4% gay men).

Men are not more violent than women, it's just that society ignores violence by women lol


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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Again, wrong. Firstly, it's not a 90% homicide rate, it was 90% are committed by men (90% of deaths are not homicide dude). Secondly, not all crime is homicide ffs; get that through your head. Thirdly, women commit domestic violence more than men, it's just not talked about lol. To put the nail in the coffin, domestic violence is more common in lesbian relationships than gay relationships, too (43.8% for lesbians vs 26.0% for gay men; for severe domestic violence, it's 29.4% lesbians vs 16.4% gay men).

Men are not more violent than women, it's just that society ignores violence by women lol
Ok it seems I fomulated wrongly but I think it was quite clear what I wanted to say.

More than 90% of the killings of people are done by men.
Less than 10% of the killings are done by women.

No buts. period.

Forget the violent crime thing. For example when the USA invaded Irak the important factor were the death. The violent crime is too open for interpretation and nobody really cares as long as you have the kill numbers.

It's like how many got killed in Japan with the A-bomb? Nowbody cares about the injured if you have the death number. It says what we want to know.

Like with black crime. Who cares about the violent crime? We need a simple statistic that shows what is going on.

Your statistics with lesbian don't matter here. You are strawmanning. Btw. I know all these statistics. It's not relevant here.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
The violent crime is too open for interpretation and nobody really cares as long as you have the kill numbers.

Like with black crime. Who cares about the violent crime? We need a simple statistic that shows what is going on.

Your statistics with lesbian don't matter here. You are strawmanning. Btw. I know all these statistics. It's not relevant here.
You are deflecting so hard right here to try and dismiss what I'm saying, logical fallacy galore.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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You are deflecting so hard right here to try and dismiss what I'm saying, logical fallacy galore.
Sorry you have some agenda and don't want to accept the importance of simple statistic. I gave you so many examples but you are stuck with your believes.

I gave you the example of black crime, of japan, of irak war. You didn't even refute my examples.

Again nowbody cares about the violent crime as long as you have the kill numbers. So don't bring something up that nowbody cares regarding "real violence that is killing"

Another example for you. When there was killings in CHAV that was interesting. The violent crime was not interesting because leftists could say:

"The definition of "violent crime" is relativ."

You can't convince anybody with your line of thinking.

I guess we stop here. We don't get anywhere with this.


Jan 14, 2018
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Or one could read the background and do some research and figure out what is going on. That is just another option.

Under your understanding of greatness it seem Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin were also great guys.

"Hungary passes anti-immigrant 'Stop Soros' laws"

" Under the law, officially called “Stop Soros”, individuals or groups that help illegal migrants gain status to stay in Hungary will be liable to prison terms. "

All those bad guys you mentioned are all men who have achieved greatness.

Only one who has achieved it can change the world or at the very least within their sphere of influence, whether the outcome is good or bad is another story altogether.


Jan 14, 2018
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Yes Spaz, even by those who've received his backing. You lack the judgement to understand that he only supports people to sow discord between them. No one likes him, not even those who are backed by him.
It seems that u r convinced that ur judgement supercedes mine and have not seen the wisdom in my advice to you.

And yet I lose nothing.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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All those bad guys you mentioned are all men who achieved greatness.

Only one who has achieved it can change the world or at the very least within their sphere of influence, whether the outcome is good or bad is another story altogether.
I don't think that word makes much sense in this context unless you have psychopathic tendencies.

I would use words like "power, influence, independence"

With "greatness" we normally associate some form of moral standards. That is why I guess most people would not think that that word is used properly here.


Jan 14, 2018
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I don't think that word makes much sense in this context unless you have psychopathic tendencies.

I would use words like "power, influence, independence"

With "greatness" we normally accociate some form of moral standards. That is why I guess most people would not think that that word is used properly here.
Morals or what is right belongs to those who write history, and those who write history are the victors, those who lost will of course either be demonised or erased.

It is the way of the world.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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Morals or what is right belongs to those who write history, and those who write history are the victors, those who lost will of course either be demonised or erased.

It is the way of the world.
I kind of agree partly. Yes to some extent because these guys lost they don't get the title "great". So if you use a word in a different way than what is normally understood it's good to give your definition beforehand so there is no unnecessary confusion.

For example if a nazi says: "I find Hitler great" there will be no confusion in understanding what he means because we know where he comes from.


Jan 14, 2018
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I kind of agree partly. Yes to some extent because these guys lost they don't get the title "great". So if you use a word in a different way than what is normally understood it's good to give your definition beforehand so there is no unnecessary confusion.

For example if a nazi says: "I find Hitler great" there will be no confusion in understanding what he means because we know where he comes from.
I think you misunderstood me, when I say greatness, it means a man who has the ability to influence large sections of society.

For example, if Trump says something outrageous such as suggesting that the moon is actually fake and been placed there by aliens to monitor earth, some of his hardcore followers will believe it.

There is nothing to be confused about.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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I think you misunderstood me, when I say greatness, it means a man who has the ability to influence large sections of society.

For example, if Trump says something outrageous such as suggesting that the moon is actually fake and been placed there by aliens to monitor earth, his hardcore followers will believe it.

There is nothing to be confused about.
No I don't think I am confused. You explained "your" definition and I understood. I said myslef that you use it as "influence" so no confusion here.

I just added some other stuff that may not be interesting for you. So it's ok.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
Sorry you have some agenda and don't want to accept the importance of simple statistic. I gave you so many examples but you are stuck with your believes.

I gave you the example of black crime, of japan, of irak war. You didn't even refute my examples.
Because I’m talking about gender and violence. You’re saying no one cares about any type of violence except homicide, and gave those examples as ‘evidence’ of that when in reality those have nothing to do with the discussion at hand. Violence isn’t limited to homicide, it’s just that homicide is arguably the worst form of violence. But it being the worst form doesn’t mean “most important” because “most important” isn’t even a factor that comes into play here because it’s not even about the supposed ‘worst’. Those examples are comparing apples and oranges; they’re not the same thing. It makes no sense for the argument at hand. Just non sequitur after non sequitur. You didn’t even refute anything that I said either, you just ignored it and tried to dismiss and deflect.

If you want me to address your claim that men are more violent than women, fine, I’ll bite: women commit more violence than men (as shown by the stats I pulled up), but men are overrepresented in cases of homicide because men are simply more present at the extremes of any thing; it’s the variability hypothesis at play here. In addition, men are far less likely to report violence against them, especially when it’s committed by a woman.

There you go, I **** on you with the whole women being more nurturing thing, and I **** on you with this thing too. You’re talking out of your ass with generalizations that were perpetuated by society’s pedestalization of women, and use stereotypes, logical fallacies, and textbook ego defense mechanisms to justify your bull**** belief in order to save face. You’re just wrong dude. No if’s, and’s, or but’s about it. :rolleyes:


Jan 14, 2018
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No I don't think I am confused. You explained "your" definition and I understood. I said myslef that you use it as "influence" so no confusion here.

I just added some other stuff that may not be interesting for you. So it's ok.
It's not whether it's interesting to me or not, I'm just stating a fact which you glossed over because you wish greatness to be tied to morality.

That's ur interest.

I'll even add 1 more to muddle ur self-made narrative, all great man are monsters, one way or the other they were, it's just that the victors had the luxury of wiping that out from history.

Only a monster can fight another.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
It seems that u r convinced that ur judgement supercedes mine and have not seen the wisdom in my advice to you.

And yet I lose nothing.
Spaz man, you don’t have the perspective to understand what’s actually being talked about. You (mis)interpret statements in whatevere way you want so that you can think about how much ‘wiser’ you are than the rest of us ‘plebs’, all the whole not realizing that you’re only suffering from minor delusions of grandeur.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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Because I’m talking about gender and violence. You’re saying no one cares about any type of violence except homicide, and gave those examples as ‘evidence’ of that when in reality those have nothing to do with the discussion at hand. Violence isn’t limited to homicide, it’s just that homicide is arguably the worst form of violence. But it being the worst form doesn’t mean “most important” because “most important” isn’t even a factor that comes into play here because it’s not even about the supposed ‘worst’. Those examples are comparing apples and oranges; they’re not the same thing. It makes no sense for the argument at hand. Just non sequitur after non sequitur. You didn’t even refute anything that I said either, you just ignored it and tried to dismiss and deflect.

If you want me to address your claim that men are more violent than women, fine, I’ll bite: women commit more violence than men (as shown by the stats I pulled up), but men are overrepresented in cases of homicide because men are simply more present at the extremes of any thing; it’s the variability hypothesis at play here. In addition, men are far less likely to report violence against them, especially when it’s committed by a woman.

There you go, I **** on you with the whole women being more nurturing thing, and I **** on you with this thing too. You’re talking out of your ass with generalizations that were perpetuated by society’s pedestalization of women, and use stereotypes, logical fallacies, and textbook ego defense mechanisms to justify your bull**** belief in order to save face. You’re just wrong dude. No if’s, and’s, or but’s about it. :rolleyes:
You are biased that is the difference between us. I try to argue outcome independent. That is why I brought examples outside of our discussion. You are not able to do it because you are invested in the topic. Your identity is connected to the topic.

You are not able to make example outside of this topic. In a discussion that can be helpful.

You are like the leftists when it is said by non leftists:

Black murder rate ist this........

Leftist come then with but what about the violent crime?

No one gives really a **** because the point is made already. It's good enough.
Everybody knows what is going on.

Anyway we don't get anywhere. You are invested in that topic too much. Too much ego. Imho.