Mental block about my!


Don Juan
May 29, 2019
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New to the forum...

I'm 46 and divorced after 16 yr relationship. Wish I'd read TRM in my 20's but better late than never.

I've been learning "game" for the past year. I'm in good shape, well traveled, eat healthily and am financially secure.

Problem is I have a really tough time approaching girls at night. I find it terrifying. On top of that, I have a mental block about my age. I've tried approaching a few women in their 20's and I can't help but feel I'm being creepy and that these women think the same. Since some of you in my age range have dated younger women, was hoping you could shed some light on this topic.



Aug 22, 2017
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its not creepy if you have money

PS, i dont think advice from internet "just dont give a f" will magically make your insecurities dissapear especially if they are rational.

game chicks that smile to you etc only. dont try with chicks that are just trying to be nice

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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I'd pick up RooshV's "Game" and read it. Night game is for "direct" game and Day game is for "indirect."

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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I have Only issues with beginning and present wrinkles around my eyes, and no I'm not gonna start using "facial creams" or masks etc. I take the Jack Nicholson approach of why he didn't ever and never will get plastic surgery..."I don't want to scare anybody." I'm getting laid on vacation this week, working on my second and will attempt a third by weekend. I could buy a fancy rich big home right now, but I want to invest and become financially independent. Can't do that if I try to impress in the hear and now, thus less lays in 2019 for me, 2020, 2021, 2022. Hell, maybe when I'm 50 I'll be more flashy and vulgar with my valuables to shine for females to See.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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And how did Roosh book help you?

Is he the same like that idiot Corey Wayne?
The Approaching chapter (longest one) is what this man needs. It won't matter the age of the woman. He needs to understand the interaction, when to quit, when to stop the convo or when to keep proceeding with the interaction. I stopped listening to Corey Wayne a long time ago.


Jan 14, 2018
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The Approaching chapter (longest one) is what this man needs. It won't matter the age of the woman. He needs to understand the interaction, when to quit, when to stop the convo or when to keep proceeding with the interaction. I stopped listening to Corey Wayne a long time ago.
Tell us then how'd you approach a woman now since you're read his books.

A step by step approach since OP finds it terrifying to approach and even when he does, that hungry vibe just oozes out desperation that women picks up easily.

I'm interested to hear it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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New to the forum...

I'm 46 and divorced after 16 yr relationship. Wish I'd read TRM in my 20's but better late than never.

I've been learning "game" for the past year. I'm in good shape, well traveled, eat healthily and am financially secure.

Problem is I have a really tough time approaching girls at night. I find it terrifying. On top of that, I have a mental block about my age. I've tried approaching a few women in their 20's and I can't help but feel I'm being creepy and that these women think the same. Since some of you in my age range have dated younger women, was hoping you could shed some light on this topic.

Just use pheromones and you'll be fine.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2018
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Creepy is a lame word that some feminists have used to try to shame men for not dating women of a certain age.

Is it "creepy" for a 21 year old girl who has a thing for older guys to flirt with a 55 year old? No. But it's creepy the other way around? Bull****.

Creepy is also a word some women use to describe any guy who hits on them who they are not attracted to, be it young or old. It's not the age! It's the attraction. Brad Pitt and George Clooney are both old. You think they get many 21yo girls calling them "creeps"?

Not all young girls are into older guys. Many will reject you. But you aren't a creep for approaching younger girls. You are giving them an opportunity to connect with you and if they don't want that, it's no problem. But you will have to remember that your odds of success with that age of girl are lower, unless you look incredible for your age, so just be prepared for that.


Don Juan
May 29, 2019
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Tell us then how'd you approach a woman now since you're read his books.

A step by step approach since OP finds it terrifying to approach and even when he does, that hungry vibe just oozes out desperation that women picks up easily.

I'm interested to hear it.
I'd be interested to hear too. OP is ready to learn


Jan 14, 2018
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I'd be interested to hear too. OP is ready to learn

Oldman got it right.

When approaching young women, have a mindset of "no woman wants to fvck me" since u r already insecure then when you do interact you'll come off as naturally confident in ur own skin, just make sure to neg those girls in a friendly manner and from there, depending on their response, raise the stakes higher with some sexual innuendo.

A well travelled man like you will be a challenge for those youngsters.


Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2019
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Just use pheromones and you'll be fine.
We've been over this, pheromones are a magic feather. The power is still in you, not in some crutch.

New to the forum...

I've been learning "game" for the past year. I'm in good shape, well traveled, eat healthily and am financially secure.

Problem is I have a really tough time approaching girls at night. I find it terrifying. On top of that, I have a mental block about my age. I've tried approaching a few women in their 20's and I can't help but feel I'm being creepy and that these women think the same. Since some of you in my age range have dated younger women, was hoping you could shed some light on this topic.

Welcome Ty

I'm closer to you in age than 20somethings. That didn't prevent me from pulling a hot 25 yo when I was on vacation, who wants to see me again when I go back to visit. She has ulterior motives, but I don't give a **** since I don't have to see her if I don't want to.

The problem is literally in your head, you WILL come across as creepy if you feel it's creepy. Women will sense your mentality, and you being terrified isn't helping things either. You're just going to have to try and fail until you're no longer terrified.

Be chill, be interesting. Say just enough to get them to start blabbing, share your cool travel stories and make them want to travel with you.

If you're in good shape and you assume (and believe) that you're worthy of hitting on them, which you are, then you'll do ok. You have to be rejected, don't take it personally, just keep trying. Learn to not give a fvck.


Don Juan
May 29, 2019
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Thanks for all your responses. Good sh*t. Guess it's all to do with mindset.

One positive thing I have going is people tell me I could pass for mid 30's and I should stop telling people I'm 46. I just don't like to lie.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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We've been over this, pheromones are a magic feather. The power is still in you, not in some crutch.

Welcome Ty

I'm closer to you in age than 20somethings. That didn't prevent me from pulling a hot 25 yo when I was on vacation, who wants to see me again when I go back to visit. She has ulterior motives, but I don't give a **** since I don't have to see her if I don't want to.

The problem is literally in your head, you WILL come across as creepy if you feel it's creepy. Women will sense your mentality, and you being terrified isn't helping things either. You're just going to have to try and fail until you're no longer terrified.

Be chill, be interesting. Say just enough to get them to start blabbing, share your cool travel stories and make them want to travel with you.

If you're in good shape and you assume (and believe) that you're worthy of hitting on them, which you are, then you'll do ok. You have to be rejected, don't take it personally, just keep trying. Learn to not give a fvck.
Can you go as young as 18 y/o then if 20s work or even 16 y/o (think that's the legal age of consent here), where would you draw the line where it would be creepy then?


Jan 14, 2018
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Thanks for all your responses. Good sh*t. Guess it's all to do with mindset.

One positive thing I have going is people tell me I could pass for mid 30's and I should stop telling people I'm 46. I just don't like to lie.
Oh I lie abt that too, I'll tell them I'm actually 99 years old but then they all start laughing..

How dare they do that !

But youngsters must be forgiven, anyways enjoy exploring different women, be fluid.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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You can 'cold' approach (more work) or 'warm' approach. It's observing eye contact, you can tell if a woman is 'taken' or very close to another man in her life - she won't look you in the eye or won't much, but their are other cues that it's the woman who's either highly attracted to you or highly available. Medium attraction and medium availability will result in flakes. If she's not asking you questions about yourself, then you know it's time to end the convo or go quiet and let her speak until you say, "Welp, I gotta go, nice meeting you..." etc. Use anything that you are genuinely needing advice or info on or are interested to start the convo. Don't use canned lines, she will know/sense your insincerity. You must genuinely need her help with something.

I'm not going to recite the whole book, the man, Roosh, has been shot down enough by Jeff Bezos of all people, banned by Paypal, Amazon. When Roosh started calling the powers that be out, I wanted to support this dissident by buying his book on "Game." I've supported others (who I no longer support because they've turncoated or changed) through the past eh, 4-5 years, through donations with nothing expected in return. At least with Roosh, I get a book, but I've supported Mark Dice (just for the principle of it $10 here $20 there), same with Terrence Popp and he'll send me his same book over and over lol but I support a veteran who's been f'd over by the courts and is fighting back by exposing them, very surprised he hasn't been banned. I've donated to virtually INCEL (nowadays I'd imagine, he tried over in Romania his ancestral country) AlexonLife. Donated to a couple of others, without expecting anything. I don't have kids and I don't go to church and "tithe," so this is my way of "tithing" to these "churches," people spreading the word, on youtube. It feels satisfying to give back, and in other ways locally where you live to give back. If I had a family, ALL my resources would flow into my wife and kids, but these are dire times and I simply am too pvssy to try that route. I could submit and take the risk of marriage going full-force in that direction (most likely joining a religion) if I REALLY REALLY wanted to, but it's part laziness, part selfishness, and part shrewdness or wariness that keeps me from even attempting going that route to pour ALL my resources into a family. Pick the people you support wisely though. It ain't easy sifting out the wheat from the chaff.


Jan 14, 2018
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Can you go as young as 18 y/o then if 20s work or even 16 y/o (think that's the legal age of consent here), where would you draw the line where it would be creepy then?
It's only creepy for older-expired-jealous women and for men who are sadly jealous that they're aren't getting any.

For those engaging in it, seems biologically normal and even great.

A well rounded man, with strength of character and resources should aim for a woman that's biologically in her prime.

Anything wrong with that?

What's wrong is going for women past their prime years to get retarded babies.

A woman's fertility starts to drop when they're 21 or 22....and gets real bad when they're 30.


Mar 12, 2011
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Just approach women the same way you approached your wife. Granted you probably can’t get 21 year old girls anymore, but the process is still the same.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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^^ and you have to be flirty with double-meaning all over the place because these doh-doh brains (girls) are always being light and playful never much serious unless she's professional and been through the ringer and has been in multiple fights with previous beaus and has become jaded and "serious" and can't do plays on words anymore. Don't try to be flirty or double-meaning'd with everything you say with these hardened (possibly from drugs or just Life in general) chicks. You have to be wishy-washy with wishy-washy brains that is young women. They don't want seriousness.


Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2019
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Can you go as young as 18 y/o then if 20s work or even 16 y/o (think that's the legal age of consent here), where would you draw the line where it would be creepy then?
Age is not the deciding factor when you push the limits. How and why you approach them is.

If you're going after young women just so that everyone thinks you're a super stud (they won't), you're focusing on how everyone else sees you, which is selfish and predatory. If you do this, people WILL be creeped out, and so will the women. Instead, do it because you're a guy who appreciates their beauty and likes them as a person. That's the key difference. That's the line between creep and not creep.

If you're trying to pump and dump 16 and 18 year olds just to feel better about yourself, you're doing the world a disservice and potentially ruining her.