The Alpha looks back at the Beta-Simp


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
I'm not sure why but today I was thinking of how and why I've become the womanizing Man I am today. It wasn't always like this and looking back, knowing what I know now, I can't believe how much of a Simp I was and how much I was taken for a fool which led to the birth of the womanizing alpha.

In the late 1990's My first girlfriend was actually from the south, Very polite and "gentle" but I remember the things she would tell me which turned out to be extreme lies. The time I called her and another guy picked up. The other time I heard a guy in the background as she giggles and tells me she's busy at the moment. Another time she called me crying outside of a hotel after getting plowed by 2 guys and now that she realized she loved me and wanting to get back together. Yes I took her back. I spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on her based on the allowance I got. Flowers, Love Cards, Phone Cards, Plane tickets to see her, selling irreplaceable things that took all my childhood to collect. All that and she was still fvcking around on me. Guess what I did? I had her move with me thinking it would "solve" the problem. All it did was make it worse, Asking me to pay her monthly car note and that if we were going to get married, I needed to help her.... I ALMOST went through with it (Marriage). One day, I couldn't take her nagging anymore and I honestly envisioned myself turning around and choking her to death. I told her to move back with her parents and it was over. After years of me getting lied to, finding out she was giving BJ's and getting plowed by dudes while I cried that she wanted to break up with me because I loved her so much. Broke up with me multiple times actually but always came back crying to me. When she moved back home, something inside of me snapped and I began talking to her like she was nothing, No insults or anything but just the tone that I couldn't give any less of a fvck than I did. I actually made her my personal phone sex slave for a short time and she begged for me to take her back which I remember simply telling her on the phone "No" and cut her off. Around this time I was talking to many girls and this is when MySpace first started out, Since I was jaded by how my ex treated me, I began taking it out on any girl I met, hanging up on them, telling them to get on their knees and open their mouths and just basically treating and talking to them sexually however I wanted when i wanted.... strangely enough... they were all hot and crazy for me.

Fast forward to 2005 and after starting my first engineering job, I was still seeing many girls but one night I received a message from a very cute chick who really wanted to see me based on my picture, I blew her off at first because I was seeing many already but I made a date to see her. Long story short, I fell in love and cut off every other girl. The beta-simp was back with a vengeance. We were all over each other and we were constantly together and couldn't stand to be away from one another... I was back at it, Flowers, Personalized love gifts, vacations together etc. During our 5 year relationship run, I look back and realize there were times that seemed strange, A time she was hanging out with her "friends" but turned out to have guys involved, another time when I surprised her at her apartment building but she was VERY hesitant to let me come upstairs, probably because a guy was up there but gave me the excuse her mother didn't want anyone upstairs, another time she told me not to come over because she had a really bad stomach ache which came off very strange, another time when she came over VERY tired and when I think back, she was probably going out with her friends meeting guys the night before and went to work right after in the morning. Finally, when I found out she had pictures in her facebook page that had the settings so that I couldn't see them. Ultimately, During the 5th year, I had a deep suspicion for whatever reason and I guessed a password to a secret email she had. Pictures of her sharing with other guys naked. Around this time, my life in general came crashing down and it only got worse when she told me she just wanted to be alone only to see a picture of her kissing another guy on facebook holding an engagement ring up and said "We're Engaged!". I was and never have been the same since then (2010).

I went through a cleansing I guess you can say during 2011 and I looked back at how much I was lied to during these 2 LTRs. I cried a lot during this time even though on the outside during the day I seemed "Normal" but when i was alone, The pictures of my ex saying "We're Engaged" kept flashing in my head and brought me to tears many nights non stop. I truly wanted to Marry her. By the end of 2011 I had lost 100 pounds and was extremely ripped for the first time in my life from working out at a Military base with a friend who was home from the Navy. During this time I began realizing so many girls found me very attractive and wanting to fvck me without me breaking a sweat. I was extremely jaded and the hurt was still fresh in my soul of my past and once again, I became your brutal not giving a sh*t Man with Women and I had them blowing up my phone every weekend. I was now the guy on the other side fvcking Women who I didnt know till after, had boyfriends or fiances. During this time, I would have bouts with anxiety thinking about my ex girlfriend which faded out over time thank God but I began understanding female's true nature. I try not to talk about it but the amount of lies Women tell is on par with how far the universe spans. People have asked me how come I am not in a relationship and knowing what I know with all the Women ive been with and also my LTR's, I couldn't bring myself to trust them, even if i really tried, I just couldn't. Maybe I'm damaged from my past but one thing's for sure, I could never put myself in a position to be hurt like that again without going into a violent frenzy. Now, I have many FWB and I have always been good at smooth talking and ultimately I'd get girls to tell me their sexual secret pasts which would turn them on like crazy. Women are extremely kinky beyond belief and when I put the pieces together, Nothing turns Women on more than being extremely sexual in secret. The things they hide is crazy lol and would never let their long term boyfriends or husbands know for fear that he will view her differently.

Maybe this was just a rant or whatever but I guess something i felt compelled to share. Some guys haven't gotten the spiked bat to the heart yet but when they do, boy will it hurt lol ::holds up drink::: Here's to the redpill.


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
U r right, all women lie incredibly well and they all want to be secretly fvcked like a total slut.

It's encoded within their DNA - they can't help themselves.

However u r in a malaise of sorts and it's not helping you in the long run.

The true form of masculinity is power.

Power = leadership skills.

Leadership skills = molding people around you into ur view of reality.

Create that reality and you will no longer feel as you do now but there will be purpose and contentment.

It is a rewarding experience to undertake.

Do you understand my meaning @In2theGame?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Maybe this was just a rant or whatever but I guess something i felt compelled to share. Some guys haven't gotten the spiked bat to the heart yet but when they do, boy will it hurt lol ::holds up drink::: Here's to the redpill.
Sounds like you go from one extreme to another. I will just make the observation that if you ever get into another LTR, you don't HAVE to turn back into a simp. In fact, I'd highly recommend against it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
I don't know what your SMV is or how attractive you are, etc. But I find the higher status men on here are all plate spinners. That's because high status men date attractive women, and in today's world attractive women, like the top 10% have no reason to remain faithful. There is no fear for the top 10% of women, another high value man is right around the corner or already in her mouth cvmming down her throat.

Women simply are not loyal...getting bitter about it is not the answer. And I sense some bitterness from you. The idea is just to fvck young women while pursuing your own goals. Short 3-6 month relationships with 3 women at a time is ideal. Let women be the butterflies they are, floating from dude to dude. When she is with you, she must accept your terms, if she wants to leave, let her. Focus on your own well being, it's much better for you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
I don't know what your SMV is or how attractive you are, etc. But I find the higher status men on here are all plate spinners. That's because high status men date attractive women, and in today's world attractive women, like the top 10% have no reason to remain faithful. There is no fear for the top 10% of women, another high value man is right around the corner or already in her mouth cvmming down her throat.
Doesn't sound like there is much value in any of that.
Anyway, I disagree with you about the higher status men. @Atom Smasher plays golf with Vincent Furnier (Alice Cooper), you don't get much more high status than that. And he has a steady girlfriend.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
lol No guys i'm not bitter or anything like that. Part of the reason I was thinking of this is that lately people have asked me why am I like this? meaning, what led you to be the type to only want sexual relationships and I thought about this while guys are taking their fiances or wives out and i guess basically my past shaped me but really, many don't come to the true redpill until they have gone through sh*t.

I thought what it would be like to be into an LTR again but there's nothing left in the tank in terms of dealing with something like that and wondered, damn how different I used to be.

It's kind of like "looking behind the curtain" so to speak or what you've seen, cannot be unseen. if that makes sense.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
Doesn't sound like there is much value in any of that.
Anyway, I disagree with you about the higher status men. @Atom Smasher plays golf with Vincent Furnier (Alice Cooper), you don't get much more high status than that. And he has a steady girlfriend.
Anomalies are not the norm.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2018
Reaction score
I don't know what your SMV is or how attractive you are, etc. But I find the higher status men on here are all plate spinners. That's because high status men date attractive women, and in today's world attractive women, like the top 10% have no reason to remain faithful. There is no fear for the top 10% of women, another high value man is right around the corner or already in her mouth cvmming down her throat.

Women simply are not loyal...getting bitter about it is not the answer. And I sense some bitterness from you. The idea is just to fvck young women while pursuing your own goals. Short 3-6 month relationships with 3 women at a time is ideal. Let women be the butterflies they are, floating from dude to dude. When she is with you, she must accept your terms, if she wants to leave, let her. Focus on your own well being, it's much better for you.
Usualy in complete agreement with your post

It might be a demographic thing im from a small city in Canada, might be harder to cheat without getting caught.
But from what ive seen arround me this is not the case,.most of my friend gf dont put themself in situation where cheating can happen.

It does not mean they are happy with their wife/gf however.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2019
Reaction score
I'm sorry guys but banging broads don't make you alpha, you're still missing a key component. You still have to enforce respect with other guys, in other words have balls enough to not back down. You're not all real man until you love a good woman and beat the **** out of a bad man. Don't be a pretender.


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
I don't know what your SMV is or how attractive you are, etc. But I find the higher status men on here are all plate spinners. That's because high status men date attractive women, and in today's world attractive women, like the top 10% have no reason to remain faithful. There is no fear for the top 10% of women, another high value man is right around the corner or already in her mouth cvmming down her throat.

Women simply are not loyal...getting bitter about it is not the answer. And I sense some bitterness from you. The idea is just to fvck young women while pursuing your own goals. Short 3-6 month relationships with 3 women at a time is ideal. Let women be the butterflies they are, floating from dude to dude. When she is with you, she must accept your terms, if she wants to leave, let her. Focus on your own well being, it's much better for you.
True yet I'll add 1 more...

And if u r really really good, the butterfly will not want to fly away.

It's really simple but yet extremly hard to be achieved - sustainable admiration from a women will yield enormous respect from her, that is the secret towards keeping a woman's loyalty.

That and the initial attraction she had for you can only grow as time passes by.


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
I thought what it would be like to be into an LTR again but there's nothing left in the tank in terms of dealing with something like that and wondered, damn how different I used to be.
This right here says it all.

You have not answered my previous question OP.

I've taken my time to participate in this thread mainly out of respect for your numerous postings in the forums - they're were of good content.

I expect the same from you.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
This right here says it all.

You have not answered my previous question OP.

I've taken my time to participate in this thread mainly out of respect for your numerous postings in the forums - they're were of good content.

I expect the same from you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
This right here says it all.

You have not answered my previous question OP.

I've taken my time to participate in this thread mainly out of respect for your numerous postings in the forums - they're were of good content.

I expect the same from you.
I'm not sure I quite fully understand the question but if you're referring to me feeling a type of way about relationships, I wouldn't say I feel uneasy about it but rather a look at things in general of how these past experiences molded me. Kind of like the saying I didn't choose this path, it chose me. Not that I want to get into an LTR again, I just wondered about it and couldn't fathom getting gifts, dinners, valentines day, visiting her parents, get togethers with her friends, couples night, etc.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Great post.

When you start pulling girls easily, and realize how even the taken one's are often riding c0ck on the sly, it really changes you.

It's just like the matrix, you can't ever go back. But would you even want to?
Thanks Danger, No not that I would ever go back but the realization that you could never go back after knowing what you know now. It really is like the matrix, once unplugged.... that's it.


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
couldn't fathom getting gifts, dinners, valentines day, visiting her parents, get togethers with her friends, couples night, etc.
This further validates my previous question.

Ponder on it deeply.