In my years of being here on SS, I've never actually seen this topic talked about. Which is probably why I got blind sided by it and it took up 3 years of my life. This was during a time that I was at my confident peak. So let's talk about the term Gaslighting.
Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic commonly used by people that have heavy ties with Narcissist Personality Disorder and Borderline Personality disorder. That is not to say that they actually have any of those two disorders. These people are not always physically violent, do not always show any signs of dysfunction, and are not always explicitly manipulative. They also may never get truly angry and will likely never apologize.
Women/people who passively Gaslight are not explicit about it compared to NPD and BPD counterparts. E.g. "You make me want to kill/hurt myself." or "Your ex/family member/friend left you because of what you did." or after a fight/argument "I love you so much."+ extreme affection. Those are blatant signs of Gaslighting.
So let's start with the symptoms.
1. Lying. Not the type of lying where you may or may not know, it's just a blatant lie that they will tell. One of my examples was that she couldn't show up on a date because she had to play a sport due to it raining the day prior(fact)- this was an outdoor sport she was talking about. Meaning the ground would have still been wet resulting in cancellation, I still remember looking at her as if I was stupid. Lies that are just blatantly lies.
2. They deny things that you know is going on. Not exactly blatant lying but it is a form of lying. An example of this is that she was talking to one of my friends behind my back. She also had a boyfriend that she never told me about when we first started talking. She denied these things when it was brought up and became distant when I persisted.
3. Downplaying. This relates to point 2. When called out, they downplay it and make it seem like what they were doing was not a big deal or it wasn't at all that it was. They also make it seem like you're making a big deal out of something so little/nothing. In reality, it's exactly what you think it is.
4. Positive Reinforcement. This is easily the part that got me sucked in. Despite knowing that she was not interested, I continued because of this. I admit, I was weak and fell for it. What they do is drop random hints of positive reinforcement, like "I've thought about us being together" or "I feel like we connect well" or "You're different." Just some form of reinforcement amidst the toxicity. And the thing is... I know better. I was completely aware of the situation but still fell for it.
5. They talk the talk. Actions speak louder than words. Actions speak louder than words. Actions speak louder than words. Actions speak louder than words. Actions speak louder than words. Never ever forget this. This saying is what saved me from getting into a toxic relationship with this girl. At this point in time, she had a pretty decent control over me but it was never 100%. I was always fighting it and calling her out and believing in myself. They will say anything but will never back it up with actions- this includes making you feel guilty in a passive way.
6. They have you question yourself and her. You begin to doubt everything, you honestly think that you are crazy. At this point in time, I was trapped. I began to question myself and I would go to my abuser, her, for validation. This is where the vicious cycle begins. Points 1-5 get repeated over, and over, and over, again... The more control she had over me the less and less she would talk to me which would cause me to try to talk to her more. The thing is, it never seemed blatantly malicious but the signs are there. If I didn't have such a firm belief in "Actions speak louder than words," I would have been in a relationship with this girl and became her victim. I'd still say that I was partially a victim but during this time, I was actually meeting/talking/sleeping with other girls. I was spinning plates.
She did not like this at all. She would frequently ask to see a picture of the girl in question and would become passive aggressive once I showed her. She would begin to question whether or not we would work out in an attempt to get me to stop talking to them. At this point in time, I started to realize what was going on and I began to adapt. I knew telling her the truth would result in point 5 and 6 happening so I lied or just didn't tell her about them. I always thought it was weird how she wanted to see a picture of the girl in question, it's because she wanted proof that she no longer had control over me.
7. They get people against you. They do this to reinforce the fact that you think you are crazy/need mental help. They will specifically pick out weak targets to align with her without question. I don't need mental help and I am not crazy. So in this situation, I lied to her and said that I got help. Nothing changed. Lucky for me, she has very few friends. The only friend she had was that friend she was talking to behind my back. But he never made a move on her and he ultimately blocked/cut her off from his life. Even he was telling me that I was crazy.
Those are the major symptoms that I saw with this girl. Nearly all of this are backed with research online as well, it's actually insane how much information that's out there on this topic. If it were not for Sosuave, I would have fallen for all of it. I started reading the DJ Bible when I was 16, I'm 22 now. I read that thing religiously and the things that could not get passed that filter are what saved me.
Part 2 in comments....