Article about women in STEM jobs....

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
I saw an article on linkedin entitled "Getting More Women into Engineering Requires Cultural Challenges". Written by a female PhD of course, and shared by a college professor (who obviously just wants more students and wants to appear to be 'diverse'. Some of the quotes featured:

Over my four-decade career in engineering, I’ve become accustomed to being the only women in the room—or, until recently, at least an obvious minority. That’s a scenario that needs to change in order for the engineering community to reach its potential.
Why? They never answer that question. They just say it and expect others to believe it.

SWE also notes that more than 32% of women “switch out of STEM degree programs in college.” Though there can be many reasons behind that decision, a 2016 study conducted by professors at MIT, the University of California at Irvine, the University of Michigan, and McGill University found one powerful reason: “The negative group dynamics women tend to experience during team-based work projects makes the profession less appealing.” Specifically, the researchers found that in team-based educational activities and internships, “gender dynamics seem to generate more opportunities for men to work on the most challenging problems, while women tend to be assigned routine tasks or simple managerial duties.”
Negative? From why I've seen men in engineering (usually cucks) flock to women and women always get the 'management' type roles for obvious reasons.

In other words, the male students get the fun and challenging work while the female students get the boring tasks. (This may offer a strong argument for female-only institutions, as one executive with a STEM background recently suggested.)
Wut??? Can you really shift blame any further? I mean it couldn't possibly be that men are just better at STEM 'thinking' can it? That's the real truth that can't be said publicly.

If they make it into the workforce, only about a third of women who earn a bachelor’s degree in engineering remain in the field 20 years later, according to SWE. A study from 2012 found that those who left cited “organizational climate” as the reason. Catalyst cites similar factors: “Isolation, hostile male-dominated work environments, ineffective executive feedback, and a lack of effective sponsors are factors pushing women to leave [science, engineering, and technology] jobs.”
Exactly, because they suck at it. The good looking ones hang around because the cucks like to suck up to them.

Everyone can do something to encourage women to enter and remain in the engineering field because the efforts required are largely cultural rather than financial.
Cultural? What does this even mean? People should hire women......why? How does culture equal productivity? It seems to me that just 'talking' about culture, rather than implementing it, is what truly matters because cucks and women eat it up. It appeals to the feelz.

If you are a teacher or professor, design group assignments to ensure that both male and female students are required to assume (perhaps on consecutive projects) both “hands on” and administrative or managerial tasks in order to prepare them for the workplace.
Ha, so hold the boys back. Got it.

If you are a recruiter or hiring manager, consciously look for diverse candidates, including women. You are the front line of culture change. Instead of looking for “cultural fit,” look for “cultural fission”—the dynamism that can result when you put bright people with different backgrounds and faces together. Adaptability and creative response to a fast-changing world are critical business sustainability skills. Internalizing that ability by diversifying your talent pool is a great way to develop that capacity.
Again, where has this been proven true? Diversity because reasons? This isn't the stock market.

A stronger reason for having women on your boards is to improve talent management, decision-making, and profitability. Those were the findings reported in a March 2018 paper by MSCI, a financial planning firm. In short, diversity delivers productivity and profitability dividends. What’s not to like about that?
Yeah, just put them on your boards because they are women. Don't let them earn it. Do it because reasons.

This crap is insane. Now, I don't let it bother me like I used to, I just work around it nowadays. But we all need to be aware that this BS is out there. It generally doesn't matter, because when it comes to anything in life worth having, you have to earn it. But it's still good to know what the enemy is plotting. Some serious hostility out there. Fight back. Keep a journal. Don't let these idiots get away with preferential treatment.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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They manage to push this crap in any human field but will always fail in STEM for the simple fact that results are measurable and do not depend on someone approval to be approved.

A building is either standing or it does not, its no a paint where a group of mentally challenged noobs randomly give marks.

Regarding team work, women find a bad atmosphere for the simple fact that they do not produce nor work to reach the final goal but to enjoy the process while giving no contribute, the amount of drama they create is like cryptonite to male in general let alone scientists who have a hypermasculine brain.

Its just like when the teacher at school force you to get girls on your football team and you put them in the position where they can make the least of the damage.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
They manage to push this crap in any human field but will always fail in STEM for the simple fact that results are measurable and do not depend on someone approval to be approved.

A building is either standing or it does not, its no a paint where a group of mentally challenged noobs randomly give marks.

Regarding team work, women find a bad atmosphere for the simple fact that they do not produce nor work to reach the final goal but to enjoy the process while giving no contribute, the amount of drama they create is like cryptonite to male in general let alone scientists who have a hypermasculine brain.

Its just like when the teacher at school force you to get girls on your football team and you put them in the position where they can make the least of the damage.
Agree, and what the useful idiots don't realize is that the people they are TRULY hurting are the random, rare women who actually deserve to be lauded in the field. But, those women don't do themselves any favors, because when it comes to choosing sides, they always side with the women's help groups too, whether by choice or just sucked in to avoid being a traitor/sell-out.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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“look for “cultural fission”—the dynamism that can result when you put bright people with different backgrounds and faces together.”

WTF? Did she mean “fusion?”

Fission breaks stuff apart.
Guess she doesnt work in STEM cause of patriarchy....