You: "hey baby wassup" Her: "oh nothing much, wbu" good or a bad?


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Say you have the title exchange with some random chick you kinda know, is it good that she doesn't seen to care if you call her that, or bad that she didn't return anything like "what's up darling?"

I'm working on my understanding of women so that i can manage time and opportunity costs better while trying to smash chicks in my classes and from cold approaching

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
She replied, thats great. Keep moving forward towards what it is you want. Don't over analyze it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 17, 2017
Reaction score
You reply “wanna come over?” and you soon find the real answers you need.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Stop this Faggotry at once! What women say over texts mean literally NOTHING!
I only see this girl on fridays, so i have 6 days a week to ponder dumb **** like this before i can take action.

You reply “wanna come over?” and you soon find the real answers you need.
I definitely don't actually want to bring girls to my ****hole apartment lmao. Gotta bang them literally anywhere else. (Also my mom is home often so it would prolly be awkward).

She replied, thats great. Keep moving forward towards what it is you want. Don't over analyze it.
Fair enough thanks bro. I actually more or less did this. Focused on other girls on the days i don't see this one (that went nowhere lol, been a dry semester.)


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Did you ask her out? Why not?
Lets call this girl girl A. And the other girl i will mention girl B. There are other girls, but none are important enough to warrant letter designations

Timeline of events:

1. Meet girl A, slowly talk to her, things go well, get her snapchat, text her one day after class to grab lunch with me the following week, she says "sure, I'll see if i can" then goes ghost on me. Then she's absent from the next class (i forget why, but i think it was unrelated to me.) But i delete her snap and move on because that was a 100% clear sign of disinterest to me

2. I talk to girl B who actually started talking to me first, she wanted help with some problem (side note: I'm good at chemistry, they are not) and from there we talked, i got her snap. Told I'd show her the best pizza in the area (side note: it's a 3 hour class and i have light breakfasts, i get food when it's over) but she said she had to work right after. Apparently she's super busy and has no free time, lots of work and class. (She told girl A this too when they met because of me, more on that later)

3. Girl A surprisingly comes back into the picture. I never planned to talk to her again but after a week or two of not talking to her, she came to talk to me while i was talking to girl B. She seems way more interested than girl B, and also way more interested than she was before (example: she asks me a ton of questions now)... After the decisive blowout of going ghost on me before. I don't ****ing know whats going on lmao.

4. The class before this thread: Girl A&B meet because they both wanted to talk to me and so we had a chat, B has to go to work, A and me go outside to wait for her to get picked up, eventually she does but i jokingly ask for a goodbye kiss, and she says "kiss? No, but you can get a hug" so i hug her but i make sure to intentionally slide my hands down to her ass, she doesn't react at all. Dunno if that's a good sign or a bad one tbh.

(She actually replies to any message I send her now, and usually i let her have the last word. She's kind of... Dry over text. Seems like disinterest but in person she's totally different. I assume she's the elusive "bad texter" that most guys thought was just a myth)

5. This thread was made

6. last class: because i can't talk to any other girl in the class (the only other pretty ones sit in the front, which is jam packed so I'd need to steal someone's usual seat, since I'm not gonna do that I'd need to catch them after class, but they all left ASAP), I juggle A&B (mostly A since she shows way more interest)

I more or less separately told both girls that they've got nice asses (using the rap slang cake), and they both smiled and laughed (girl A smiled more, girl B laughed more)

This is the part where I totally **** up via inaction: I had a pretty good chance to kino her when we were sitting next to each other on a big chair for like 10 minutes while we waited for her to get picked up, but i didn't really do anything but talk to her, it did occur to me almost immediately after that i wasted an opportunity but the opportunity came by surprise so i didn't really get to think of how to capitalize, usually we talk standing up across from each other somewhere. I forgot to hug her goodbye though lol, god damn I'm ****ing dumb xD

7. Here we are, right now. Not gonna have that class again til the 30th because of thanksgiving. Not really sure what to do. Don't know how I'll get a chance to talk to any more girls in that class. Not gonna screw up any opportunities with girl A next time though, that's for sure. (Assuming there's even a next time lol)


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
There is always a next time, always another girl
I like your theory that competition drove up interest. It worked out in my favor because girl A is the second hottest girl in the class (the hottest is one of the ones in the front, some other guy seems to have gotten to her first RIP)

As for texting, I only really use texting to test interest and setup dates when it comes to new girls.

The good news is that nothing has actually changed, she's pretty much the same as always over text so I'm probably worried over nothing unless she loses interest in the next 12 days (as long as I make up for missed opportunities next time, but I've got two weeks to plan how NOT to fvck it up next time and many cold approaches to sharpen my game with)

I will say that its been a dry semester for me, I've been off my game (writer's block when it comes to clever openers) and had less opportunities in my classes and been on a bad luck streak with cold approaches.

So basically it all revolves around my friday morning class only because that's the only place I've had even marginal success lol.
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