Next level OLD Tip. Give women your number. They will contact you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Something I found interesting when I was doing OLD was that I had a very high success rate with giving my number to a woman and letting her contact me. Higher than when I got the number by telling them to give me theirs.

So I suggest when you are messaging and you ask them if they'd be up for grabbing a drink sometime and they respond positively do the following.

"Awesome. I'm not on here too much, shoot me a text and we can figure out the details, cool? xxx-xxxx."

Then wait for them to contact you. They almost always will. And once they do, you strike quickly.

Her: "Hey Marmel, Its Nicole from POF! How are you doing?"

Me: "Doing great. So I guess you must want to get together soon."

Her: " I'd really like that! When are you free?"

What happens is you have changed the whole dynamic...
  • SHE is chasing YOU right off the bat, not the other way around.
  • SHE is investing in you even before the date...
  • SHE is putting forth more effort than you are.
  • SHE is asking you out...

This may not seem like a lot but it can be very powerful for drawing a woman into your frame and ESPECIALLY for making you seem different from every other guy she is talking to. Very few guys are doing this. It can make a big difference.

I suggest you try this and report back. Thank me later


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2017
Reaction score
"Awesome. I'm not on here too much, shoot me a text and we can figure out the details, cool? xxx-xxxx."

Sounds like a bot lol


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2018
Reaction score
Nice man! I've already do that with the girls I talk... it works pretty well! :p


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
Reaction score
Basically screening for high interest. Based on my limited experience, relationships that start this way are almost effortless. This is much more enjoyable than what the average guy is doing, constantly chasing and trying to win the approval of a woman who isn’t that interested.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
"Awesome. I'm not on here too much, shoot me a text and we can figure out the details, cool? xxx-xxxx."

Sounds like a bot lol
Maybe but it works


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Basically screening for high interest. Based on my limited experience, relationships that start this way are almost effortless. This is much more enjoyable than what the average guy is doing, constantly chasing and trying to win the approval of a woman who isn’t that interested.
Exactly right. Far less work, far easier in every aspect. You set yourself up as the prize in their eyes by your actions and take it or leave it attitude, flipping the tables immediately in your favor.


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
this works in real life too. get some biz cards and hand em out...they will hit you up. very high success rate with this tactic.
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
Something I found interesting when I was doing OLD was that I had a very high success rate with giving my number to a woman and letting her contact me. Higher than when I got the number by telling them to give me theirs.

So I suggest when you are messaging and you ask them if they'd be up for grabbing a drink sometime and they respond positively do the following.

"Awesome. I'm not on here too much, shoot me a text and we can figure out the details, cool? xxx-xxxx."

Then wait for them to contact you. They almost always will. And once they do, you strike quickly.

Her: "Hey Marmel, Its Nicole from POF! How are you doing?"

Me: "Doing great. So I guess you must want to get together soon."

Her: " I'd really like that! When are you free?"

What happens is you have changed the whole dynamic...
  • SHE is chasing YOU right off the bat, not the other way around.
  • SHE is investing in you even before the date...
  • SHE is putting forth more effort than you are.
  • SHE is asking you out...

This may not seem like a lot but it can be very powerful for drawing a woman into your frame and ESPECIALLY for making you seem different from every other guy she is talking to. Very few guys are doing this. It can make a big difference.

I suggest you try this and report back. Thank me later

after using OLD for not even that long ive concluded its a complete waste of time for most dudes. if you aren't getting immediate reaction imo its not ever going to work. i had better luck earlier this year, just tried it again after some time off, results were even worse this time....i look much better now than i did at the beginning of the year too. and it seems to only ever trend in that direction, less and less "worthy" dudes, more and more less than quality girls demanding the top of dudes. if you want to play a game that gets you no where go play Life


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
This is true. Sometimes people need to sit in something for a bit and get comfortable with it
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
after using OLD for not even that long ive concluded its a complete waste of time for most dudes. if you aren't getting immediate reaction imo its not ever going to work. i had better luck earlier this year, just tried it again after some time off, results were even worse this time....i look much better now than i did at the beginning of the year too. and it seems to only ever trend in that direction, less and less "worthy" dudes, more and more less than quality girls demanding the top of dudes. if you want to play a game that gets you no where go play Life
more proof that OLD is a total waste of time:

to be in that top 1% of dudes that WOULD be able to get hotties off of OLD....wouldn't you already be cleaning house IN PERSON? why would you need OLD? logically speaking your chances are so slim on OLD its truly not worth it the as LARAIDERS said: "not even worth the very minimal ammount of time it takes". imagine how little thought you are putting into things as you swipe right on the 10th girl that you havent even checked her 2nd photo bc who cares she more than likely isnt going to put the time in either.....i just dont see how this would realistically work out in a consistent fashion unless you living in a major metropolitan city and were in the top 1% of attraction and at that point if you are wasting your time on OLD you must have mental problems. women are so fu-hu-hu-hucking easy in metro areas like NYC and LA, you dont even need to be that good looking to score tbh.

i just dont see the instance in which this would be useful for someone
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Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
after using OLD for not even that long ive concluded its a complete waste of time for most dudes. if you aren't getting immediate reaction imo its not ever going to work. i had better luck earlier this year, just tried it again after some time off, results were even worse this time....i look much better now than i did at the beginning of the year too. and it seems to only ever trend in that direction, less and less "worthy" dudes, more and more less than quality girls demanding the top of dudes. if you want to play a game that gets you no where go play Life
I never had any problems on OLD. I found it easy. Easy to get numbers, easy to get dates, easy to get laid. And i dont feel I'm in the top 10% of dudes. Yeah I'm well built and a decent enough looking guy but I'm nowhere near model material.

I think a lot of guys dont develop the skills to be successful and then blame the medium. Your pics matter but what you say in your profile matters as well. Women DO read it.

Most guys dont have much to say thats interesting and come off as just another boring dude...lumped in with the other 50 boring dudes messaging them.
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
do you still use OLD to this day?

i had 75% or more success around 2014-2016. things have changed in that little ammount of time. i also live in a smaller metro area, no where even close to the size of even a fairly small metro like santa rosa, CA. not even sure if its considered metropolitan tbh.

give me a bio that works for you and ill try it out. for sure it could be my approach thats failing, but i suspect its something a little deeper than that. ive tried many different approaches, being funny, interesting, straightforward (more or less like a resume), adventurous, etc. ill admit that being funny/interesting worked the best when combined with few but GOOD pics. again this was working for me waaay more several years ago, where i wouldnt even have to wait more than a day to get matches, now im waiting like a week or more and nothing but landwhales....

also admittedly im talking about tinder. ive been using bumble lately with slightly more success, the fact that girls speak first i think increases the chance that a quality girl is going to match you, seems illogical but its been my experience


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
Nope. This is not effective. You are falling into success here by accident.

You don't ask for a woman's number online; you ask for the date.

You leave her your number only after the details are already agreed upon. Men set the terms of engagement. Men pick the place. Men lead. Men close the deal.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Nope. This is not effective. You are falling into success here by accident.

You don't ask for a woman's number online; you ask for the date.

You leave her your number only after the details are already agreed upon. Men set the terms of engagement. Men pick the place. Men lead. Men close the deal.
Haha. Sure. As many woman as I've banged from OLD that doesnt happen by accident. This obsession some people have with every thing MUST be doen a certain way is borderline psychotic. It would be like me telling someone they HAD to code something a certain way and even id it solved the problem it was wrong if it wasnt done this way.

Just not the case bro. I did what worked for me the best. I also had cookie cutter ways of getting numbers to the point I could get 8-10 any day i wanted to. By far the best end result was what I outlined in the original post. And the text rate was probably 85%.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
Sorry, I don't buy it. I can only base my opinion on the merits of what you typed. You are suggesting that men leave their number for women to invite them to chase. That may work if you are Brad Pitt or Michael B. Jordan, but it doesn't work for the every day man with any sort of long-term success.

Your advice is wrong because it is unnatural, not because you may have found some degree of success with it. Men lead. Men set the terms. Men close.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Sorry, I don't buy it. I can only base my opinion on the merits of what you typed. You are suggesting that men leave their number for women to invite them to chase. That may work if you are Brad Pitt or Michael B. Jordan, but it doesn't work for the every day man with any sort of long-term success.

Your advice is wrong because it is unnatural, not because you may have found some degree of success with it. Men lead. Men set the terms. Men close.
Have you tried it?


Apr 21, 2018
Reaction score
Bridgeport, CT
Doesn't work. I've tried it multiple times. @marmel75, you are married. Online dating has changed over the years. It's not like it was a few years ago. Ask your boss if you can setup an online dating profile for research purposes and try to land some phone numbers with 7's or better. If you get permission from central command, let and show us how you were able to succeed and get those phone numbers with non-model pics; of course.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Doesn't work. I've tried it multiple times. @marmel75, you are married. Online dating has changed over the years. It's not like it was a few years ago. Ask your boss if you can setup an online dating profile for research purposes and try to land some phone numbers with 7's or better. If you get permission from central command, let and show us how you were able to succeed and get those phone numbers with non-model pics; of course.
I've already tried it recently just to see if all these complaints about the "new OLD" rules apply.

But nope, it still works exactly the same as it did 3 years ago. FYI, within the past 2 months I've had 6 women contact me first with this out of 8. The 2 that didn't contact me likely would have been flakes/low interest.

Didn't do anything with it, just wanted to have "proof of concept" so to speak. Its why I just don't buy this "OLD has changed" argument. It hasn't. The same things that worked for me 3 years ago still work. All of them.

Also this all took place within 3 messages back and forth, with me initiating. My fourth message was exactly what i put above.

Key points of the messages:

1. Initial message with something interesting based on their profile then ending with "How has your week/weekend been?"

2. After they respond, do something with their response and ask "How has the site been treating you?"

3. Say something about their response and ask "Would you be up for grabbing a drink together sometime and talking more in person?"

4. If they respond favorably send the message I posted in the initial post.

Thats it. Simple. Cookie cutter operation. People make this way way too hard when it should be simple.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Didn't do anything with it, just wanted to have "proof of concept" so to speak. Its why I just don't buy this "OLD has changed" argument. It hasn't. The same things that worked for me 3 years ago still work. All of them.
A ho is always gonna have ho tendencies.