Guys here who workout, have you ever head any luck with the hotties at your gym?


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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Me too.

That's about as perfect of an explanation for the word "creepy" as I've ever heard.
Female entitlement at its finest. Creepy can accurately describe older women who hit the wall and try to still look hook.

For the record, a 1990s Camaro isn't classic. You push it off a hill.

Our gen cares too much about female victimizing and SJWs. If you just watch, many get cheered off the cliff. Look no further then Lindsay Lohan present day.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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God that's frightening she looks like she's had her head replaced with a plastic one.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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Something else I found with pickup esp in the gym; once you miss the boat, say she gives IOIs, checks you out, is hovering, etc. and you do not pickup or at the very least, be breaking rapport and approaching, ALL IS LOST. Sure, you could approach later. Sure you may pull at another time but, you put yourself behind the 8 ball unnecessarily.

2018 for me is about taking all the possibilities presented and then making it happen.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Issue is with gym girls:

The moment you lose any frame, they have a long list of suitors.

I agree with Eninem to a lesser extent

"F**k b*****s, give me a fat sloot that cooks, and does dishes"


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Issue is with gym girls:

The moment you lose any frame, they have a long list of suitors.

I agree with Eninem to a lesser extent

"F**k b*****s, give me a fat sloot that cooks, and does dishes"
Its a pendulum. It swings both ways. When on top form SMV, its a free for all. Female choice but, when the she hits the wall, SMV craters, its game over. Women are unaware of their blind side esp with society, social media, and feminism telling them, they can do no wrong. Her value is based upon a depreciating asset. The delusion is in her thinking it will last forever.

I rather gym pulls then the bar or club but, I don't discriminate. Pulled from the gym just before NYE. Its fun.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
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Instead of making posts about the right ways & places to approach women, why don't you get out & approach women en mass?

To be clear, by en Mass I mean approaching 100's of hot women over a short time period.

It will open your eyes as to where you are right now.

To help, if you haven't already, read the plethora of tips & advice in the DJ Bible.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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RSD Alex now AlexSocial pushed this 4x rule. Basically, you approach and then you re approach.
I understand this concept. The first approach is the hardest, then you build momentum for more additional approaches. For this to work, there has to be more than a few women in a given place. If it works with you then yeah, it's something to try out unless there is a spectacular fail on any approach that other women have noticed (i.e. negative social proof).

The benefits are seen easily in bars or clubs. Think pushing a snowball up a hill. Before last call, that snowball rolls by itself and your work is done. It is a fantastic perspective because men can lack game, approach like a machine, and burn a club to the ground in 30min flat. 4x rule means you basically cycle back. Some will leave and more people will come. When you then merge sets, mixed sets, and spin more plates. Some plates fall and others keep spinning. You act accordingly.
I think bars and clubs is probably the best place to practise PUAs since approaching, esp. while drunk, is to be expected. Unfortunately, I don't go to these type of venues so I don't have the benefit of hard practise so that more surgical high-intensity day-game approaches are more smooth.

I found this beneficial at the gym. I start with the babes up front at the desk. Group classes like spin, yoga, hot yoga, boot camp, etc. are full of the women. Yoga is basically all women. The gym has a click similar to that of high school. Women have friends, sisters, know more women so its win win.
How do you open girls at the front desk? They are hired guns. I normally go into the GYM with my parents and I feel going everywhere with my folks around is like carrying a 100 lb ****-blocker weight. I don't feel I can really be myself around women with my folks next to me or in the area. I talked to a cousin who was good with women but admits his game would tank if his parents were everywhere he went to whenever he interacted with a woman. The only way I can isolate myself from my parents in the GYM would be to get away from them and work out independently and find a hot girl to work out next to.

Group classes are full of women, but unless you talk to any of them, it doesn't benefit you much and you sort of feel gay around that many woman, or desperate. However, I would agree with the group classes idea, however, it is not convenient. That means you have to plan your schedule to be at a group class. This may be difficult to plan out unless you have a free schedule and can fit it in. The main selling point of a 24/7 GYM is convenience. That means you can go anytime you can or want to, even at 3:00 a.m. The times I go may only have one woman in the whole gym

I''ve been at pickup for over 7yrs in between LTRs/flings/ONS/FWBs/biz/life!
Okay, how many pickups did you do with your mother or father beside you? What's your game around your folks?

Deezebrah said:
Gym pickup is no joke. You can be out of state. The access to beautiful fit women can be rare and when there is, there are tons of white knights, betas, and cucks blowing up their ego. If you are provider male or beta, you have the propensity to wait for "the perfect moment." This doesn't work or when it happens, you fumble through it so poorly due to a lack of exp, its futile. You can chalk the exp as a victory in and of itself. Ideally, you want to cannon ball in. Be breaking rapport. I will stop a woman with her headphones on. I could want to bang her but more then likely, I am more interested in working out on the equipment she is using. I go to lift. I want gains. Women are secondary PERIOD. Same with life purpose, dreams, the aspirations I have. This takes priority over the female biological pursuit.
It feels like I need some sort of permission to do that, and can't just do that. That's what you are talking about "the perfect moment". I mean, who am I right? I'd just as much manage to cough up some weak hello or something. I think I may need to spray on pheromones to relax my nerves enough to feel comfortable approaching and talking to a woman. There are special pheromones out there that I know would probably solve all my problems if I tried them out but can't because my mother is allergic to them and she'll go crazy and I'll have to call the ambulance, which is precisely why I don't wear them anymore. I know sprays can spike my confidence up and decrease my mental nerve space barriers with women which are the greatest impediment for approaching. The technology is there, but I'm unable to use it for the moment. Also, it's not that important to me to go that far either. We all know, at a push of a button, I'm an instant Don Juan and success with women. A button that I can't push because I love my mother more than being successful with women by spraying that magical potion pheromone on myself. Therefore, I'm settled that I have chosen to be where I am by refusing to buy that pheromone spray.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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I understand this concept. The first approach is the hardest, then you build momentum for more additional approaches. For this to work, there has to be more than a few women in a given place. If it works with you then yeah, it's something to try out unless there is a spectacular fail on any approach that other women have noticed (i.e. negative social proof).
Not doing it right. You are in concept. Go get babes then post back.

See the same hot girl at the front desk. WUDDUP! Repeat! you then stack then on. If interested, she makes herself available. A woman gives IOIs, hovers around you, checks you etc. you follow up full on 3sec rule or all is lost. Not saying, there wont be other girls but, attractive is definitely lost for a half step.

I think bars and clubs is probably the best place to practise PUAs since approaching, esp. while drunk, is to be expected. Unfortunately, I don't go to these type of venues so I don't have the benefit of hard practise so that more surgical high-intensity day-game approaches are more smooth.
Mate, we're not on the same page. How in the **** does this work for the gym? You go get inebriated before the gym to throw off brain chemistry to get women? Women aren't that important. They're a by product of living your ideal lifestyle. There is no substitute for going into the trenches, getting your hands dirty, and coming back stronger every time.

You simply got to say WUDDUP @ bishs everywhere. Be breaking rapport as in, get past "hi/hello/how are you doing" automatic responses. Women will ask for your IG/FB/#! Chick in a grocery store had things all prepared. Age 18 lol

How do you open girls at the front desk? They are hired guns. I normally go into the GYM with my parents and I feel going everywhere with my folks around is like carrying a 100 lb ****-blocker weight. I don't feel I can really be myself around women with my folks next to me or in the area. I talked to a cousin who was good with women but admits his game would tank if his parents were everywhere he went to whenever he interacted with a woman. The only way I can isolate myself from my parents in the GYM would be to get away from them and work out independently and find a hot girl to work out next to.
Again, you're in concept. How did you message me? You just go do it. Ball drop. If you attempt to rationalize, If you go into concept or worse, mental masturbation about pickup lingo, you make something that mankind has been doing since the dawn of time even more difficult then it is.

I called a chick Arnold while she was training. On my way out, she gave me her # down. Occam's razor; simplest answer is the right one. Obv, don't go with your parents or hit on chicks with their parents. I literally have no shame. No ****s given. I strike out a lot but, the pulling comes with the price of admission. I flyer gym passes to random babes everywhere to come workout. I'm deezed. Its just a natural go too. Natty of course.

Lose the excuses. What I've found from pickup the past 7yrs, the juice is rarely worth the squeeze. The idea of a specific girl and her aesthetics is better then the actual experience. Meaning? Who and what you think she is rarely aligns. The girl next door is out sucking ****. Your next man's cherish is getting gang banged when she gets single again. Despite the demonizing of all that is masculine, its women that cuck and divorce, have children out of wedlock, get away with actual murder, initiate more then half domestic abuse, and this is what men are competing for?

Group classes are full of women, but unless you talk to any of them, it doesn't benefit you much and you sort of feel gay around that many woman, or desperate. However, I would agree with the group classes idea, however, it is not convenient. That means you have to plan your schedule to be at a group class. This may be difficult to plan out unless you have a free schedule and can fit it in. The main selling point of a 24/7 GYM is convenience. That means you can go anytime you can or want to, even at 3:00 a.m. The times I go may only have one woman in the whole gym
Again, a man who doesn't get babes is gay. Its not suppose to be easy or convenient. You are suppose to be the anomaly. While cucks are marrying cratered SMV, you are out getting top form SMV babes 19-23. Not, the milk gone bad, bulking season or the woman who doesn't give throaters anymore. When single, she is taking it in the pooper and swallowing loads. For her beta cuck bf, she doesn't do that anymore lol

One is better then none. Say wuddup. Go lift. Get babes. Lose the excuses.

Okay, how many pickups did you do with your mother or father beside you? What's your game around your folks?
A better question is, how many girls have I picked up in front of their parents? The answer. A LOT!

It feels like I need some sort of permission to do that, and can't just do that. That's what you are talking about "the perfect moment". I mean, who am I right? I'd just as much manage to cough up some weak hello or something. I think I may need to spray on pheromones to relax my nerves enough to feel comfortable approaching and talking to a woman. There are special pheromones out there that I know would probably solve all my problems if I tried them out but can't because my mother is allergic to them and she'll go crazy and I'll have to call the ambulance, which is precisely why I don't wear them anymore. I know sprays can spike my confidence up and decrease my mental nerve space barriers with women which are the greatest impediment for approaching. The technology is there, but I'm unable to use it for the moment. Also, it's not that important to me to go that far either. We all know, at a push of a button, I'm an instant Don Juan and success with women. A button that I can't push because I love my mother more than being successful with women by spraying that magical potion pheromone on myself. Therefore, I'm settled that I have chosen to be where I am by refusing to buy that pheromone spray.
You need to unplug. Drop the excuses. The lame parents here or other crap for not talking to women. I am that guy. It pays. You strike out. Women will ghost, they will flake, and they will get fat. The trick is to see the humor in everything.

Your weak hello is stronger then what you are doing now. Playing it safe, you will end up cucked, marrying some fatty or haggard woman who pissed her best days away as a booty call. It wont end well. Step up.

Julien's 3 approaches per day is money. The excuses will always be there. Lose them or suffer the consequences. You don't approach? Cool. More babes for me. One cuck tries to marry her. I am just trying to pull. Every chick no matter how hot is just practice. Your not doing it right. A SJW and feminist will try and demonize my post. **** not given.

When reality actually kicks off? There is a lot of mental health, crazy women, women will gross high kill count, single moms, cratered sexual market value, and some beta is marrying that. Women when on top form are ego maniacs. So be it. Your job as a man is to decipher and pull despite that.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Thanks for your input Deezedbrah. I can assure you that I'm not going to end up cucked, or marrying a woman as you described because that would require a level of involvement with women that simply doesn't exist in the first place, and obviously, that's a good thing as far as I'm concerned. I've quit OLD to avoid that scenario from happening because I think I'm weak in this area and think I'll settle for garbage and find more trouble than I have now. A front-end rejection is better than a back-end rejection (aka break-up/divorce/or some other B.S.) since you can just move-on easily with your life on to the next girl. No matter what happens, whether I succeed at this and find some luck, or stay with my old ways, I'm not going to settle with the wrong woman. For the record, this year I rejected a woman who was older than I am, and a lady that has two children, and a crazy ex-girlfriend on meds.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Thanks for your input Deezedbrah. I can assure you that I'm not going to end up cucked, or marrying a woman as you described because that would require a level of involvement with women that simply doesn't exist in the first place, and obviously, that's a good thing as far as I'm concerned. I've quit OLD to avoid that scenario from happening because I think I'm weak in this area and think I'll settle for garbage and find more trouble than I have now. A front-end rejection is better than a back-end rejection (aka break-up/divorce/or some other B.S.) since you can just move-on easily with your life on to the next girl. No matter what happens, whether I succeed at this and find some luck, or stay with my old ways, I'm not going to settle with the wrong woman. For the record, this year I rejected a woman who was older than I am, and a lady that has two children, and a crazy ex-girlfriend on meds.
I think you are a good kid. You have a good heart and you mean well. The thing is, women, their hypergamous nature do not give a ****. They do not and if you wont approach, their ***** will get wet for the next guy that does. You aren't on her radar until of course, the milks gone bad, bulking season kicks off, and her best days are over. Women will argue that men will always call. The reality being, the level of aesthetics and SMV being dependent on the variety or lsck thereof.

I rather strike out, get rejected, and blow outs then regret not making a pass. Not even approaching. You cannot hit dingers if you don't swing. When you hit 30, you begin to see how many of these hot babes have fallen from grace, have got fat as ****, aged like **** since party girl lifestyle doesn't end well, became single moms, and are just a fragile fragment of their former self. There is no two ways about it. You either **** or get off the pot. Checkout free tour in your city. Check inner circle. Get wings.

When I am out, I approach EVERYONE. DUdes = friends/wings/gym partner to get deezed with! Babes = pulls/ONS/FWB/SNL/dates/gfs/wife?
Its relative as to what you want but, play it safe, walking on egg shells doesn't end well. You see the new Jamanji movie> Geek gets babe. This is not real life. It doesn't end that way unless of course, geek is a six figure comp engineer or programmer and female hypergamy is wet for his resources once playboy stops calling.

Read, The rational male. Check out youtube channels like Elliot Hulse, Entrepreneurs and cars, RSDTyler, and whatever it is that puts some fire under your ass.

You only get this one life. I recently smoked dmt late last year. You realize just how insignificant much of life is. Place value and your time in that which matters. I spam cold approach. A chick is either dtf or next. wASH/rINSE/rEPEAT


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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have recently moved gyms and some nights it is poon central some really fit girls there

problem is chicks who are fit & wearing super tight leggings in the gym know any red blooded guys are going to be checking them out , its a given

i try to pay as little attention as possible often concentrating on my workout and try to catch them checking me out !


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
have recently moved gyms and some nights it is poon central some really fit girls there

problem is chicks who are fit & wearing super tight leggings in the gym know any red blooded guys are going to be checking them out , its a given

i try to pay as little attention as possible often concentrating on my workout and try to catch them checking me out !
I have access to several gyms. Friends in the industry, access to a variety of places, people in the scene training competitively. At one of my gyms, its an absolute sword fight but, the equipment is fantastic.

The given is as it is but, it doesn't change the fact. If deezed, aesthetic, if you get babes, the environment, and circumstances don't matter. I've watched cucks follow single moms and haggard women around. They do not pull. 3 sec rule is money.

1. I assume attraction always (look at me DEEZED)!
2. Assume no girl no matter how hot has seen one up close before (more then once)
3. Act accordingly

Most girls are jump offs these days. There is assumed value for having a vagina. Even pickup is terrible for this assumed value which is pretty feme/gynocentric! Men and women hit top form SMV at different periods of life. Men and women fall from grace at different rates as well.

Men age like a fine wine (assuming they lift, eat health, keep test levels up, have purpose, passion, get babes but, are about their path in life) versus women who tend to age like ****. Many girls after 23 are falling from grace. Not to say, you wont smash. I am saying, there are much better options.

RsdTyler gave the frog on the burner analogy. Slow simmer. If its too hot, it gets out of the water. If its on a slow simmer, it will boil to death. Women stew in their own stupidity and negative emotions. Trash 20s chasing playboys, get fat, children out of wedlock, and then its victim card time.

About 5yrs ago, I pulled some hot waitress. Says, "I don't date white boys." Translation: Loves bbc lol

Phat ass. Thin waist. Cute but complete train wreck. I put her ass on smash. Be out, she was a space cadet. Eyes glued to her phone. Be the sort of **** that be trying to wheel dudes from her phone when out with you.


I am not her man. She ain't my girl. NEXT SET!

I drop her after dine and dashing on her purely for lulz. I pull girl age 19 (just turned 19 *** wheeled on her bday LOL ***). few years go by. I see mobile upload via social media from waitress.

Present day single white mom, 100lbs heavier, fat as ****kkkk slob, and a series of victim card posts on social media.

Its hilarious boys. Many of these bishs are being cheered off a cliff. I welcome it. I welcome 'sloot gonna sloot' just, be trolling when they talk babies and white picket fence.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2016
Reaction score
All the guys who I have seen talking up girls at the gym just have the same generic fratty meat-head "brah" way of talking, and they also never say anything particularly intelligent. I'm very different from them. I feel like girls would be weirded out by the way I talk cause they're not used to it in that setting. My usual approach may not apply as much for this reason plus the fact that I'm not huge.

It's not like I'm gonna pretend to be like one of these dudes.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
All the guys who I have seen talking up girls at the gym just have the same generic fratty meat-head "brah" way of talking, and they also never say anything particularly intelligent. I'm very different from them. I feel like girls would be weirded out by the way I talk cause they're not used to it in that setting. My usual approach may not apply as much for this reason plus the fact that I'm not huge.

It's not like I'm gonna pretend to be like one of these dudes.
You mirrin?

Rather then watch pull babes at the gym and get your jimmies rustled, do the robbery. Step game up son.

You don't got to be huge though, being DEEZED doesn't hurt. Adonis ratio is better then actual body building. Hell, even physique aesthetics is better but, you own what you got. And you still go get babes.


Oct 25, 2017
Reaction score
I'm tall, lean and muscular and usually one of the fittest guys in the gym, but I rarely connect with anybody while I'm training. I wear headphones and I'm almost always intensely focused on lifting weights and doing cardio.

I suspect that if I committed time and energy I could likely get a few to meet me outside of the gym for a drink, but I'm not convinced it's worth it.

In my experience it's best to focus only on me at the gym. I feel like I have to bring a lot of intensity and focus to the gym. In my mind every workout should be physically and mentally torterous. My goal is to bring a warrior mindset and push my body and mind and lungs to the max. For me focusing on anything else simply distracts me from my goal, which means that I'm ultimately compromising my results.

I think it's best for me to be purely reactive toward women at the gym. The ones who (very rarely) indicate interest toward me will get my brief attention, but after a minute or two MAX of smalltalk I'll just say, "Listen I need to get back to my workout but I'd like you to join me for a drink this week. Will you meet me?"

you don't think it's hard to meet women who are very attractive and fit outside of the gym though?


Oct 25, 2017
Reaction score
I personally think it's never easy...both inside/outside the gym. I've always believed that for every 10 women approached, a DJ can expect one to say "yes" and 9 to say "no."

I don't think you understood the question

It's very hard just to find attractive and very fit women outside of the gym


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
I don't think you understood the question

It's very hard just to find attractive and very fit women outside of the gym
The trick to DJ and game is in losing the fake ****ing mustache and wig. Losing the Mr Potato head mentality. You ain't Mr Dress up.

Pickup isn't something you do sometimes. Its game time EVERY TIME. You just spit game. Questions like, what do I say are left to betas and cucks that don't get laid.

You roll up on hot bitches everywhere and start telling them what to do. You lead. The follow or NEXT!

The beta male will rationalize his rejection. Outcome isn't relevant (obv, better game on the regular). The point is that, I'M THAT GUY. TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT.

Furthermore, look through a high school or college year book. Look up present day hotties. Many are cratered sexual market value, squandered youth, single moms, kids from diff men, fat as ****, and are the sort of trolls that should be left under their bridge.

99% of what is mass marketed in pickup is nonsense but, there are gems and when its tried, tested, and it works, you run with it. 3 sec rule is money. Hot girl. Insta approach. Just break ice. You can re approach later (Alex 4x rule = $$$$$$$$$$$$$). If a woman has high interest level, they just follow your lead.

I use to think more girls at the gym is great. Now, its just skanks in stretch pants several sizes too small, poor attempt to hide thunder thighs and being a fat ass slob. Yeah, few cute girls. Tons of attention *****s, SJWs, and feminists.

Nobody said this lifestyle would be easy. You want easy, get a hooker/call girl/stripper. Otherwise, STFU, put on the big boy pants, and go get babes!

If your not hitting it, someone else is. Every chick no matter how hot is just practice. One man's trash, another man's treasure.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
I personally think it's never easy...both inside/outside the gym. I've always believed that for every 10 women approached, a DJ can expect one to say "yes" and 9 to say "no."
Point taken. After 7yrs of this ****, I can testify to the following; its a simple numbers game. Today's hottest girl is old news tomorrow. New girls turning 18/19/20/21 EVERYDAY!

Feels good man.