how should i go about this? help please


Master Don Juan
Aug 13, 2008
Reaction score
yeah I know fellas it's just hard I've done the spinning plates thing and with those woman I just didn't give 2 sh!ts. with this girl i genuinely like her so it kinda sucks to see it not going where I want it.
If it were YOU who was working 7 days a week and stressed out, would you still make an effort to see this girl ? Of course! Don't waste your time with a low interest women.

Ryan Adams

Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2016
Reaction score
ok we haven't talked since last thursday. our talking ended with me making a joke about something we both always laugh about. no response. Idk if she truly is busy or she's seeing another guy. either way I'm nexting for now but should I text her a day this week? I kinda just wanna see what she has to say for sh!t's and giggles. am I bummed about it? yes but **** it plenty more woman out there. should I just not say anything at all or shoot her a text?


Apr 25, 2016
Reaction score
ok we haven't talked since last thursday. our talking ended with me making a joke about something we both always laugh about. no response. Idk if she truly is busy or she's seeing another guy. either way I'm nexting for now but should I text her a day this week? I kinda just wanna see what she has to say for sh!t's and giggles. am I bummed about it? yes but **** it plenty more woman out there. should I just not say anything at all or shoot her a text?
Why would you chase this woman? That is all you have been doing at this point.

Its disrespectful that she didnt text you back. Its disrespectful that she didnt let you know when she would be free.

She has lost interest. Dont be the needy guy that needs closure. It will only make you look more desperate than you already have been with this woman over the past 2 weeks with the "lets go shopping" text.

Delete her number. Move on. I dont see this one reaching out, but if she does in a month just say

"I assume this is Sally (any name but hers), the cutie that asked for my number yesterday"


"Sorry, I dont recognize the number.....who is this?"

Ryan Adams

Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2016
Reaction score
I know man I agree I want to just be able to move on but I keep thinking about it. I live in a pretty small countryish town and spinning plates is pretty hard. im trying but just bummed it didnt work out she was a cool chick up until this point

I deletd her number this morning. the past few weeks she's been feeding me this b.s. about how busy she is and last night she snapchatted her out at some Christmas lights thing an hr from her house. it doesn't matter but it's like oh so your to busy to hang out but you can go watch Christmas lights with god knows who. she doesn't even try to hide the fact that she isn't truly busy either it's like blatant she has free time...


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2017
Reaction score
I know man I agree I want to just be able to move on but I keep thinking about it. I live in a pretty small countryish town and spinning plates is pretty hard. im trying but just bummed it didnt work out she was a cool chick up until this point

I deletd her number this morning. the past few weeks she's been feeding me this b.s. about how busy she is and last night she snapchatted her out at some Christmas lights thing an hr from her house. it doesn't matter but it's like oh so your to busy to hang out but you can go watch Christmas lights with god knows who. she doesn't even try to hide the fact that she isn't truly busy either it's like blatant she has free time...

Oh ****. Forget her. Forget. Forget. I had hope but no. Forget.


Apr 25, 2016
Reaction score
I know man I agree I want to just be able to move on but I keep thinking about it. I live in a pretty small countryish town and spinning plates is pretty hard. im trying but just bummed it didnt work out she was a cool chick up until this point

I deletd her number this morning. the past few weeks she's been feeding me this b.s. about how busy she is and last night she snapchatted her out at some Christmas lights thing an hr from her house. it doesn't matter but it's like oh so your to busy to hang out but you can go watch Christmas lights with god knows who. she doesn't even try to hide the fact that she isn't truly busy either it's like blatant she has free time...
Good for you. Its a step in the right direction.

I have dated many women who were completely different from the time we started talking to when it ended. Thousands of variables as to why it always ends. It could have been you, her or an outside person. In the end it doesnt matter.

Just remember how she acted at the end if she reaches out again. Only current actions matter.

What has she done for you lately? Nothing. Thats all that matters. You will only hear from her again if she wants to string you along or if the new guy doesnt work out, because there is someone new, I can assure you. I have never been one to accept 2nd place, so fvck her if she does reach out at this point. All you would be doing is accepting that his will probably happen again with her later down the road.

Ryan Adams

Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2016
Reaction score
yeah done I didn't delete her off social media as that would be incredibly immature but her number is gone.

Ryan Adams

Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2016
Reaction score
ok I know im beating a dead horse but i need to vent. so her at that Christmas lights thing WAS for work lol and she just picked up a 3rd job as a bartender so her being stressed out and just super fckn busy are true 100%. 99 % sure there isnt another guy in the picture.I know from a source that works with her. she still hasn't reached out to me from last week's text though. should I keep holding out?


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2013
Reaction score
Seriously how many days has it been since y'all hooked up? Move on already, she isn't going to magically drop her weekend jobs for you. Find a chick that works 5 days a week, there's your answer.

Ryan Adams

Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2016
Reaction score
we hooked up like 12 days ago lol it hasn't been thattt long lol


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score
When a woman is interested in you, there is no guesswork, no games, none of it. She hasn't contacted you in a week, that speaks volumes. Everyone has an opportunity to text or call at some point in the day And she isn't doing it.

Always judge a woman by her current actions, not things she has done in the past. Walk and start spinning new plates. I wish I had known this when my ex gf started getting distant, it would have aged me about 2 months of anxiety. This is why you always invest less than the woman, she will know and won't want to risk losing you. My current lady knows if she didn't contact me for a while, I wouldn't sit around and wait for her.

Ryan Adams

Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2016
Reaction score
some of her older texts were her saying stuff like" I'm a mess I have crazy dogs and i work way to much I don't know why you like me" it was like she was telling me not to like her? I keep thinking like maybe she is waiting for me to chase her but I know I'm 100% wrong but it's the always in the back of my mind.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
You should be dating multiple women so if one drops you its not a big deal...this stuff happens all the time btw with chicks you are not serious with...


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
I know for a fact that she isn't lying she works her main job mon-fri and her side job sat-sun. I know because I've seen her at her job on weekends and she snaps me at it almost every day. there is a possibility that she is lying of course but if she has then I have no idea where she gets the time to. plus we've been out in public in her area literally everywhere and her everyone she knows has seen us together so it's not like a secret...

I understand spinning plates but for the first time in awhile I really dig this chick gotta good head on her shoulders has her sh!t together. etc etc just wanna see this one through
Except that isn't the way things work. You dont get to do things a certain way when you like a woman and then do things another way when you don't.

Like you cant just stop seeing other women and focus on this one when you arent exclusive unless you want to end up in a situation where you'll start acting desperate and end up pushing her away because of it.


Apr 25, 2016
Reaction score
I would guess that your impatience and insecurity that you show on this forum was also a problem with her (even though she may not have vocalized it). You probably pushed her away as her interest clearly fell off.

You need to work on yourself and find new chicks instead of trying to find one or two people on here that are going to agree with your comments on this post. You wont find that here with any guy that knows chicks.

Ryan Adams

Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2016
Reaction score
I would guess that your impatience and insecurity that you show on this forum was also a problem with her (even though she may not have vocalized it). You probably pushed her away as her interest clearly fell off.

You need to work on yourself and find new chicks instead of trying to find one or two people on here that are going to agree with your comments on this post. You wont find that here with any guy that knows chicks.
I've been doing everything you guys are saying but venting hard on here. I haven't contacted her in a week except my ****i ng phone pocket texted her today... but no im listening I just don't get many woman like her as you can tell but I do understand there is plenty out there.

when she said let's take it slow i agreed 100% i wasn't to pushy with her. my phone texted her some gibberish and she contacted me saying um what? i saidsorry pocket text so there goes steady week of no contact fml