Why this forum should be mandatory. i just had to bail my little brother out of jail


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
text book ****.

my brother is 26. clueless about women. chuch going god fearing dude. yes sir no sir dude. works at a hosptial as a nurse. about..4 months ago he texts me pics of his new gf. i'm not go lie she's as moke show i was proud. then last month he did somehting he has litearlly never done before. he asked me for money. hes' frugal and doesn't realy care abgout money all that much. he still drives the car he got for his graduation present. like 300 bucks. **** happens i wire it to him. then again lol. now i know something isn't right.

so thursday, too ashamed to call dad he calls me from prison collect and tells me that after he resfused to buy this girl roxys lol, which she was addicted to, she told the police that he hit him. he's not big, he's like 5'6 130, but he is black and she's very white and this is arkansas and that was that. i flew down there to bail my little brother out of jail and i'm going to stay here for a month and stay at my house i have here and make him stay with me to watch over him. he don't know women like i do. she'll be back.

there is a check list you should follow when meeting women

does she have a job

does she do suspicious **** like go to the bathrom every 15 mins.

do her parents like her

does he ever offer to pay for anyth8ing

is she drama

does she have a record lol.

literally this girl checked every box. but she's hot lol so **** it.

now my brother looking at a 3rd degree battary charge and a possession charge for the roxys she left in his house when he got arrested, that they illegally searched for becasue seh told the police she lived there lol, he''l beat it i'll make sure of it but still. ;

a bad woman ain't worth it. i don't care how fine she is.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
they illegally searched for becasue seh told the police she lived there lol, he''l beat it i'll make sure of it

He can beat the battery, but before you let a lawyer fleece you out of ten grand, let me tell you that you're going to lose. It's called 3rd-party consent:

If it was reasonable for the cops to believe her lie, that's all they need.

Save your money and take the plea deal, or else they are going to punish him ten times as much for making them go through with a trial. They'll offer to drop the battery if he pleads guilty to the drug possession, and that's the deal I'd take. He's going to be found guilty on that charge whether he fights it or not.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
The thing is, it was not reasonable to believe the lie, because he had text messages. On his phone, in his pocket that literally says "I just got kicked out of my family's house I am on my way there" about 12 hours before the event took place, he told them this and they refused to check. They also had to use his key to get in, because she does not have one.

They believed her because she was white and cute and he was black

My little brother is not me. Is take the possession charge because I've been known to dabble but he doesn't even drink. In going to use every resource I have to make sure he beats it. He hid her **** because he wad afraid she was stupid enough to let them in the house.

That possession charge would ruin his life

Also you are not factoring in the most important factor.,their witness is a junkie who is addicted to roxys. If they are depending on her showing up 2-4-6 months from now, sober loll and not committing any crimes they already lost, she already has to be in court this week on a shop lifting charge

In going to bend the state over long **** style for this then move my bro to calico with me

They let her in to steal alcohol, an amazon echo and a bunch of his roommates Batman collectors items
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May 23, 2013
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If she told the police she lived there she should get a posession charge also?


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
@backbreaker I am so sorry to hear this. As both a police officer as well as a man who has been through this dance getting falsely accused of domestic battery and arrested. It's SO sad. Most cops suck at handling domestic situations, like 70% of them or more.. It's much quicker, much easier, and less risky to just believe what the woman says and make the arrest vs. really look at the totality of the situation and listen equally to both the woman and the man.

Your brother needs to get as serious as he has ever been in his life and get this dropped. A domestic conviction even if its a misdemeanor in his state will actually be worse than havign some felonies on his record.. If it is his first arrest, it likely will be dropped but it will take some work. I hope he can afford a good lawyer. I would say steer clear of getting a public defender. From best to worst, his options are 1) Hire a good lawyer 2) Represent himself 3) Public Defender. With you to support him he has a good shot at #2 if #1 is not an option.

This just pi$$es me off so much when I hear of another man having to go through this. Thank God you are there for him.


@backbreaker I am so sorry to hear this. As both a police officer as well as a man who has been through this dance getting falsely accused of domestic battery and arrested. It's SO sad. Most cops suck at handling domestic situations, like 70% of them or more.. It's much quicker, much easier, and less risky to just believe what the woman says and make the arrest vs. really look at the totality of the situation and listen equally to both the woman and the man.

Your brother needs to get as serious as he has ever been in his life and get this dropped. A domestic conviction even if its a misdemeanor in his state will actually be worse than havign some felonies on his record.. If it is his first arrest, it likely will be dropped but it will take some work. I hope he can afford a good lawyer. I would say steer clear of getting a public defender. From best to worst, his options are 1) Hire a good lawyer 2) Represent himself 3) Public Defender. With you to support him he has a good shot at #2 if #1 is not an option.

This just pi$$es me off so much when I hear of another man having to go through this. Thank God you are there for him.
Fascinating to her a cop talking about the uselessness of a public defender. A guy who literally works for the other side and is just a prop for the courtroom dog and pony show, so they can claim you had all your rights to representation granted to you. Meanwhile, his job is to avoid going to trial at all costs. Bribery in it's most raw form. I agree that anyone with an IQ of 100 or more could probably represent himself more effectively.

I'm curious about two other things from your perspective. What do you think about the fact that it's legal to report on criminal charges before a trial, that is to say you can print this guy's face in the paper with the plaintiff's story while not a damn thing has been established but for the very low barrier of probable cause? I know the UK preserves this in the vault until after conviction and frankly, I think our process is a national disgrace. But perhaps that's an argument to be had over the press, not the criminal justice system itself.

And what do you think about absolute immunity? Don't you think it would be better if a defendant could sue the local county or state if the charges are dropped? Wouldn't that stop trigger happy prosecutors from filing charges simply to try to get a plea just to get a notch in his belt and close a case? This would ensure the prosecutors (who in my opinion have to be a sociopath to take a job like that, ditto for criminal defense attorneys) proceed with a lot of caution before attempting to end livelihoods.

I think our justice system is incredibly flawed, and it has nothing to do with "discrimination" against people of color as the OP had to inject the race card without any evidence other than "it's Arkansas".


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
A guy who literally works for the other side and is just a prop for the courtroom dog and pony show, so they can claim you had all your rights to representation granted to you. Meanwhile, his job is to avoid going to trial at all costs.
This is exactly right. Even though representing yourself is a fundamental right, I've seen cases where someone had a public defender but displayed knowledge that they were onto the BS. They eventually told the Judge they wanted to fire their public defender, and the Judge denied it.. Of course he did. Because now the little threesome circle between the State's Attorney, Public Defender, and Judge is broken and the 'off the record' plans they made ahead of time have just gone out the window.

What do you think about the fact that it's legal to report on criminal charges before a trial, that is to say you can print this guy's face in the paper with the plaintiff's story while not a damn thing has been established but for the very low barrier of probable cause? I
I have been through this personally. Being a cop, when I got arrested, it made news. After it was dropped I tried to get the paper to write a rebuttal. They weren't gonna do it until I asked the reporter, the primary reporter who did police stories, why there had been 3 x people die in the county jail in the past several years that never got reported in the paper.. In one Email to the paper guy I Ccd the Sheriff, letting him know that I knew about the coverup. I knew people who worked at the jail so I was privy to a lot of stuff that the Sheriff would rather I didn't know. The 3 x deaths hadn't got reported because the newspaper guy was in bed with the Sheriff's Office, and I knew that too. He would write bad stuff about all the police departments in the area, but then write about how great the Sheriff's office was. Eventually I got him to agree to write a rebuttal about my charges. And he did. It was all of about 2.5 sentences, compared to 4-5 paragraphs he had wrote when I got arrested. This was right about the time I got rehired as a cop at another department. After a good talk with my new Chief on what I should do, he said "don't worry about it, I know what is fact and what is fiction about your background". My new Chief had the court papers with the domestic being dropped. He knew who he was hiring. So he could give two sh|ts less what the paper said. Had I not been rehired as cop, though, I would have put more pressure on the paper and exposed the big coverup that was being protected at the Sheriff's office with the people dieing in jail and the paper looking the other way...

And what do you think about absolute immunity? Don't you think it would be better if a defendant could sue the local county or state if the charges are dropped? Wouldn't that stop trigger happy prosecutors from filing charges simply to try to get a plea just to get a notch in his belt and close a case?
Absolutely. If I hadn't got my badge back and had more spare time, I would have found some way to sue the paper and the county since it was the County Sheriff's Office that arrested me, the same people with the corrupt jail. Not sure how but I would have found it, if it took me 50 years. But right now its pretty hard or impossible to do. Lucky I work as a police officer one county over from where all this happened at. Two different worlds. The County I work in has nearly zero corruption. I will never work it the corrupt county that I live in no matter what.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Update: his court date isn't till the end of march. She got arrested literally when they took her to the station for questioning she had 3 syringes on her and pills. She also tried to get back with him and admitted via text he didn't hit her, she was ****ed up and ran into the screen door lol and she want press charges

If I know anything I know drug addicts. She got a 150 dollar a next roxy habit. Heroin is next. She just cleans up extremely well. But she got a son her mom want let her see shes not allowed at her patentsthouse, their case will fall apart by itself as long as my bro keeps his nose clean which ill make sure of,

I think our justice system is incredibly flawed, and it has nothing to do with "discrimination" against people of color as the OP had to inject the race card without any evidence other than "it's Arkansas".
My bro with not so much as a speeding ticket got a 10k bail. This girl the next day with 2 roxy and three syringes, already with pending shoplifting charges got released with no bail. Want in prison 1 hour lol,

Racism or not they ****ed with the wrong family. My brother want live the rest of his life with the stigmatism that white women are more privileged then he is. I mean his mom want even talk to him (different moms)

Still looking for the right lawyer. Got a few weeks, had to travel home to handle family ****
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Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
@backbreaker I probably don't need to remind you of this but I will feel better after I do. MAKE SURE HE SAVES THAT TEXT!! I would make several copies of it. Screen shot. Picture of it from another phone. Print it out on paper. Make sure it shows her phone # in it which means if she is still in his contact list he will need to delete her out. So when the text is displayed, it shows her number and hot just her name. I actually had that called into question one time on a guy I arrested for domestic battery who had texted his victim some incriminating stuff beforehand.

I think your brother will be OK. That is steep with the bail amount. Bail on a domestic here is typically either nothing or $120.00 out the door.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2016
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1. If the cops thought both people were sketchy and not sure whose drugs they are, why not drug test them both to see who's ducking around. I mean, if there's hard drugs stashed, they gotta be using recently and that stuff would show up right?

But even then, because she's said girlfriend and she stashed it, he's guilt by proxy?


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Drug use is not a crime. Drug possession is the crime. So the drug test is irrelevant. If you've never done drugs, and I say 'here, hold my drugs.' as soon as you take them from me, you have committed the crime of drug possession.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
Update: his court date isn't till the end of march. She got arrested literally when they took her to the station for questioning she had 3 syringes on her and pills. She also tried to get back with him and admitted via text he didn't hit her, she was ****ed up and ran into the screen door lol and she want press charges

If I know anything I know drug addicts. She got a 150 dollar a next roxy habit. Heroin is next. She just cleans up extremely well. But she got a son her mom want let her see shes not allowed at her patentsthouse, their case will fall apart by itself as long as my bro keeps his nose clean which ill make sure of,

My bro with not so much as a speeding ticket got a 10k bail. This girl the next day with 2 roxy and three syringes, already with pending shoplifting charges got released with no bail. Want in prison 1 hour lol,

Racism or not they ****ed with the wrong family. My brother want live the rest of his life with the stigmatism that white women are more privileged then he is. I mean his mom want even talk to him (different moms)

Still looking for the right lawyer. Got a few weeks, had to travel home to handle family ****
Yep, and you never know he may have been dealing with Mark Furman type cops who hate seeing black men with beautiful white women. But help him as much as you can and try to make sure he understands that he needs to stay away from trash like her or he WILL regret it. But be prepared alot of guys have to learn the hard way. My drummer has a son like this to fuucking weak to let the tramp that hes with go, yep another white girl who loves drugs. Hes a good looking guy and could do better, but he's too dammn weak, she got this fool falling out on the floor crying over a freaking drug addict! Smgdh. He needs his asss whipped but I'm convinced he'll never learn.

I'd be more concerned of a biitch like this overdosing and dying in my house. Any female that uses drugs are a big fat no in my book!

Btw, help an old square like me out, what the hell is Roxy?
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Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Roxicodone is oxycodone. Its pretty much the most powerful drug in the northern hemisphere that you can get on the streets (krockodil is stronger) its basically pur e morphine that's time released to last for 4 hours, but u can break it down by melting it and shooting it and get the entire dose at once.

Roxy 30s are normal and its a dollAR a mg. So one pill is 30 on the street. A script for 120 Roxy is like 5 dollars at wall mart loll. They only give it to severe pain patients like cancer and stuff. Anyway she has to hAve 4 a day to not go into withdrawals not even to get high just to not have to go to the icu.

They are opiates. In my day I used to like to take opiates with coke to speed ball- take the geekinedd out if the coke it mellows u out. Not in my backbresker rule one story I had hydro's. Anyway someone gave me a 30mg Roxy once and i knew 1 hour into it..nope loll.duck this. Too high. Throwing up, sweating yet can't stop moving, body temp too high. That was eating one. This girl shoots up 4 a day.

I don't **** on anyone partying I had fun but 10mg hydro's is right where I draw the line. Oxys-feint-heroin its time to do something else

I give him a pass. I mean I have seen her she's not trashy cute she extremely cute u can't tell. Hard to spot opiate users as long as they have a steady supply. And she was a nursr. He couldn't tell the signs until it was too late and she had him in the feels
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Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Yeah the possession is my real concern. He has no record and it was a small amount of ice like .2 grams that he literally put in his pocket because he knew she would let the police in

NY point is they never should have had a reason to search him in the first place he had no marks on his hand to suggest she wad hit, and it wasn't her house to begin with. Well see. He ain't going to jail over .2 grams of ice that's like basically one half ass line. But u cat have drug charges and work at a hospital

He knows my drug history and I'm like bro this is me u talking to. Look man if u had your girl over and u doing a little skate kicking it I get it bro and we will still figure it out and I will still fight for cause u a good man but bro do not lie to me,I gotta know. And he swears he doesn't do drugs and I know my brother and honestly I believe him, this is a dude that when me him and dad go out together dad and I will drink crown or beer and he drinks water loll. Its just not him. He's not that dude

More than anything I want him in la with me. They will offer probation and I donor want to wait that long. He's good looking like his big bro and has a degree in music, can sing his ass off, we go to bars and kill it doing the piano- vocal thing. He'll do quite well out here. Singing and possibly acting is his real passion. I want to get him out here in the la scene he really don't understand his value yet

Its funny my dad has no music ability at all but I play the piano and violin he sings and my youngest brother is probably going to a hbc on a music Scholly as a drummer
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Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah the possession is my real concern. He has no record and it was a small amount of ice like .2 grams that he literally put in his pocket because he knew she would let the police in

NY point is they never should have had a reason to search him in the first place he had no marks on his hand to suggest she wad hit, and it wasn't her house to begin with. Well see. He ain't going to jail over .2 grams of ice that's like basically one half ass line. But u cat have drug charges and work at a hospital

He knows my drug history and I'm like bro this is me u talking to. Look man if u had your girl over and u doing a little skate kicking it I get it bro and we will still figure it out and I will still fight for cause u a good man but bro do not lie to me,I gotta know. And he swears he doesn't do drugs and I know my brother and honestly I believe him, this is a dude that when me him and dad go out together dad and I will drink crown or beer and he drinks water loll. Its just not him. He's not that dude

More than anything I want him in la with me. They will offer probation and I donor want to wait that long. He's good looking like his big bro and has a degree in music, can sing his ass off, we go to bars and kill it doing the piano- vocal thing. He'll do quite well out here. Singing and possibly acting is his real passion. I want to get him out here in the la scene he really don't understand his value yet

Its funny my dad has no music ability at all but I play the piano and violin he sings and my youngest brother is probably going to a hbc on a music Scholly as a drummer
Hey, man didn't know you played piano too. My first instrument was guitar, back in the day I loved Randy Rhodes, Van Halen, Hendrix, Quiet Riot and Rush you know rock music! I had a heavy metal band when I was living in the bay area. I took rock/metal guitar lessons from this guy:


Still have my first lesson from over 34 years ago, hmm, for some reason the server won't let me upload the file. But anyway his name is Doug Marks, he's a lead rock- metal guitar virtuoso. And in my opinion the best guitar teacher in that
genre: download (6).jpg

I learned the church modes from him:
Ionion, Dorian, Phyrgian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Natural Minor, and Locrian, which is ironically how I became interested in jazz piano. But I play guitar, bass, drums, piano, organ all midi synth keyboards and drum machines and dabbled in sax!

I posted some music theory here a while back, but gave up because it was over most peoples head. Lol, So are you a sight reader play by ear or what?

What style of music you play?
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Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
yeah I'm honestly a better violin player than i am a piano player i took violin lessons / orchestra from 4th grade to 11th grade and was in the Arkansas Youth Sympathy. I can pretty much play anything I can hear instantly on the violin. trips or at least tripped women out when i would just break out a violin and start playing it. I can read trebble clef like i can read english even still. I played basketball as well and we were on block schedule and the last period was always orchestra and gym and my coaches worked with me to let me go to gym on game days and on A block and orchestra on non game days b block but we were really really good my senior year and my coach said i had to make a decision basketball or violin and i chose basketball. probably the stupidest decision i've ever made in my life i was first chair 2nd violin for like 6 years and the first chair first violin went to juilliard school. My fav songs are probably the theme ot Schindler's list and Remembernces from the same movie which i can play both as well as the southern fiddle song devils dream. i can play the **** out of Schindler's list. that and por una cabeza i play so well they let me do solo first violin on in arkansas youth orchestra. i don't know what it is about that song i just feel the passion in it and get into it. Por una cabeza is the song they are playing at the very beginning of Schindler's list after the actual theme in the lounge / the song that is in scent of a woman that they tango to.

but i'm a pretty good pianest as well though, i could be better but i don't practice as much as i used to / it's just a hobby now i took the violin pretty serious. i like jazz. one night a few years ago we were or at least i was drunk and we were at this dueling piano bar and it was amatuear night or some **** like that and was like dude let's go do this **** lol. i was like do you know the words to spain / i can recall he was like yeah we just ab libbed that **** on the fly and it was dope as hell. we also did a duet deal at my uncle mike's funeral of his eye is on the sparrow which was beautiful. that is probably my fav jazz song along with martina (bill evans) and misty (earl garner)

my wife when she gets enough liquor in her lol can hold a tone and we like to **** around and she will sing and i wll play in the background. She sings tangerine (elaine elias) pretty well. my son who is about to be 9 i can already tell doesn't have my INTJ personality he's more artsy than i am and he's shown some real musical inclination, moreso than i had at that age. he can already play peace pipe / some other time (bill evans / tony bennett), i didn't even show him how to play i just heard him playing it one day and i was like damn joe you pretty good lol. i can't read piano music i play 100% by ear but i'm going to start him on piano lessons in the summer

my second love music wise is video game music and there are a few songs that make me really really want to learn how to play the guitar like metal gear solid guns of the patriots opening theme
that **** is so bad ass to me lol and the old street fighter themes. i can play zelda's main theme on the piano. on the ohter hand, in reference to my violin / orchestra ability i can literally write out the background to that right now hearing it pitch perfectly in first and second violin. too many ****ing strings on the guitar im' good with E A D and G lol
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Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
yeah I'm honestly a better violin player than i am a piano player i took violin lessons / orchestra from 4th grade to 11th grade and was in the Arkansas Youth Sympathy. I can pretty much play anything I can hear instantly on the violin. trips or at least tripped women out when i would just break out a violin and start playing it. I can read trebble clef like i can read english even still. I played basketball as well and we were on block schedule and the last period was always orchestra and gym and my coaches worked with me to let me go to gym on game days and on A block and orchestra on non game days b block but we were really really good my senior year and my coach said i had to make a decision basketball or violin and i chose basketball. probably the stupidest decision i've ever made in my life i was first chair 2nd violin for like 6 years and the first chair first violin went to juilliard school. My fav songs are probably the theme ot Schindler's list and Remembernces from the same movie which i can play both as well as the southern fiddle song devils dream. i can play the **** out of Schindler's list. that and por una cabeza i play so well they let me do solo first violin on in arkansas youth orchestra. i don't know what it is about that song i just feel the passion in it and get into it. Por una cabeza is the song they are playing at the very beginning of Schindler's list after the actual theme in the lounge / the song that is in scent of a woman that they tango to.

but i'm a pretty good pianest as well though, i could be better but i don't practice as much as i used to / it's just a hobby now i took the violin pretty serious. i like jazz. one night a few years ago we were or at least i was drunk and we were at this dueling piano bar and it was amatuear night or some **** like that and was like dude let's go do this **** lol. i was like do you know the words to spain / i can recall he was like yeah we just ab libbed that **** on the fly and it was dope as hell. we also did a duet deal at my uncle mike's funeral of his eye is on the sparrow which was beautiful. that is probably my fav jazz song along with martina (bill evans) and misty (earl garner)

my wife when she gets enough liquor in her lol can hold a tone and we like to **** around and she will sing and i wll play in the background. She sings tangerine (elaine elias) pretty well. my son who is about to be 9 i can already tell doesn't have my INTJ personality he's more artsy than i am and he's shown some real musical inclination, moreso than i had at that age. he can already play peace pipe / some other time (bill evans / tony bennett), i didn't even show him how to play i just heard him playing it one day and i was like damn joe you pretty good lol. i can't read piano music i play 100% by ear but i'm going to start him on piano lessons in the summer

my second love music wise is video game music and there are a few songs that make me really really want to learn how to play the guitar like metal gear solid guns of the patriots opening theme
that **** is so bad ass to me lol and the old street fighter themes. i can play zelda's main theme on the piano. on the ohter hand, in reference to my violin / orchestra ability i can literally write out the background to that right now hearing it pitch perfectly in first and second violin. too many ****ing strings on the guitar im' good with E A D and G lol
Ironically my first foray into jazz started out with Bill Evans, "make someone happy, we will meet again, my foolish heart, etc". Ironically i had never heard Martina until now. And I haven't played misty in years. Bill Evans right besides Chick Corea was my favorite jazz pianist until I heard Art Tatum, and he was my favorite until Oscar Peterson.

For me it doesn't get any better than OP! He was the best Jazz pianist that ever lived, I honestly belive he even surpassed Art Tatum. I'm an ear player too, but my sight reading is average, it sounds like you have perfect pitch, I have it too, I can normally tell what key a song is in when I hear the first note without checking on piano first.

The other keyboard player in my band plays violin and he is very good too, he can hear ANY chord, key, note, whatever. Ive noticed most people who play violin seem to develope perfect pitch spontaneously! His ears are even better than mine, but I'm a better musician because I've played for almost 40 years, lol! I'm pretty much a virtuoso pianist now. Btw, isn't violin a non transposing instrument?


Yep, and you never know he may have been dealing with Mark Furman type cops who hate seeing black men with beautiful white women.
Do you think Mark Fuhrman using the n-word was enough justification to let OJ Simpson off for murdering two innocent white people? Was Nicole Brown just another white girl who liked drugs? Who was the worst person in that case, OJ Simpson or Mark Fuhrman?
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Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
Do you think Mark Fuhrman using the n-word was enough justification to let OJ Simpson off for murdering two innocent white people? Was Nicole Brown just another white girl who liked drugs? Who was the worst person in that case, OJ Simpson or Mark Fuhrman?
First off, if we are going to be honest, I was the first person that went off on backbreaker when he posted a while back that Nicole And Ron deserved to get killed! And the second thing is that you are talking to the wrong person about this, anybody here who's followed my posts know that I can't stand OJ Simpson. I call him Slow J, the guys a fuuckin idiot. Thirdly, I believe that he was acquitted in part because of evidence tampering, missing blood viles, half baked evidence, etc. Mark Furmans confessions of being a racist and other factors that I'm not going to get into. Had these not occured he'd be sitting in jail for murder right now. But as fate would have it KARMIC justice win out and he will probably spend the rest of his life in jail anyway for the stupid strongarm shennanigans. But the fact of the matter is there was enough reasonable doubt for the jury to aquit him. And if you notice at least two other white people agreed!

"By the end of the trial, the jury composition broke down as nine black jurors, one hispanic and two white. There were 10 women and two men. Two of the jurors had college degrees, nine had graduated high school and one had no diploma."

I only brought it up to Backbreaker because of the relevancy to his brothers situation, the aforementioned post of his about Nicole and Ron triggered my memory and it was one of the first things that popped into my mind when I read his post because Mark Furman admitted to targeting interacial couples esp black men and white women. I'm a long time poster here, around thirteen years ago and used to never get involved in these racial discussions up until about a month or two ago, and there's a reason for that, but there has to be a balance.

Listen at the end of the day we both know OJ is guilty and he deserves to be where he is at right now no need to rehash it here. I'm way more level headed than you give me credit for and old enough to be your father.:D

But to be fair I brought it up, and with that said I'm ending it. Fair enough?


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Man I can talk jazz all day long, the song that got me listening to jazz I was listening to npr radio one night back when I was young and broke lol and i heard this song that was so simple yet powerful. The song was some other time (bill Evans tony Bennett) . I listened to npr for another month waiting to hear it again to learn the name and heard other greats like Mack the knife, my romance, straight no chaser, the days of wine and roses, then ill tell u the song that got me like 100% was the first time I heard Oscar Peterson's rendition of John browns body with Milton Jackson on the vibraphone was like this is my shirt lol

My niche is playing songs in block style Im really good at throwing a handful of chords together off the top of my head. So songs like misty, my rommance, waltz for derby, I can play straight no chaser without playing one regular none block style chord. I struggle stringing tigether singular notes in a string. Like I couldn't play the intro to Martina if my life depended on it. Spain is about the limit to my normal tempo, that's another song I can kill because I can block style the entire solo part

Love bill Evans precision, Oscar Peterson those are my main two. I respect art tatum for his ability but don't care for his sound. After that I probably listen to Elaine elais more than anyone else she's really talented and kinda milfy lol

Vocals my absolute far is Kat edmundson. Take to the sky is my fav album ever. (Just like) starting over when I first heard that I literally listened to it for like a month straight perfect song anf by far my fav vocal song of any era ever. I also like just like heaven and angel eyes off that album. Do our self a favor and google zoot Sims angel eyes really out there but I love it. I like it cause if u played it on the piano it would be backwards where the left plays the melody

Really big Julie London fan but Morse for sentimental reasons reminds me of my business come up. I like cry me a river and sway but my fav is bouquet of blues really that needs its own quote

Have you seen the girl of great regret
Looking for the man she can't forget
Misery in high heel shoes
Holding a bouquet of blues

That entire album about the blues is money

Also love, love dizzies version of after hours cause I cant play that in a million years

As an adult I have only cried twice

1. When I first held my son for the first time abd realized I loved him more than life itself

2. My wife and I first dance as husband and wife. Cry me to the moon tony Bennett, absolutely most perfect moment in Mt life. We dance to it every anny