Why "The Dating Market" Sucks

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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A lot of men like to cry over the bad dating market and how almost all women are trash today.

Its mostly true, but the real question is what do we do about it? Because b!tching won't help.

The problem boils down to supply and demand. When demand is high.. quality degrades and/or prices go up. Why is an expensive car expensive? It comes down to demand for a nice car compared to the level of scarcity. Older cars are in lower demand so their prices drop. So lets apply this to the dating market:

The more value men place on LTR's with women.. the more women will be b!tches. Think about this for a second... lets say 80% of men decided they refused to enter a LTR with a woman unless the conditions were EXCELLENT. What do you think would happen? Women would go back to their 1950's style behavior and work hard to seduce men into commitment.

Now what happens when every faggot and their bother desperately wants to be in a LTR? Price goes up and quality goes down. Such relationships come easy for women so they don't appreciate them. Women don't have to WORK to keep a man, so they don't. How often to women get dumped? Not often. Men have been reduced to puppy dog tools and accessories. There is nothing to work for. Nothing to fear. Nothing to lose.

I refuse to be in a LTR that is 100% exclusive. Refuse. I will not let one woman have a monopoly on me. This raises my value and forces women who deal with me to show respect or get lost. What if every man suddenly started to respect himself? What would women do?

My personal issue lies with current laws. We need to change them in a way that is fair to men. But this won't happen until more men wake up and kill their white knight thinking and co-dependence. Oh yeah.. and until more men start to respect themselves.. the market will keep sucking.


Oct 20, 2006
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For a given woman, we're all in a dating pool with 32 guys just like us. It's like ESPN Power Rankings, changing after every game. Only the top handful are even discussed as contenders. That's why dressing right and knowing about how to wine, dine, and entertain (and especially seduce and satisfy) a woman is essential.

But I've found that once you are in, it's pretty easy to stay in their list of favorites. The art is being able to tell one woman about another woman and have her fall for you. Even better, if you have a romantic texting dialogue and you let another girl read your texts (i.e., for advice), she will fall in love with you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
So demand is how much a man wants to be in a relationship with a woman, not how much women there are vs men. With that considered, look at the map(s) here:


This shows the ratio of men to women for each country. If you notice the countries where women tend to be b!tchier (the West), you will notice that they tend to have more females than males. If you notice the countries where women are more docile, you will ntocie the opposite; a greater male to female ratio. I wonder why this is. Just something to think about I suppose.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2014
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The more value men place on LTR's with women.. the more women will be b!tches. Think about this for a second... lets say 80% of men decided they refused to enter a LTR with a woman unless the conditions were EXCELLENT. What do you think would happen? Women would go back to their 1950's style behavior and work hard to seduce men into commitment.
This is really all it boils down to these days. Men are their own worst enemy. For every guy who act aloof and doesn't play into some b!tch's game, she'll have 10 other white knights riding in to her rescue. What message does that send to her? Do you honestly believe that she will objectively evaluate her behavior toward that one red pill guy? Hell no, she's got 10 other new orbiters who she can f*ck anytime she wants now because they're so desperate for any woman's attention.

Is it bad that I yearn for olden days where an unfaithful woman would have to move out of town and live somewhere else in order to literally survive? We'll never be able to force women out of the workplace or anything like that; really the only remedy left is red-pilling as many men as possible and forcing a change in the social stigma these women will reap as a result of their behavior.


Oct 13, 2015
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The dating market is only as good as its participants. Those at the top will feast. Those at the bottom will famine. Anyone with enough will can raise their SMV 3-5 pts. Any deniers to this claim?

Choose your SMV position.


Oct 20, 2006
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Every girl I know is currently at my disposal, all because I showed the social proof of having (IMO) the prettiest girl.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
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PK, sometimes your stuff is a bit extreme, but this is on point.

Had a convo with a bud the other day and he even has himself convinced that his marriage is good, that he wants to be monogamous, and that men want marriage as much as women. I started to disagree and he got a bit defensive and looked at me like I was crazy, so I changed the subject. Mind you, this guy is now probably 50 lbs. overweight, has two kids, and generally puts up with a wife that parties regularly and hangs out with other men...

Sucks that all my friends feel almost the same way. You can hear it in their voice.. "ofcourse I want to be married, love her" blah blah blah.... you can hear the resentment to the system in the subtle undertones of their voice...

If more men were better at filtering, society would force women to be higher quality. Unfortunately, most men chase the golden pvssy and let women control them with it...


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2008
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Los Angeles
Think about this for a second... lets say 80% of men decided they refused to enter a LTR with a woman unless the conditions were EXCELLENT. What do you think would happen? Women would go back to their 1950's style behavior and work hard to seduce men into commitment.
This is why holding frame with a woman is so important. Whether she shuts you down on the initial approach, gives you her number, f*cks you, gets into a short term relationship with you, or becomes an LTR, RESPECT and FRAME CONTROL is all. So many men hand their balls over to women on a silver platter. Whatever happens with a chick, you've gotta keep your self respect. That's how men win in the long term.


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2014
Reaction score
A lot of men like to cry over the bad dating market and how almost all women are trash today.

Its mostly true, but the real question is what do we do about it? Because b!tching won't help.

The problem boils down to supply and demand. When demand is high.. quality degrades and/or prices go up. Why is an expensive car expensive? It comes down to demand for a nice car compared to the level of scarcity. Older cars are in lower demand so their prices drop. So lets apply this to the dating market:

The more value men place on LTR's with women.. the more women will be b!tches. Think about this for a second... lets say 80% of men decided they refused to enter a LTR with a woman unless the conditions were EXCELLENT. What do you think would happen? Women would go back to their 1950's style behavior and work hard to seduce men into commitment.

Now what happens when every faggot and their bother desperately wants to be in a LTR? Price goes up and quality goes down. Such relationships come easy for women so they don't appreciate them. Women don't have to WORK to keep a man, so they don't. How often to women get dumped? Not often. Men have been reduced to puppy dog tools and accessories. There is nothing to work for. Nothing to fear. Nothing to lose.

I refuse to be in a LTR that is 100% exclusive. Refuse. I will not let one woman have a monopoly on me. This raises my value and forces women who deal with me to show respect or get lost. What if every man suddenly started to respect himself? What would women do?

My personal issue lies with current laws. We need to change them in a way that is fair to men. But this won't happen until more men wake up and kill their white knight thinking and co-dependence. Oh yeah.. and until more men start to respect themselves.. the market will keep sucking.
It's flooded with *****s that orbit these entitled bitches. Entitled to be low quality

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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You're asking men to go against their nature which just isn't going to happen.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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All men who want relationships are faggots

Women should only be used for sexual pleasure

Spin plates

Now give me 20 likes on my post!!


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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All men who want relationships are faggots

Women should only be used for sexual pleasure

Spin plates

Now give me 20 likes on my post!!
Yes, there are two takes on it. You can join the rat-race of realism today, and use women for your own sexual needs; or grow a moral backbone, enjoy some freedom and dignity, and maintain some standards. If men changed, so too would women. But then why look at it in general terms. Be the 'best version' of yourself, and know that there will also be the odd woman out there being the best of hers.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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I remember Chateau once defining game as "the art of challenging women".

Never been more easy to do so than now. If 99% of guys are kiss arses, then they make things easier for those of us that aren't.

Never is this more apparent than in social-situations. Take my job back this time last year. Full of university graduates. The men were all Marxist wankers. From day one I got the attention. Could have had three or four posho girls from that place very easily.

Would I have wanted those men to stop being Marxist wankers? Not really, no. Not sure how that would serve me.

The market only sucks for marriage. They've made that so it isn't even any sort of option at all.

The market is great for everything else.
Here is the thing..

Marxist wankers pass Marxist laws. If you have 99% of men acting like puss!es then women are calling all the shots and indirectly making all the laws. Laws that benefit women at the expense of men.

The dating market is one thing. But these weak men take their gay mindset beyond date night.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
A lot of men like to cry over the bad dating market and how almost all women are trash today.

Its mostly true, but the real question is what do we do about it? Because b!tching won't help.

The problem boils down to supply and demand. When demand is high.. quality degrades and/or prices go up. Why is an expensive car expensive? It comes down to demand for a nice car compared to the level of scarcity. Older cars are in lower demand so their prices drop. So lets apply this to the dating market:

The more value men place on LTR's with women.. the more women will be b!tches. Think about this for a second... lets say 80% of men decided they refused to enter a LTR with a woman unless the conditions were EXCELLENT. What do you think would happen? Women would go back to their 1950's style behavior and work hard to seduce men into commitment.

Now what happens when every faggot and their bother desperately wants to be in a LTR? Price goes up and quality goes down. Such relationships come easy for women so they don't appreciate them. Women don't have to WORK to keep a man, so they don't. How often to women get dumped? Not often. Men have been reduced to puppy dog tools and accessories. There is nothing to work for. Nothing to fear. Nothing to lose.

I refuse to be in a LTR that is 100% exclusive. Refuse. I will not let one woman have a monopoly on me. This raises my value and forces women who deal with me to show respect or get lost. What if every man suddenly started to respect himself? What would women do?

My personal issue lies with current laws. We need to change them in a way that is fair to men. But this won't happen until more men wake up and kill their white knight thinking and co-dependence. Oh yeah.. and until more men start to respect themselves.. the market will keep sucking.
This guy is ridiculous. I'll say it again, his words are poetry. :up:


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
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When I was younger I always thought men who got in to serial LTR with every women they seen were gay. Don't know why. It was like a cloaking mechanism, or maybe it was more complicated than I perceived?
Not saying men are homosexuals if they like or prefer LTRs (As long as they maintain their frame, self respect and value)

Find it funny Poon calls them faggots, I don't know if he means it literally or jokingly or both?

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
When I was younger I always thought men who got in to serial LTR with every women they seen were gay. Don't know why. It was like a cloaking mechanism, or maybe it was more complicated than I perceived?
Not saying men are homosexuals if they like or prefer LTRs (As long as they maintain their frame, self respect and value)

Find it funny Poon calls them faggots, I don't know if he means it literally or jokingly or both?
I actually mean it kind of literally.

Why would any man want to limit his sexual options in ANY way? When you commit 100% to a woman in a LTR you are basically telling a woman: "I'm so desperate for your companionship that I don't care how often I get laid." This is gay.

I think the ideal situation for normal men is a harem. Men are designed to commit (for child raising), BUT not to be exclusive. Men are NOT designed to be exclusive. The male sexual strategy is to spread his seed. The female strategy is to extract resources and safety for herself and her offspring. The more a woman is able to control a man.. the higher chances of survival for both herself AND her kids as she gets more attention and resources than other women. On the flip side.. the harder it is for a woman to control a man.. the more likely he will spread his seed and resources to more women.

In short.. the more a female follows a male sexual strategy the lower her value. The more a male follows a female sexual strategy, the lower his value. This is why "sluts" are considered failed women and co-dependent betas are failed men. Btw.."slut" doesn't mean easy.. it just means low standards. Just like co-dependent betas have low standards and will commit to anything with a vagina.
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Oct 20, 2006
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In my experience the most attracted women will rarely ask about other women. They don't want to know.
If they see you on a date with a super hot girl, they will usually ask how it went.

They also ask when they want a three way. I actually had a super hot girl ask me if she could join us yesterday.

Last month I was on a date with the Russian girl and my date said "Neil, a girl we know called me today, and asked if she could join us tonight, and I said no". I was fine with that. I don't like three ways.

If you are dating a girl who has a boyfriend, you sort of have to tell them stories like that or they think you are hung up on them.

What gets girls to fall is reading what the other (hot) girls write at the peak of their romantic feelings (luckily in this case she never writes anything explicit but more playful). Also, seeing professional quality photos of how beautiful other girls are makes them swoon.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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The problem boils down to supply and demand. When demand is high.. quality degrades and/or prices go up. Why is an expensive car expensive? It comes down to demand for a nice car compared to the level of scarcity. Older cars are in lower demand so their prices drop. So lets apply this to the dating market:

The more value men place on LTR's with women.. the more women will be b!tches.
I agree a large part of the problem is supply and demand. You've got men 18-65 all wanting the same girls aged 18-24. A very large pool going after a very small pool. Not much you can do about this, unfortunately.
In the past, there were checks and balances in place that kept women in line. They had to depend on men for protection and provision. Having a lucrative career of their own was rare. Go back far enough and they couldn't even vote or be educated.

The other bit is just more demonizing LTRs though (yawn, what a surprise). PUA types contribute to the entitlement attitude of women as much, or more, than anyone else. First off, each guy wants five plates to spin - how do you think THAT affects the supply and demand lol? Then, they will give sex and attention to any woman, no matter how undeserving, and then pat themselves on the back for keeping them at plate status.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
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Hoe County, California

Let her work to lock you down!!!

If you're not the most important person in the world, to her... Walk!