What happened?


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
You will get more dates if you are flexible for a first date. Being a hard ass will get you less dates.
You get more dates if you are flexible, period. I'm busy. If a chick doesn't know her schedule, it means she doesn't know when she feels like being bothered to see me.

Ghost for a week and I ask the same question again. If a woman wants to see you, she'll say something like:

"I'm free during the week after 7 and Saturday after 9."

Translation: My evenings are wide open for you. Ask me out, dude.


"I'm free Thursday after 8 pm, Friday between 4-7pm, and Saturday before 3 pm"

Translation: I'm busy but I hope you'll ask me out during those times.

On the flip side, when a chick doesn't want to see you, she'll send you a text like a chick just sent me the other day.

"I have plans this week, sorry."

Translation: I have plans this week that don't include you.

Response: wait two full weeks before trying again. If she doesn't get her **** together, delete her number. "When are you free?" tells a lot about the woman's interest level, in addition to maximizing your chances.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2015
Reaction score
You get more dates if you are flexible, period. I'm busy. If a chick doesn't know her schedule, it means she doesn't know when she feels like being bothered to see me.

Ghost for a week and I ask the same question again. If a woman wants to see you, she'll say something like:

"I'm free during the week after 7 and Saturday after 9."

Translation: My evenings are wide open for you. Ask me out, dude.


"I'm free Thursday after 8 pm, Friday between 4-7pm, and Saturday before 3 pm"

Translation: I'm busy but I hope you'll ask me out during those times.

On the flip side, when a chick doesn't want to see you, she'll send you a text like a chick just sent me the other day.

"I have plans this week, sorry."

Translation: I have plans this week that don't include you.

Response: wait two full weeks before trying again. If she doesn't get her **** together, delete her number. "When are you free?" tells a lot about the woman's interest level, in addition to maximizing your chances.
You are absolutely correct. Women have stuff to do just like we do. If you are not flexible you will severely limit your chances of getting the date.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
You are absolutely correct. Women have stuff to do just like we do. If you are not flexible you will severely limit your chances of getting the date.
Yep. When she tells you her schedule, she tells you exactly when to ask her out. But we can't take the easy road these days.....

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
On a first date it is good to be flexible. I always ask their schedule and then pick a day. After a few dates I start to ask them out on specific days....Like Hey I m going to the zoo saturday you ought to come along. After I have established attraction on their part is when I start being less flexible.

You will get more dates if you are flexible for a first date. Being a hard ass will get you less dates.

Being a hard ass will get you less dates with women who are not that interested. Being a hard ass weeds out low interest women. Being a hard ass weeds out feminists. Being a hard ass shows you have standards. Being a hard ass shows you are high value because only high value men can get away with being a hard ass.

The goal is to keep things on YOUR terms. You want to set the standard from day 1 that YOU are taking the lead, not her. Feminine women like this. Feminists and control freak women hate this. But if you want to date feminists and control freaks then ignore my advice.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
Being a hard ass will get you less dates with women who are not that interested. Being a hard ass weeds out low interest women. Being a hard ass weeds out feminists. Being a hard ass shows you have standards. Being a hard ass shows you are high value because only high value men can get away with being a hard ass.
No, being a that much of a hard ass gets you less dates, period. She's probably psychotic stalker-type if she drops her prior plans just to go on a first date with you at your beck and call. That or she has no life of her own.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
You get more dates if you are flexible, period. I'm busy. If a chick doesn't know her schedule, it means she doesn't know when she feels like being bothered to see me.

Ghost for a week and I ask the same question again. If a woman wants to see you, she'll say something like:

"I'm free during the week after 7 and Saturday after 9."

Translation: My evenings are wide open for you. Ask me out, dude.

Bro you are assuming. It could also mean: "I'm done sleeping with my boyfriend before 7 and Saturday before 9. Feed my ego dude."


"I'm free Thursday after 8 pm, Friday between 4-7pm, and Saturday before 3 pm"

Translation: I'm busy but I hope you'll ask me out during those times.

Or it could also mean: "I'm done sleeping with my boyfriend Thursday before 8 pm, Friday before 4 or after 7, and Saturday after 3 pm."

On the flip side, when a chick doesn't want to see you, she'll send you a text like a chick just sent me the other day.

"I have plans this week, sorry."

Translation: I have plans this week that don't include you.

Or it could also mean; "Step you game up if you want to have sex with me."

Response: wait two full weeks before trying again. If she doesn't get her **** together, delete her number. "When are you free?" tells a lot about the woman's interest level, in addition to maximizing your chances.
Bro I think 'when are you free'. = 'I got nothing to do but abide by your schedule. So whenever you are done sleeping with your boyfriend and it's convenient for you, give me a call because I will open my schedule for you whenever you are ready.'

Everything has to be on your terms. You have to lead. You have to tell her "I'm going to xyz Saturday night, would like for you to join me." That way if she wants to go with you but has plans to sleep with her boyfriend that night, she has postpone it to go out with you.

Yes you want to take her out, but not at her option and terms. You are doing her the favour, not the other way around.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2007
Reaction score
Who cares if said woman doesn't want to see me at, say 2PM, because she will be banging her boyfriend, and will bang me at 8PM? All I care about is f*cking her anyway.