Does your mom annoy you?


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
New York, USA
Today I was f*cking pissed.

I was my mom's chaeuffer. I drove her around because she had surgery the other day and she said that she needed me to drive which apparently isn't true because she can drive now.

Yesterday she told me we were going to go out in the A.M. for a blood test and she said she would take me out to Starbucks. Doesn't sound too bad right?

So I get up at 8 A.M. this morning when I really didn't want to and we went off to Dunkin Donuts instead before the Doctor. This alone took 2 hours. I wasn't too pissed until after the fact.

She had a whole day planned that she didn't even tell me about. After the blood test, she wanted to go to Dollar Tree. I drove us to dollar tree, it was impossible to find parking, and by the time I did, she didn't even buy anything. Then, she wanted to go to ULTA, a WOMENS BEAUTY STORE, 20 min away. What a f*cking joke. I noticed that all the men there drop their wives off and sit in the car. No man wants to be inside that store. It was an hour of my time poorly spent.

Then, she wants to go to best buy. We get there and she goes on and on about how she wants an apple watch. I honestly think its a ridiculous idea. The screen is too small and I have no use for it. When I ask her why does she want it, she says, "because I want it." We spend 30 min at best buy and then she adds another destination to our trip. She wants to go to marshalls, a clothing store, to buy a coat. 1 hr.

I'm not going to say much else except summarize what happened and why I'm pissed. First of all, I got home at 3:30 today when I thought I would be home by 10 am. We went out today under false pretenses. All she told me was that she needed a blood test and coffee. Nothing else. I am mad because I wasted my time running pointless errands with her all day. If she told me what she planned on doing today, I would have happily stayed home. Of course, she wasted my time.

Maybe it sounds like I'm complaining for no reason but the truth is my mom really annoys me. I'm 18 years old and she still calls me baby. She can never be straight up with me and she is always right in any argument. Her emotions are always justified and my reasoning is not.

I'm just mad because I'm 18 yrs old and I still have to deal with this b.s. I don't want to be seen in public with my mom anymore. It is not fun anymore.

Sounds like a silly thread but hey, I have no where else to go rn. I'm just pissed off. I know at least some of you can relate.


Jul 28, 2009
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North America, probably an airport
You had a nice outing with your mother. What the Hell were you going to do all day anyway?

How much sh*t has she given up, not done or done (including being your chauffeur) for YOU to this point in your life?

Likely she wanted to spend some time with you. Sounds like she wasted her time.

If you don't like her, fire her - move out and have her stop cooking, cleaning, buying all your crap and putting up with you.

Problem solved.


Master Don Juan
Nov 9, 2015
Reaction score
I'm just mad because I'm 18 yrs old and I still have to deal with this b.s. I don't want to be seen in public with my mom anymore.
wtf mate
I mean, I understand your frustation with everything else, but the part that I quoted is just silly


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Frustration with parents is common at your age, to say the least. After you've been out on your own for a few years, you will both find that your perspectives change and you start to get along a lot better.


Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2015
Reaction score
He is 18...I can see his point of view considering the disfunctional family he lives in. Dysfunction is hell.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
she is your mom and you are ungreatful bastard ... you will understand these words better in about 20 years, print this post so you can be ashamed by your childness when you become more mature, she invested into you so much more than your useless stupid day


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Lol. You sound like an entitled brat. You cant spare a few hours of your "oh so important" day to help you mom?

When you look over this post unemotionally and read all the negative responses you got for typing this fūckery, I hope you realize how silly you sound. Your sentiments are completely irrational and being 18 and a active member on this site, you should know better fam.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
New York, USA
Well I'm not as mad as I was before. Just felt like it was a waste of my time to be going all these places I didn't want to go. I would have definitely slept in and enjoyed myself if I didn't go out today but it is what it is. Maybe I didn't describe it well enough but today was a pain in the ass and I get it if some of you guys don't understand. Obviously she does a lot for me but I still get mad anyways. I guess SoSuave isn't the right place for family matters.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
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Hoe County, California
my mom is a feminazi, Jezebel, aka Satan incarnate, so yeah my mom annoys me a bit. Good thing I walked away for good! yay!!!


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Your mom just had surgery bro, quit bitching like a spoiled little ****. Get over yourself.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score
In a way, it was good that you posted this, because we can give you some advice on the matter.

Long story short, you will come to appreciate these moments, the time you get to spend with your mother. Your parents won't be around forever...cherish them while you are around them. It's difficult to do (I thought the very same things at your age, just a few years ago), but you must put things in perspective. Imagine yourself, with your own children - you'd want to spend time with them, wouldn't you?

Your parents and relatives are some of the few people in the world who will unconditionally love you. Really let that sink in, that these are people who will sacrifice themselves for your success and well-being. You'll have plenty of time in life to spend doing your stuff, relaxing, etc., especially after you leave the house, so don't worry. But you won't have forever to be with your folks. Put up with their minor character flaws or tics that annoy you, in the grand scheme of things you'll be very glad you could spend time with them. Moral of the story: Don't take your parents for granted!


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2015
Reaction score
Protips--game your mother, dominate your father (assuming your father's around). As someone with very, very, incredibly difficult parents--NPD on one side, BPD (probably) on the other, this is absolutely essential to your growing up--harboring resentment toward your mother will carry over into your other relationships until you learn to deal with it.

Your mom is absolutely the best practice for game--because she has her emotional hooks sunk into you deeper than any woman you'll ever meet and will manipulate the hell out of you if you let her--but she'll love you for teasingly putting her in her place (even moreso if she doesn't have a man in her life). Kill that resentment. Resentment comes from weakness, from helplessness, from perceptions you made when you were a child and didn't know any better. You're 18; you're a grown ass man; yeah, she'll **** test you to try to keep you a boy, but she'll appreciate and admire you for becoming a man--who takes care of her because he wants to and not out of sense of emotionally loaded obligation.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2013
Reaction score
I come from a dysfunctional family. I am slightly older than you so I know where you are coming from but there are two woman in the world whom I'd drop what I am doing if need and that is my mum and sister. No gaming whatsoever. The unfortunate thing about the DJ forum is there is so much malice from jilted AFC's that can really alter your view of woman and unfortunately at your impressionable age, it is easy to categorise all woman the same.

Yes I hate little family outings and I hate when if I am seen out with my mum or my sister but then I have to ask myself; who is going to be by my hospital bed if I were to suddenly get hit by a car? Who's gotten me through my years of study? Who's put up with all MY crap over the years of growing up and don't lie, there has to be times when you were a little sh*t to everyone. I know I was.

There is a fine line between doing things for your mum as a man and being a pushover. If you have something important to do that cannot be done later then fair enough but mate, you're mum had surgery recently, just let her have that little bit of doting and attention she'd give you if you were in the same situation. We're all human.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
Your parents and relatives are some of the few people in the world who will unconditionally love you. Really let that sink in, that these are people who will sacrifice themselves for your success and well-being. You'll have plenty of time in life to spend doing your stuff, relaxing, etc., especially after you leave the house, so don't worry. But you won't have forever to be with your folks. Put up with their minor character flaws or tics that annoy you, in the grand scheme of things you'll be very glad you could spend time with them. Moral of the story: Don't take your parents for granted!
True for the most part, but I can tell you right now that some of my family members do secretly wanna destroy me. I stay away from my sistrs cuz bad stuff always happens whenever i get involved with them, and hey, they're girls so responsibility is not on them, it's on me. My older sister ended up doing some things that frustrated my parents and when i asked my mom if I could get my permit, she said to me "we can't trust your sister to get her license so how can we trust you to get your permit?" Which makes absolutely 0 sense but your parents are always right because they're older in age (but not necessarily experience).

Remember, it's only getting better from here on out. I remember every time someone has told me that life will only get harder, it has gotten easier. And I remember every time someone has told me life will get easier, it only got harder. Every time they tell me I will regret doing something, I haven't. Every time I was told that they have given themselves to me, for me, I just think to myself "YOU'RE parents gave THEMSELVES to YOU when you were my age. That's why life got harder for you. My life is different from yours. You know NOTHING about it. It may be true that I'm younger than you, but ever time I have tried advising you older folks, I get shunned and disregarded as a fool. In the end you all realize that my advice may have been the best advice after all." I used to tell older people to listen to me more often after ordeals, but they think of it as me somehow just getting lucky with my advice. Then they don't even look at me in the eyes and say that they just don't want to listen to me.

They say teenagers go against what their parents say just for the sake of rebelling. But throughout my life, I have found it to be the other way around. You older people are fools. The younger generation will do more greatness than yours ever could. (Not insulting you Konduit, but this is directed towards everyone who believes they are too wise to listen to those younger than them)


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
New York, USA
"we can't trust your sister to get her license so how can we trust you to get your permit?" Which makes absolutely 0 sense but your parents are always right because they're older in age (but not necessarily experience).

In a way, it was good that you posted this, because we can give you some advice on the matter.

Your parents and relatives are some of the few people in the world who will unconditionally love you.
Of course, but emotions get in the way sometimes. You gotta consider, a Mother/Son relationship is a LTR, right? There are bound to be times like this.

Frustration with parents is common at your age, to say the least. After you've been out on your own for a few years, you will both find that your perspectives change and you start to get along a lot better.
This was just a simple occurrence that happens from time to time. I apologized already. For some reason, a lot of you guys took great offense to this post probably because you are older. You have a few extra years on me and in that time you let it sink in that your parents are all you got. I'm only 18. It's easy to forget that.

These forums have gone to sh*t. I realize this was the wrong thing, too personal to post. I should have kept it to myself and just posted about b*tches and h*es instead.



Master Don Juan
Mar 28, 2011
Reaction score
Yeah seems like most of you forgot he's just 18. I had the same issues with my mom when I was 18 and I've wisened up since then, nowadays our relationship is miles better than all the yelling and screaming I experienced during my teens. Relax brother its just a phase, most importantly learn to grow out of it and realize that though she is a woman, most of the stuff she does is because she loves you as her child.

I believe its an attribution of red-pill knowledge that lets us see the BS our moms pull time to time and as a result may feel that they're against us. I'm probably going against the grain here but yes you have all right to be pissed because you were 'duped' into spending more time helping her than you were assumed to need.

Moms have a tendency to be unable to let go of their baby boys, sometimes you need to put your foot down so she understands that you are a grown up now and have your own principles.

In this case, just tell her 'Mom, I really don't like to be told one thing and it turns out to be another. I appreciate the time we spent together on xxx and I would prefer if you can tell me in advance what we are exactly going to do so I don't end up having conflicts in my own schedule.'


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
Protips--game your mother, dominate your father (assuming your father's around). As someone with very, very, incredibly difficult parents--NPD on one side, BPD (probably) on the other, this is absolutely essential to your growing up--harboring resentment toward your mother will carry over into your other relationships until you learn to deal with it.

Your mom is absolutely the best practice for game--because she has her emotional hooks sunk into you deeper than any woman you'll ever meet and will manipulate the hell out of you if you let her--but she'll love you for teasingly putting her in her place (even moreso if she doesn't have a man in her life). Kill that resentment. Resentment comes from weakness, from helplessness, from perceptions you made when you were a child and didn't know any better. You're 18; you're a grown ass man; yeah, she'll **** test you to try to keep you a boy, but she'll appreciate and admire you for becoming a man--who takes care of her because he wants to and not out of sense of emotionally loaded obligation.
Bingo. Can somebody give me an amen.

You've got great FRAME control practice right here.

Worth repeating. @fastlife said:
"As someone with very, very, incredibly difficult parents--NPD on one side, BPD (probably) on the other, this is absolutely essential to your growing up--harboring resentment toward your mother will carry over into your other relationships until you learn to deal with it."

Read that again. And again. And again. and heed it. Live it until it's part of your being.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
New York, USA
Bingo. Can somebody give me an amen.

You've got great FRAME control practice right here.

Worth repeating. @fastlife said:
"As someone with very, very, incredibly difficult parents--NPD on one side, BPD (probably) on the other, this is absolutely essential to your growing up--harboring resentment toward your mother will carry over into your other relationships until you learn to deal with it."

Read that again. And again. And again. and heed it. Live it until it's part of your being.
Exactly. I let my mom know how I feel, and I don't mind saying no to her. She respects me.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
I read this post and couldn't believe how self absorbed you are that you can't see that she needed you. Not just to drive her to an appointment and errands but she needed to spend time with you. She's your mother. She has feelings too.