article: Older adults are having sex, and they’re getting STIs, too


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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According to a new study from the National Poll on Healthy Aging, 4 in 10 adults ages 65 to 80 report being sexually active. More than half say sex is important to their quality of life. That’s the good news.
Think about this: The Baby Boomers destroyed the sexual schema with their Sexual Revolution, leaving generations of later young men incelibate and middle-aged women in a "dating crisis" - and they are continuing to sex it up, while their descendants, who should be having all the sex, are living like monks in the current sexual dystopia. :mad:


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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The Baby Boomers destroyed the sexual schema with their Sexual Revolution,
The Baby Boomers did not start the Sexual Revolution, though they pushed it forward with their actions during the 1970s.

The Sexual Revolution started during the 1960s with the young adults of The Silent Generation (mainly the births of the 1930s and early 1940s).

The first hormonal birth control pill arrived in the United States in 1960. Boomers hadn't reached sexual maturity in 1960s. Throughout most of the 1960s, most of the hormonal birth control users were Silent Generation members. It wasn't until around 1970 that a good portion of the earliest Boomers were users of hormonal birth control.

California was the first US state to feature no fault divorce and that started January 1, 1970. Most US states enacted no fault divorce by the end of the 1970s. The earliest 1970-1975 divorcees were not Boomers. From 1970-1975, most Boomers were either too young to be married or just barely married (people got married much younger in the 1970s) and not yet considering the possibility of a divorce. Boomers were not the primary generation getting divorced until the 1980s.

None of this excuses what Boomers did to damage the sexual marketplace in Western nations for future generations. I'll get into that in a moment. Boomers did have a lot of economic and social privilege that the subsequent generations did not have.

Baby Boomers....leaving generations of later young men incelibate and middle-aged women in a "dating crisis" - and they are continuing to sex it up, while their descendants, who should be having all the sex, are living like monks in the current sexual dystopia. :mad:
Every generation that reached sexual maturity after the Boomers has had a worse sexual marketplace than the Boomers. The trends became most obvious in the early 2000s when Millennials (aka Generation Y) reached adulthood. Technology also became a part of dating in the 2000s when the Millennials reached adulthood. Technology made hypergamy far easier for women. Generation X women might have wanted to be hypergamous like Millennial actually were but they couldn't do it. Online dating wasn't de-stigmatized enough in the 1990s so most people still had to date by meeting people through real life methods. This led to the growth of pickup and seduction communities in the 1990s, which had a lot of Gen X students. The most famous seduction student of all time was Gen X'er Neil Strauss. The bad trends that started to emerge in the 1990s, 20 something bar scene got worse once the Millennials reached adulthood in the 2000s/early 2010s.

As for older adults having sex and getting STIs, it comes down to personal responsibility. 60+ men should be using condoms with new partners, even if they are having sex with post-menopausal women. Condoms are meant to protect against STIs. Most 65-80 year old know what condoms are at this point.

The sexual environment for people 60+ has changed in the last 20-30 years. When the GI Generation (1910s-early 1920s) births were 60+ in the 1980s-early 2000s, these were people who had been married most of their lives and monogamous for decades. There were some widows but most widows weren't interested in sex. By the time The Silent Generation and Boomers started reaching 60+ in the 1990s-2000s, many of them had been divorced or were newly divorced. Gray divorce (divorce at age 50+) has been increasing since 2000 as well. There are newly single people around ages 55-70 interested in sex.

A lot of medical professionals haven't caught up with this. Also now, you're seeing plenty of never married Millennials reaching middle age. How is a doctor going to talk to a 40 year old never married Millennial about sexual health topics? I think a lot of doctors have outdated notions about social science. Most doctors probably think 40 year olds are married people with children.

Millard Fillmore

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2023
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Think about this: The Baby Boomers destroyed the sexual schema with their Sexual Revolution, leaving generations of later young men incelibate and middle-aged women in a "dating crisis" - and they are continuing to sex it up, while their descendants, who should be having all the sex, are living like monks in the current sexual dystopia. :mad:
Dude I think you read too many news sites. Those articles you post about sad middle aged women and sexless men are mostly media clickbait. Most people have adapted to the technological advances of contraception and STD treatment. Penicillin may have done more for the "revolution" than the pill.

Consider that the "sexual revolution" may have simply taken the pants off the myth of long term monogamy has viable. People have been fukking around for millennia.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2023
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With the rates of marriage and monogamous relationships continuing to decrease along with hook up culture, the rates of STIs is only going to continue to surge.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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None of you mention the signicance of the HIV Aids Epidemic,there was a golden Age that I lived through,after the Pill,in the mid sixties to mid eighties.Then came Aids which came down like a dustbin lid and ended the Party....In my perception there was no rebound from this fearful time until the Noughties and that was slow.Then a similar thing happened with Covid,which even now hasn't fully recovered.....For you Guys the deliberate inroduction of soo many Million Migrant Males,both legal and illegal has created much of the Gender imbalance that makes many of you young Men unhappy.
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Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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None of you mention the signicance of the HIV Aids Epidemic,there was a golden Age that I lived through,after the Pill,in the mid sixties to mid eighties.Then came Aids which came down like a dustbin lid and ended the Party....In my perception there was no rebound from this fearful time until the Noughties and that was slow.Then a similar thing happened with Covid,which even now hasn't fully recovered.....For you Guys the deliberate inroduction of soo many Million Migrant Males,both legal and illegal has created much of the Gender imbalance that makes many of you young Men unhappy.
the fear of HIV haunted my younger years and I’m early 40s.

every one night stand when I was drunk/high and didn’t use protection which was LOTS.

Found out the odds of getting it as a man having reg sex with a woman are insurmountably small.
still, it’s so stigmatised and still is.

edit: despite my activities only ever got 1 std. not a particularly bad one either.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Yeah, there has always been a lot of bs in the government std narrative. It's sacrilege to talk about gay men spreading disease around, so they lecture everyone the same. The almighty condom is another God of theirs, so thou shalt not ever mention any of its flaws.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Hi Fruitbat,
"Edit,Despite all my activities,only ever got one STD,not a particularly bad one either"...Guess you couldn't spell Gonorrhoea either,I got it too,from a Policewoman,teach me for bottom feeding....When Aids first hit,such was the terror it inspired,that they had a number of poor victims in our local Hospital,the young Nurses refused to go in their ward,just left them food at the door and were quite prepared to let them die in their squalor,their old Matron shamed them by going in and cleaning up LOL.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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the fear of HIV haunted my younger years and I’m early 40s.

every one night stand when I was drunk/high and didn’t use protection which was LOTS.

Found out the odds of getting it as a man having reg sex with a woman are insurmountably small.
still, it’s so stigmatised and still is.

edit: despite my activities only ever got 1 std. not a particularly bad one either.
BINGO! Just don't put it in the #2 hole :eek:, and you'll be OK. That said, don't tickle the dragon's tail by going with a known AIDS carrier. :eek:


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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there was a golden Age that I lived through,after the Pill,in the mid sixties to mid eighties.
Women have gotten more promiscuous in general since the end of the Golden Age of the mid-1980s (see chart below). However, the more typical man hasn't benefitted from that. Only a small percentage of men has benefitted from women getting more promiscuous since the 1980s-1990s.

More of the middle tier men benefitted from the early days of the Sexual Revolution. Once the revolution became more mainstream, female hypergamy took off and middle tier men have not had it as good.

Middle tier men liked the Sexual Revolution at first because they were able to get a few more sexual partners without having to put a ring on it and the women they married weren't too promiscuous for the most part.


None of you mention the signicance of the HIV Aids Epidemic....Then came Aids which came down like a dustbin lid and ended the Party....In my perception there was no rebound from this fearful time until the Noughties and that was slow.
This era represented my childhood and the era in which I received sex education classes in school. I didn't start to truly participate in the sexual marketplace until around 1999-2000, when I was 16-17. 1999-2000 was around the start of the rebound. During 2001-2005 (when I was in college), I remember reading articles and seeing stories on TV about a rebound and a change in sexual attitudes. There was a sentiment in the early to mid 2000s that was covered in the media that people were less fearful about sex.

When I was on campus in 2001-2005, women seemed DTF. I got laid. Young women on campus seemed willing to wear shorter shorts and seemed like they wanted to show off their bodies. I used condoms but I know women on campus were having unprotected sex.

Then a similar thing happened with Covid,which even now hasn't fully recovered
The pandemic was far more impactful to the sexual marketplace than HIV/AIDS in the 1985-1999 era. During peak HIV/AIDS fear, it was still possible to go to bars and socialize or socialize in non-bar venues. The worst of the pandemic ruined all sorts of indoor approaching. Try approaching in a grocery store or mall while wearing a mask. It's not going to work well. I have enjoyed not wearing a mask indoors in public anymore. For around 2 years (March 2020 until mid-2022 or so), outdoor approaching was the most viable form of approaching. It was even difficult to have indoor dates in bars during the worst of the pandemic.

I'd agree that there was a lot of damage in the sexual marketplace from the pandemic. The recovery is still ongoing.

For you Guys the deliberate inroduction of soo many Million Migrant Males,both legal and illegal has created much of the Gender imbalance that makes many of you young Men unhappy.
Yes. In Western nations, there's been a sausage fest since around 2000 or so. A sausage fest + female hypergamy has been the marketplace far more difficult for men.

don't put it in the #2 hole :eek:, and you'll be OK.
More heterosexuals have been having anal sex since the 1990s. I think porn is very influential in this. I agree on not putting it into the #2 hole.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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The worst of the pandemic ruined all sorts of indoor approaching. Try approaching in a grocery store or mall while wearing a mask. It's not going to work well.
It's OVER for MaskedPUACels.