Most obvious come-on that was missed


Senior Don Juan
Jul 2, 2022
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I was working as a volunteer doing the preparation for an upcoming event in a group meeting in the evening. I flirted with one of the girls during that meeting. Before, she had told the others she was left by her boyfriend very recently ago. She finished her work and left. 15 min later, I was finished too and left the meeting as well. Now it comes: The girl didn't actually leave, she was still in the same room, right next to the exit door and "messaging somebody". Clueless me of course just said bye and walked past her through the exit.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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I think women take the hesitation as rejection or disinterest and are either pissed or disappointed and the opportunity is usually gone for good.
They do. I've had women (who I haven't met up with yet) randomly text me late at night for a booty call and when I say no they get super butthurt even if I have a good reason. Then they never talk to me again. They cannot handle rejection like that.

Anyway, the way women express interest around me is goofy, their subtlety is probably a way to protect them from rejection. You have to hone in on that "killer instinct" to recognize their interest and act fast. Even if you interpret their interest wrong, so what.

I was in college, and I was working out at the gym. I was doing bench press before class, and wanted to get a good upper body workout in.

I was pacing back and forth between sets, and suddenly I look up, and this hot blonde girl asked me if she could use the bench I was on (even though there were empty benches). I told her I had a few more sets to do. And she waited for me to get done. Once I was done, I went to the other side to do shoulders, and I look across the room between sets, and she didn't really do anything. She was only on the bench for a few minutes, and by my 2nd or 3rd set, she was gone.

I felt like Homer Simpson
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Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2023
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They do. I've had women (who I haven't met up with yet) randomly text me late at night for a booty call and when I say no they get super butthurt even if I have a good reason. Then they never talk to me again. They cannot handle rejection like that.

Anyway, the way women express interest around me is goofy, their subtlety is probably a way to protect them from rejection. You have to hone in on that "killer instinct" to recognize their interest and act fast. Even if you interpret their interest wrong, so what.

I could probably write a book on how many opportunities I've missed

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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Pool party.:: ‘we’re you just on the phone with your girlfriend?’


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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Women are flighty af. They have the advantage always unless they are in a third world country. They can feign and be real, and yet the rejection is most of the time in the man's court. There is little incentive to take advantage of a "moment" cause women flirt and tease too much. Not saying not to do it but I can understand why many guys remain on the defensive.


Don Juan
Aug 18, 2023
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This one is kinda pathetic but it may be cathartic to get it out.

Was hanging around a Miami bar with a friend. He brings a female friend from Canada. Hollywood-Level Stunning. I had 0 intention of talking to her because she was getting massive attention already since she lit up the room. I didn't want to be another guy waiting in her line. I'm on the other side of the bar just admiring her and sipping my old fashioned and she walks over and chats me up. We talked for like 15min and she asks for my number. I'm like, sure.

She texts me before she leaves, "Let's go for drinks sometime". I'm like, sure.

I don't follow up. Not sure why. I guess I thought she was out of my league.

It did teach me a valuable lesson. Always follow up and risk a flake or a "no". It's better than the alternative.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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This guy missed an obvious come on. The hope is that he learns from it.



Senior Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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The worse thing is when you receive ioi from a married woman ...
Then, if you don't take, youre a loser, but if you take, you are a rapist..


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
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Ah man...I will carry this memory until I die, haha. Back in middle school, one of the most attractive girls in my school approached me after class. Dudes in my grade were going wild for her, but only a few had the courage to approach her. She was reserved and very selective. Unfortunately, my ability to speak English was still developing at the time and I did not catch her message. I also had zero game.

The conversation went something like this:

Her: Hi Masculinity, how have you been?
Me: Hi HB9, I have been alright. You?
Her: Good! Do you have a moment to chat?
Me: Sure. What's up?
Her: So, the winter ball is coming up this week. And I was wondering..are you going?
Me: No, I will probably stay home to practice playing the piano.
Her: Oh...ok. I was wondering because it sounds like a lot of fun. *Flirtatious eye contact and big smile.*
Me: I have never been to one of those.
Her: Maybe you should!
Me: Nah, I think I will stay home.
Her: Ah...ok. Well, thanks. Talk to you later.

This cute girl was asking me to be her date for the winter ball and all my a$$ could think about was playing the piano on a Friday night. :rofl:

She interpreted my response as a rejection and avoided me like the plague thereafter. We live and we learn!
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Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2021
Reaction score
She interpreted my response as a rejection and avoided me like the plague thereafter. We live and we learn!
Your words touched my soul, brother, every single one of them.

And "being avoided like the plague" is the perfect analogy to describe how a girl would react towards you when you've "rejected" her (even though not on purpose). I've been there, and it stills stings me to this day.


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2022
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Buckle up, I have a lot of stories…

First year of college. We usually had lectures until 8:00 PM on Tuesdays and this one 9/10 brunette would ask me to "escort her to her dorm", one night she even asked me in front of her dorm building, "Aren't you even going to say goodbye?" and hugged me. It still stings to this day.

Had a few girls call me at 1 or 2 AM a few times asking random questions and just wanting to talk, I just answered and went back to sleep. Later one of them admitted that she never heard a sexier voice in her life, sadly too late.

Or the situation I posted on the forum recently... a girl approaches me on the bus asking if I could share my hotspot because she needs to send out some Emails or something, and comes back a few minutes later to thank me for sharing her internet because as we all know, women don't have internet 24/7.

Will I ever learn?


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
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Buckle up, I have a lot of stories…

First year of college. We usually had lectures until 8:00 PM on Tuesdays and this one 9/10 brunette would ask me to "escort her to her dorm", one night she even asked me in front of her dorm building, "Aren't you even going to say goodbye?" and hugged me. It still stings to this day.

Had a few girls call me at 1 or 2 AM a few times asking random questions and just wanting to talk, I just answered and went back to sleep. Later one of them admitted that she never heard a sexier voice in her life, sadly too late.

Or the situation I posted on the forum recently... a girl approaches me on the bus asking if I could share my hotspot because she needs to send out some Emails or something, and comes back a few minutes later to thank me for sharing her internet because as we all know, women don't have internet 24/7.

Will I ever learn?
Ah, I dropped the ball in college a few times myself.

Most men don't have the best confidence at that age since we are low social status (no money and life experience)


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
Reaction score
The worse thing is when you receive ioi from a married woman ...
Then, if you don't take, youre a loser, but if you take, you are a rapist..
Rapist? Bro what

Every man should be willing sleep with married women. It's not his job to protect the sanctity of her marriage. She's already made up her mind to cheat, if not with you, then with someone else. Obviously this doesn't apply if you know her husband, in that case she's off limits. But a stranger? Who fvcking cares?