Will a Rolex Get You Laid? Will a Rolex Help You Get a Longer Term Girlfriend?


Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2022
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Darwin, Australia
Thank you for taking the time to check. I don't think the Explorer is as good for seduction as a Datejust (often steel but can be two tone) or Day Date (gold). Some like the Explorer more than I like it.
I personally prefer the look of a silver / steel watch, as compared to gold. I also do wear a gold pinkie ring (again, was my Dad's... I used to own my own, which had a diamond in it, however, I unfortunately lost that), which is a nice contrast to a silver watch.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I personally prefer the look of a silver / steel watch, as compared to gold.
Many prefer Rolexes in the silver color, steel combination. The gold stands out a little bit more. The silver color, steel combination watches might not even get noticed by women at nightlife type venues when initially approaching or on a first date.

Tell her a little about yourself, but not too much. Maintain some mystery. Give her something to think about and wonder about when she's at home.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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You buy a Rolex for you, not them.
I had a conversation earlier this week with a Rolex owner. He is a married man who has been married for over a decade.

His owning of a Rolex has never gotten him pussie because he bought his first Rolex after he was married. He doesn't think it has helped his wife remain attracted to him.

He said essentially the same thing as what I am quoting above. He doesn't believe most Rolex owners will see a significant benefit in attracting new women. He thinks it could help in keeping an existing relationship but even that's questionable to him. To him, buying a Rolex isn't the most effective way into getting pussie, though he thinks the gold Day Date watches have the ability to get attention. He doesn't think the steel Rolexes are attention getters in any way. That's a common sentiment among Rolex owners and one mentioned earlier in this thread.

He thinks that there are better options if men are to use money as an angle into getting pussie.

I have had interest in buying a Rolex for a long time but have never done it. My more basic watch mentioned in the first post has served me well. When I have had interest in buying a Rolex over the years, it has been for its potential as a seduction aid. Many men have had this line of thought as it has been mentioned on other internet forums besides here.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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"Will a Rolex Get You Laid? Will a Rolex Help You Get a Longer Term Girlfriend?"

No, but it will get a dude the receiving end of several machetes + Relieved of the watch and his wallet, if he's silly enough to walk through the less ritzy parts of Santo Domingo whilst wearing that damned thing


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Rolex is the poor man’s luxury brand. Same as a Range Rover, it’s ostentatious and lacking in class IMO. Or on a smaller scale, the identikit BMW.

virtually none of us go deep sea diving or captain a boat, so why it’s fashionable to make-believe this I don’t know!

Jagear Le Coutier, Jaquet Droz, Glasshute…Panerai…so many brands I would put ahead of Rolex.

However. Broads and most folk don’t understand the dynamics so will only know Rolex. personally I won’t wear one, and I drive Lexus over Beamer as they are better built and designed cars. Rangy or Beamer are near the last on my list, just because they’re too obvious.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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And maybe his watch arm is lobbed off as well
Hell, if MRAs some day get their wish, and Uncle Sam outlaws male cicumcision in The US(Because that's what we all crave in this Warrior Police State which, unironically, calls itself The Land Of The Free... Even MORE laws!!!)Gringos visiting The DR will be getting their PENISES chopped off by the nearest chapter of Los Trinitarios

Those Santeria blood rituals are infinitely more powerful, when there's foreskin in the cauldron, alongside a fella's limbs, head, and vital organs :eek: o_O


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Rolex is the poor man’s luxury brand....the identikit BMW.
There have been some comparison of Rolex to either Mercedes-Benz or BMW. The guy below isn't the only person who has made the comparison.

Broads and most folk don’t understand the dynamics so will only know Rolex.
I think many men realize that women know Rolex and they think that getting a Rolex could impress her. The Rolex brand recognition is far higher than any other watch brand.

Many of our tech gadgets have the time on them. Cell phones and computers have the time on them. The pre-smartphone cell phones had the time on them. The fact that cell phones have had the time on them has changed the perception of wrist watches. This has hurt the lower end watch brands the most.

I drive Lexus over Beamer as they are better built and designed cars.
There was a time when BMWs were well made. What you say above is truer in more recent years.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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I think many men realize that women know Rolex and they think that getting a Rolex could impress her
Further cause to be grateful that we're regular guys, living relatively cush lives in Post-Industrial nations, despite annoying fads like Wokeness and Red Pill Theology. Acquiring a Rolex, so as to increase our chances of some broad dropping her panties, is much simpler than being a Jivaroan a tribesman in rural Ecuador, who has to present the girl of his dreams with a 100 shrunken heads, if he wishes for her to so much as spread her legs for him

The price of admission skyrockets to 300, if accessing all 3 of this gal's orifices are his ultimate ambition :oops: :confused:


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2019
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I think this is absolutely irrelevant to your success in seduction. Unless you are luring some low quality gold digger women. But still, without game, you won't go further.

When I met my "ex", I had around 8.56 in my bank account. This should answer your question.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Further cause to be grateful that we're regular guys, living relatively cush lives in Post-Industrial nations, despite annoying fads like Wokeness and Red Pill Theology. Acquiring a Rolex, so as to increase our chances of some broad dropping her panties, is much simpler than being a Jivaroan a tribesman in rural Ecuador
This is an interesting point of view. Acquiring a Rolex to increase our chances of some broad dropping her panties has become more of a thing since the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s. Many men have had this thought process. SoSuave is not the only internet forum where this topic has been discussed. I also seem to remember Rollo Tomassi mentioning men considering Rolex/other luxury watches as a means of getting laid in either "Rational Male" or "Rational Male: Players Handbook".

What happens, IN HER MIND, is that she comes to see you as WORTHLESS simply because she hasn't had to INVEST anything in you in order to get you or to keep you.

You were an interesting diversion while she had nothing else to do. But now that someone a little more valuable has come along, someone who expects her to treat him very well, she'll have no problem at all dropping you or demoting you to lowly "friendship" status.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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I think this is absolutely irrelevant to your success in seduction. Unless you are luring some low quality gold digger women. But still, without game, you won't go further.

When I met my "ex", I had around 8.56 in my bank account. This should answer your question.
did she leave when she saw your bank statement?


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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This is an interesting point of view. Acquiring a Rolex to increase our chances of some broad dropping her panties has become more of a thing since the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s. Many men have had this thought process. SoSuave is not the only internet forum where this topic has been discussed. I also seem to remember Rollo Tomassi mentioning men considering Rolex/other luxury watches as a means of getting laid in either "Rational Male" or "Rational Male: Players Handbook".
A Rolex never comes alone.

If you can afford a Rolex you can afford other things in life that MIGHT get you noticed quicker. Just facts. A man with a Rolex probably has some cash to burn, a fly car and crib, knows how to hustle ect.

The moment such a man goes broke the rolex is probably the first thing to go, so as long as you wear it things allegedly are going great for you.

To say otherwise is cap. Just wearing and showing a Rolex won't get you laid, buy I assume it's one of the last assets a man gets after he got " all of the rest". So YES, a Rolex =a testimony of your ability to grind and make money and that will ALWAYS get you noticed by women.

I think this is absolutely irrelevant to your success in seduction. Unless you are luring some low quality gold digger women. But still, without game, you won't go further.

When I met my "ex", I had around 8.56 in my bank account. This should answer your question.
That's just anecdotal, a specific case. If I had to choose between being a dude with 8 bucks on the bank or a dude with a Rolex, I'd rather be the latter.

No knock on you and I am not saying if you had a Rolex you would still be with her. I've been broke since birth and long after, and fecked the finest women. But...if I did had my shyte together I would have way more succes and abundance.

Being broke and getting women sounds cool because it's contradictory to the common believe that women chase money. But it's also a fools game because man must money


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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But it's also a fools game because man must money
And being on the lower-lowest rungs of the socioeconmic ladder = Having a diminished quality of life overall. A diminished quality of life means the sort of women a guy brings into his life are more often than not going to be bottom of the barrel in terms of character and intellectual capacity


Sep 10, 2014
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Who cares?

Spend your time on something that matters, not worrying about this nonsense.

Also, stop reviving old threads and start another one if you want to discuss this.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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And being on the lower-lowest rungs of the socioeconmic ladder = Having a diminished quality of life overall. A diminished quality of life means the sort of women a guy brings into his life are more often than not going to be bottom of the barrel in terms of character and intellectual capacity
And being on the lower-lowest rungs of the socioeconmic ladder = Having a diminished quality of life overall. A diminished quality of life means the sort of women a guy brings into his life are more often than not going to be bottom of the barrel in terms of character and intellectual capacity

Took me quite a while to figure out this shyte. Wondering why all women in my life eventually happened to be low class. Because I AM LOW CLASS.

That whole ride or die shorty shyte sounds like fun until you get burned by women who are just plane stupid and you knew it.

The transition to a higher class is a tough one; you don't wanna remain a target for low class women while the better ones still look passed you. Thus I know many dudes who choose to remain lower-lowest class and only have p00sy as their main goal. Ya know..pookie rayray..

Now I'm aiming to become that dude with a Rolex. I am saving until I reach my first milestone; 100k. Then I'll reassess my (financial) goals. Along with that comes a morr strict vetting process that includes rejecting p00sy that will bring trouble.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.
