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When Parents In Law Hate You


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2001
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Okay I'm not exactly 25 yet but I think this would make a great issue for the older generation. What would you do if your lady's parents really despise you? What if they judge you only by the way you look, and stick to that image without even wanting to give a chance to change their perspective towards you? I'm asking this because I had a bad experience with my girlfriends family before, which wasn't an issue for me when I was younger. Her father actually told me off and blamed me for the misbehaving of his daughter. He threatened to beat me up, put me in jail, etc. etc. even when I did nothing wrong. He even hit her the way you'd knock someone's lights out in a bar room brawl.

That instilled deep resentment in her parents and until now I still have no idea what I'd do if things like these happen again in the future. I didn't even feel like being anywhere near her family because we didn't click and I didn't feel anywhere near average around them. But she was a good girlfriend and things were good between us. I think that it would definetely affect the relationship if I were to face things like these in times to come. Just curious..
Nov 6, 2003
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Wisconsin. USA
It doesn't really matter if she is of age and if you aren't interested in marrying her. Once marriage is an issue, then family/parents have influence, because the man becomes part of that family and his children become part of the bloodline.


Mar 4, 2004
Reaction score
Avoid the hell out of them but kiss their a*s when it's unavoidable. Make up excuses but never tell your g-f how uncomfortable you are-- make it their problem.

elvis aint dead yet

Senior Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
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While it really doesn't matter if it's just some chic your dating or going out with, it does matter if you get married.

They become part of your family and you a part of theirs.

The best thing is to avoid them if you can. But sometimes you just can't, so try to be on your best behavior when visiting or when they visit.

Try to ignore most of the things they say if it's nothing but BS and bad things about you.

Starting arguments with your In-Laws is never a good thing. Its like banging your head against a wall. You will never win.

What will happen is they will hate you even more and your wife will stay mad at you for a few weeks.

Why not just keep your mouth shut for a few hours or days and then forget about them for another six months or a year.

Just remember, your own family might think the same things of your wife and she of them.