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Should One Grow His Hair Out Long? Buzz Cut Vs. Long Hair - Female Perspective

Do girls like long hair or buzz cuts better

  • Long hair

    Votes: 9 39.1%
  • buzz cuts

    Votes: 14 60.9%

  • Total voters


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2009
Reaction score
Well , I often wear my hair both long and short during different parts of the year. i know some girls that defintely prefer it long and some that like it short. I think for the most part more girls prefer a guy to have short hair. Then again, I notice alot of girls checking me out when I have long hair...I guess I stand out more with it.


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2007
Reaction score
gays like long hair. lesbians like short hair. which do you prefer?

Don Israel

Don Juan
Apr 24, 2009
Reaction score
Montreal, CA
laugh if you may, but i only sport longer hair when i gain a lot of muscle weight ( i'm 5'7 and 150 lbs and my weight fluctuates every two weeks unfortunately).

Longer hair make ME look weaker to females.

Although i don't usually let the outer image dictate my life, what can i do, i am a dj after all and must consider at least a little bit, how i am viewed, by females.



Don Juan
Oct 3, 2009
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I used to find women were really attracted to my long hair when I had it - and it was a particularly fine head of hair too. :)

However, when my hairline eventually started to creep back, I had to cut it shorter, which made me look more nondescript.

Then I finally shaved it and the reactions were pretty surprising again, so I guess long or very short is good either way. Its the nondescript mid-length that gets ignored.

Finally, I've noticed an assumption of more agression in a saven-headed guy that is generally not there for longer haired folk.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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Are you really so indecisive that you can't even decide on which haircut looks best on you?

What's next you are going to start a thread about which colour of tooth brush to buy?


Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
I'm growing mine right now, even though it looks good short. I'm taking a chance with the long hair look and see what happens. I think at some point it's about your "game"...and it will be there no matter what your hair looks like as long as the rest of you is working.

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
In my opinion, longer hair definitely makes you more attractive. But it really needs to fit with your particular face and the shape of your head. There are a looooooot of variations for longer hair, some variations work well for this face, some work well for that face. And then there's the issue of what you put into it: gel, grease, nothing at all? And if you put something in it, the amount can make a significant difference!

Also, you need to find the right interval... There's sort of a universal rule that applies to longer hair: it looks good at intervals of length. This means it looks good at (for example) 10 cm. but looks bad at 12 cm. But if you let it grow a bit longer to 14 cm. it looks good again but at 16 cm. looks bad again. Then at 18 cm. it looks good again and at 20 cm. it looks bad again. See what I mean? You have intervals at when it looks good or bad (if you're at a negative interval, it just doesn't matter how you style it, it just looks crappy! So you either let it grow to the next positive interval or you cut some off to get at the previous positive interval). I've experimented with this extensively and confirmed it for myself. But I've also had it confirmed by hairdressers and other guys who experimented with long hair, it's a universal rule.

There's also a difference between the way it's cut and the way you comb it (or shape it with your hands). It may be cut perfectly but if you don't fix it the right way in the morning, you'll look stupid.

Experiment, experiment, experiment! Look at other guys around you, look at movie stars etc. and try to replicate their hairdo. See what works for you! To find the right haircut with longer hair is much harder than finding the right haircut with short hair...the proportions become more important: Will the hair at the back of your head be longer, shorter or the same as at the front? If there's a difference, how many cm. will it be? And there's also the hair at the side of your head, how long will that be in proportion to the back and the front? These proportions become extremely important and can make the difference between looking like a loser or looking like a horny mothafukka!

Anyway, I've setlled for medium hair length. Even though long hair makes you look "special", I feel like people will unconsciously think: "Why does this guy want to look different from the rest? He's trying too hard...maybe that means that he's insecure deep inside?". That's just what I think, I might be wrong about this... But I feel medium length still gives me a little extra in terms of attraction while still appearing to be "just like the rest", which is what I want.

This is the length I prefer:


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
Long hair is excellent if it's always clean and well taken care of. It also makes me appear at least 5 years younger (often 10) because I use 30 day dye (natural instincts) to keep the color deep/even and the hair shiny as well as very soft to the touch. It also hides as well as prevents premature eye crinkles which adds to that effect.

Mine goes about halfway down my back and I really couldn't count the number of times a girl came up to me and started a talk about my hair or wanted to touch it. I've actually had to learn to not "jump" when it's unexpectedly touched if I'm in line somewhere or sitting at a bar. Girls will sometimes be a bit forward and touch it from behind (it's almost always 2+ girls in the group, I guess girls get more brave and avoid ASD when they do it with girlfriends there). When that happens, I always bust them on it "i didn't say you could touch my hair" or something similar to start building attraction as well as establishing boundaries.

It breaks through the "anti-slut defense" because no one thinks it's slutty for a girl to go and want to touch nice long hair on a guy. It gives her a reason to talk to me as well as start with IOIs in an "innocent" way. Also, that explicitly gives me permission to touch her hair and (accidentally) touch her ear or neck while I'm doing it. If I'm in she'll automatically tilt her head a bit. If she's just into the hair or I need to build more attraction, she'll sort-of freeze up a bit when I do it. Either way I don't care because other girls are seeing that I'm comfortable with women and they always see kino going on when I'm around. It's instant Social Proof even though I don't know the name of the girl(s) I'm talking to. (I'm new here but many people may have noticed that I'm much more interested in how my true personality is seen by girls watching than the girl right in front of me...the value of getting 5 women curious vs bagging the 1 woman in front of me is 100x more important)

It also provokes some testing at times as well. Girls will sometimes bust on it to say it's girly and see how I react. Also, amusingly enough, I've had a few girls say "you'd be really cute if you didn't have long hair" which means the opposite of what she's saying. A girl doesn't wander across a club to touch long hair if she's really turned off by long hair on a guy.

When a woman saying that is obviously heated up I'll pop off with "that's ok, some girls get really turned on by long soft hair slowly brushing their legs". I rarely make sexual comments, but that one is more than ok because she'll get an image in her head and it's perfectly true. If she smiles and/or is flustered in some way it's 100% Game On and we're going to bump uglies! If not, that's ok too, I'll immediately switch to another subject.

Another note: My extremely strong reality is that I'm a displaced caveman who doesn't buy into a spectator world and consumerist view. I take what I want, I don't care what people think, and I'm a rebel against what men are expected to act like (tv, movie mushy crap). So, I can kino all I want because a) I'm seen as Alpha: take what I want when I want it without fear, and b) girls will automatically assume I'll be the type to throw her down on a bed without weak "can I put my arm here" or "do you like when I do this?" bullshait. And, a note on the note, Golddiggers and Professional Dates avoid long haired guys like the plague, they're looking for Bank Managers and other executive types, not a caveman type they'll get hooked on. If a girl is flashing IOIs to a confident clean-long-hair guy, it's not about money, it's primal. I have enough money to live comfortably, but I do not mention, display, or spend it on random women.

A confident man with good long hair will completely blow the doors off of flashy, wealthy, situationally confident/powerful, or muscular men while wearing less than a few hundreds of dollars of clothes and inexpensive accessories.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
First off, a person's opinions on hair from a dating website should not affect how you look. Be your own man. Secondly, have your hair look any way YOU want it, whatever you think best fits you.

What I can for sure say tho is that you absolutely have to have CLEAN hair, and make sure it doesnt smell funky.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
It depends on the woman's tastes and you. Not everyone is suited to long hair. A friend of mine tried the long hair thing for a while, but the general consensus was that it looked terrible on him. A lot of people mistook him for a girl when they saw him from behind.

I think only a minority of guys can pull off the long hair, but most guys look at least decent with buzz cuts. You can't really go wrong with it: it's short, it's neat, it's manageable and it's masculine. On the other hand, a lot can go wrong with long hair.

Just my $0.02


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
Way too much homosexuality in this thread.

Its all about looking masculine, not looking pretty.

Shorter hair is generally more masculine. Matthew mcconaughey has long hair but he still looks very masculine. If you can pull it off and still be manly, hair doesnt matter at all.

Attractiveness in males = masculinity

NOT aesthetic beauty.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
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A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
Having had long hair since high school(I keep mine at mid-back), all I can say about it, is that, if you're under the impression that it's going to attract a lot of women, who looks matter to, you'll be in for a rude awakening. I personally think long hair looks great on guys(and I don't mean that in a homosexual way), if it's kept up with of course. I think it adds sex appeal, looks "cool", and adds character. The reason a lot of people in general don't favor the look is mainly due in part because 'Hippies' from the 60's era have given it a negative stigma. Supposedly(I don't know for sure, I didn't live during that time, but from what I hear, such was the case), many hippies were dirty, and didn't wash nor comb their hair. Ever since then, ANY GUY(hippie or not)with long hair, has gotten lumped(although it is changing) by a lot of people, particularly the older generations(although things have changed and people have become more open-minded) as fitting that mold. Hippies are the blame for why a lot of these women(and people in general), the ones who are into looks, don't like long hair on men. Yet, at the same time, what's funny, is all these people who don't like the look, aren't aware of the fact that for the majority of history, most men grew their hair long(an historical fact by the way), except the Romans and Egyptians; and by long, I'm not talking up to your chin, I'm talking hair up to and past the shoulders.

I will say one thing though, my hair has given me the opportunity to f*ck some very attractive women. The women who are attracted to this look, you'll find, tend to be very sexy. Expect a lot of women in corsettes, lingerie(regular pantyhose, garters, fishnets, etc.), and heels. You'll especially find that in the Goth and Metal scenes. Here's an example:

By the way, bro, I say, grow it loonnggg!
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Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2009
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I love long hair on guys, but there are conditions. It needs to be well maintained, tangle free, fairly healthy and not fine or limp.
Saying that, if the choices were a guy with long hair who doesnt look after it, to a bold guy, i would lean towards the bold guy. Its important to take pride in your appearance.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
Reaction score
yea how about neither? I have a legit mohawk....buzzed to a 1 on the sides and its pretty long in the middle. just like you take a woman's advice and do the opposite, ive had noticeably more attention from chicks with it. i used to have long, surfer style hair before, so it was a drastic change. ill be keeping this mohawk for a long time. mom hates it tho


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
Let me also add something that I forgot to mention that is worthy of mentioning.....

Aside from 'Hippies' giving it a bad rep., another reason a lot of these women don't like it, is because it's not the trend/norm at the moment. It hasn't been for the last 200 yrs or so. Hey, I say if something looks good, who gives a f*ck if it's a trend or not. When I see a woman who might have an "out of style" look, I can really care less. As long as it looks sexy and she is hot, is all I'm concerned about.
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Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2008
Reaction score
I think it depends on a person's facial features and hair. In my case, long hair suits me a lot better than short hair..

Those considering long hair should consider keeping some sort of a beard, just to give themselves a more manly look.


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
Some guys just don't suit short hair at all. So their best bet is to go with longer hair. I have my hair 'britpop' style (think Oasis)

On the flip side, some guys look much better with short hair. So have it like that if that's you :)