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Pregnancy Announcements Everywhere! Life When Your Blue Pill Social Circle Starts Having Babies

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
Based on looks alone, it's shocking that I don't have a woman, while there are men in my office with worse looks than me who have either a girlfriend or wife.
These men likely:
1. Had social circles of males and females from young ages.
2. Aren’t neurotic.
3. Might have met their women from online dating.
4. Met their women at work.

There is much resentment in seduction forums and the Manosphere of ordinary dudes with women.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
Reaction score
I've seen mediocre looking guys with girlfriends/wives (typically wives) at various workplaces over the years. Most of them are Boomers and Gen X'ers who are beta bucks guys. Beta males who earn a good income and got their wife 20+ years ago. A lot of times, the wife isn't impressive looking either. The relationship is stale too because they tend to have school aged kids.
Yeah, it's one thing if the men are Boomers or Gen Xers (as getting a woman was easier in their day)

That being said, there are several men in my workplace born in the 80s and 90s whose looks are nothing special, yet they have a girlfriend or wife.

Same story when I'm out in public. I see plenty of young men whose looks are nothing special, yet they have a woman.

It's been said before on this forum that a woman's standards have become insanely high, a woman will "next" a man as soon as a more exciting option comes along, broads with average looks would rather share a Chad (even if it means never getting commitment from Chad) than have a committed relationship with an Average Joe, etc.

For that matter, the internet in general is full of men complaining about how hard it is to get a woman.

The disconnect between what I read online (as well as my own personal experience) vs what I see at work/in public shocks me.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
Reaction score
These men likely:
1. Had social circles of males and females from young ages.
2. Aren’t neurotic.
3. Might have met their women from online dating.
4. Met their women at work.

There is much resentment in seduction forums and the Manosphere of ordinary dudes with women.
If broads on swipe apps are as picky as this forum makes it sound, it's unlikely these mediocre men met their girlfriends/wives through online dating.

Options 1 and 2 are quite likely I suppose.

Meeting a woman at work is a possibility. In fact, a guy with mediocre looks at my workplace dated a hottie we work with at one point. Overall though, with all the considerations to take into account when sh1tting where you eat (in other words, dating a coworker), I don't think the female population in general would go to the hassle of dating a mediocre male coworker.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
These men likely:
1. Had social circles of males and females from young ages.
2. Aren’t neurotic.
3. Might have met their women from online dating.
4. Met their women at work.
These are good points and I want to break them down one by one.

Had social circles of males and females from young ages

This is a common way for ordinary looking men with blue pill ideologies (commonly called beta males) to get sexual partners. These mid tier betas often get LTRs from this. Being a socially well connected beta male is something that tends to help them.

The most common way that I have seen an ordinary beta male become a socially well connected beta male is by a man being geographically fixed. In this case, he stays in the same area from K-12 grades and not be a social outcast during that time. He needs to be somewhat likable. He doesn't need to be most popular but he can't be a loser. He then stays in that same region as where he was K-12 as an adult and he could possibly go to a regional college within 3-4 hours of home before settling back in his hometown. Doing this will help get the right social circle introductions to get girlfriends. This guy won't put up 'Chad' tier numbers on seductions, but he can get longer term girlfriends doing this.

Another way that I have seen this work is at college. A guy who might not be at a college near his hometown gets very active in campus extracurriculars and gets a girlfriend that way. Or he meets a female in one of his academic classes. The guy holds onto his college girlfriend well into his 20s and even into his 30s. This often results in a marriage and babies.

Aren’t neurotic

That is always going to help. A neurotypical with mild or no mental illness is better positioned to succeed.

Might have met their women from online dating

This can still happen but it's a more difficult path for the ordinary looks tier beta male. Women are actively seeking the top tier men online. Nevertheless, there are middle tier men getting girlfriends or even wives off of tech-based dating methods. I've seen examples of betas dumpster diving to get LTRs off of online dating apps. It's also possible a childless aging beta takes on an aging single mom. Sometimes, there isn't something obvious.

For LTRs, it's more likely to see something like an 8+ looks tier man settling into something with an 8+ looks tier woman. That can happen online if the better looking man isn't as motivated to put up big notch count numbers online with carousel riding women online. As said many times on here, the best looking men online are often putting up big notch count numbers with a variety of women. Some of the women are in their looks tier, but some are slightly below. An 8.5+ looks man often uses swipe apps to have endless sex with women in the 5.5-low 7s range.

Met their women at work

This can still happen but has gotten less common in white collar spaces since the 1990s with stronger HR enforcement of sexual harrassment policies. "Don't crap where you eat" has gotten to be a more common saying in relation to this. Prior to the 1990s/early 2000s, white collar workplaces were often a good place to meet a girlfriend or even wife.

In more recent years, the only times I've heard of white collar pairings were in larger organizations when the man and woman rarely ever interacted from their day-to-day work duties. They might have met at the corporate holiday party or through their workplace acquaintances that they worked with more day-to-day (few degrees of separation social connections). One of the couples that is part of the primary social circle that this thread started around formed exactly as I just described in a white collar workplace.

Blue collar workplaces have been mostly men and usually don't result in couple formations. HR and #MeToo haven't changed this space too much.

Workplace pairings are still most relevant in service sector jobs. Retail store workers often date each other. Bartenders/waiters/waitresses commonly date. Bouncers date strippers and female bartenders. Some of these pairings aren't long lasting. Some of the reasons why service sector pairings can still work is because these people tend to change jobs more frequently than white collar workers and these jobs tend to have less demanding interview processes. It's more difficult to replace a white collar job if things go bad in a romantic interaction than some service sector job.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
These are good points and I want to break them down one by one.

Had social circles of males and females from young ages

This is a common way for ordinary looking men with blue pill ideologies (commonly called beta males) to get sexual partners. These mid tier betas often get LTRs from this. Being a socially well connected beta male is something that tends to help them.

The most common way that I have seen an ordinary beta male become a socially well connected beta male is by a man being geographically fixed. In this case, he stays in the same area from K-12 grades and not be a social outcast during that time. He needs to be somewhat likable. He doesn't need to be most popular but he can't be a loser. He then stays in that same region as where he was K-12 as an adult and he could possibly go to a regional college within 3-4 hours of home before settling back in his hometown. Doing this will help get the right social circle introductions to get girlfriends. This guy won't put up 'Chad' tier numbers on seductions, but he can get longer term girlfriends doing this.

Another way that I have seen this work is at college. A guy who might not be at a college near his hometown gets very active in campus extracurriculars and gets a girlfriend that way. Or he meets a female in one of his academic classes. The guy holds onto his college girlfriend well into his 20s and even into his 30s. This often results in a marriage and babies.

Aren’t neurotic

That is always going to help. A neurotypical with mild or no mental illness is better positioned to succeed.

Might have met their women from online dating

This can still happen but it's a more difficult path for the ordinary looks tier beta male. Women are actively seeking the top tier men online. Nevertheless, there are middle tier men getting girlfriends or even wives off of tech-based dating methods. I've seen examples of betas dumpster diving to get LTRs off of online dating apps. It's also possible a childless aging beta takes on an aging single mom. Sometimes, there isn't something obvious.

For LTRs, it's more likely to see something like an 8+ looks tier man settling into something with an 8+ looks tier woman. That can happen online if the better looking man isn't as motivated to put up big notch count numbers online with carousel riding women online. As said many times on here, the best looking men online are often putting up big notch count numbers with a variety of women. Some of the women are in their looks tier, but some are slightly below. An 8.5+ looks man often uses swipe apps to have endless sex with women in the 5.5-low 7s range.

Met their women at work

This can still happen but has gotten less common in white collar spaces since the 1990s with stronger HR enforcement of sexual harrassment policies. "Don't crap where you eat" has gotten to be a more common saying in relation to this. Prior to the 1990s/early 2000s, white collar workplaces were often a good place to meet a girlfriend or even wife.

In more recent years, the only times I've heard of white collar pairings were in larger organizations when the man and woman rarely ever interacted from their day-to-day work duties. They might have met at the corporate holiday party or through their workplace acquaintances that they worked with more day-to-day (few degrees of separation social connections). One of the couples that is part of the primary social circle that this thread started around formed exactly as I just described in a white collar workplace.

Blue collar workplaces have been mostly men and usually don't result in couple formations. HR and #MeToo haven't changed this space too much.

Workplace pairings are still most relevant in service sector jobs. Retail store workers often date each other. Bartenders/waiters/waitresses commonly date. Bouncers date strippers and female bartenders. Some of these pairings aren't long lasting. Some of the reasons why service sector pairings can still work is because these people tend to change jobs more frequently than white collar workers and these jobs tend to have less demanding interview processes. It's more difficult to replace a white collar job if things go bad in a romantic interaction than some service sector job.
Thanks for the informative response.

Do you have an idea about why womanless men resent ordinary/average men with women?

I’m an an average man with a wife and kids and I’ve had girlfriends? Do I deserve resentment? Did I do something wrong? Am I harming womanless men?


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Do you have an idea about why womanless men resent ordinary/average men with women?
The men are pissed off about not getting laid.

I don't resent. I also have a lifetime notch count above most men's lifetime count. I've also had dry spells at times too.

Do I deserve resentment? Did I do something wrong? Am I harming womanless men?
No to all.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
The guy holds onto his college girlfriend well into his 20s and even into his 30s. This often results in a marriage and babies.
I have observed these couples have the best successes at living happily ever after.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
I have observed these couples have the best successes at living happily ever after.
I have a difficult time believing in that idea of "happily ever after" given my beliefs that relationships typically have a shelf life of goodness. I think my shelf life idea is the thing that I'm most known for on SoSuave in my 13,000+ posts.

With that said, I think your point has merit. I think a relationship has a better chance of being higher quality for a longer period of time if the couple meets earlier in life and grows their lives together from an earlier age. If a couple meets when both are after age 30, it's more awkward to merge lives in longer term relationships. This is even true when 30 and 40 somethings are forming LTRs and both are childless. Children from past relationships often complicate LTRs that form in one's 30s and 40s.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
iven my beliefs that relationships typically have a shelf life of goodness.
If people live by this it’s a great way to f— up children and family ties.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
If people live by this it’s a great way to f— up children and family ties.
Men who believe in a shelf life idea will often do Options 2, 3, and 6 from the article below. Option 2 (serial monogamous marriage) is a great way to mess up children and family ties. That's going into a marriage accepting the idea that the marriage will fail at some point. In my life, I've alternated between Option 3 (Be a player forever) and Path 6 (Be a serial monogamist forever). Option 6 doesn't involve marriage.

Options 7-9 are variants of non-monogamist relationship models that I do not know that well.

Most men end up in Option 1 (traditional monogamous marriage). The men in my primary social circle over time discussed in this thread are Option 1 men. Option 1 has a poor track record and is also a great way to mess up children and family ties. Option 1 now fails more than it succeeds.

In Option 6, if a man doesn't have kids, he's not messing up children and family ties. There are downsides to living an Option 6 lifestyle and this thread has covered some of my experiences as more of an Option 6 guy. Option 3 will also mess up children and family ties. An Option 3 guy might disappear from his child's life and have no part in raising a child.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
Reaction score
On the general topic of social circles:

A strong social circle can totally help a guy get broads in high school and college. Even after college, I'd estimate a decent social circle can help a lot until the age of 28 or so.

What changes around age 28? By that age, there are fewer and fewer singles. Then by the time you're my age (33), no matter how strong your social circle is, chances are the vast majority of broads in your social circle either have husbands or serious boyfriends.

A strong social circle in your younger years means you're less likely to end up in my position (33 year old borderline incel), I get that. All I'm saying is if a 33 year old were to find himself single and/or celibate, I have my doubts of how much a strong social circle would help.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
Reaction score
These are good points and I want to break them down one by one.

Had social circles of males and females from young ages

This is a common way for ordinary looking men with blue pill ideologies (commonly called beta males) to get sexual partners. These mid tier betas often get LTRs from this. Being a socially well connected beta male is something that tends to help them.

The most common way that I have seen an ordinary beta male become a socially well connected beta male is by a man being geographically fixed. In this case, he stays in the same area from K-12 grades and not be a social outcast during that time. He needs to be somewhat likable. He doesn't need to be most popular but he can't be a loser. He then stays in that same region as where he was K-12 as an adult and he could possibly go to a regional college within 3-4 hours of home before settling back in his hometown. Doing this will help get the right social circle introductions to get girlfriends. This guy won't put up 'Chad' tier numbers on seductions, but he can get longer term girlfriends doing this.

Another way that I have seen this work is at college. A guy who might not be at a college near his hometown gets very active in campus extracurriculars and gets a girlfriend that way. Or he meets a female in one of his academic classes. The guy holds onto his college girlfriend well into his 20s and even into his 30s. This often results in a marriage and babies.

Aren’t neurotic

That is always going to help. A neurotypical with mild or no mental illness is better positioned to succeed.

Might have met their women from online dating

This can still happen but it's a more difficult path for the ordinary looks tier beta male. Women are actively seeking the top tier men online. Nevertheless, there are middle tier men getting girlfriends or even wives off of tech-based dating methods. I've seen examples of betas dumpster diving to get LTRs off of online dating apps. It's also possible a childless aging beta takes on an aging single mom. Sometimes, there isn't something obvious.

For LTRs, it's more likely to see something like an 8+ looks tier man settling into something with an 8+ looks tier woman. That can happen online if the better looking man isn't as motivated to put up big notch count numbers online with carousel riding women online. As said many times on here, the best looking men online are often putting up big notch count numbers with a variety of women. Some of the women are in their looks tier, but some are slightly below. An 8.5+ looks man often uses swipe apps to have endless sex with women in the 5.5-low 7s range.

Met their women at work

This can still happen but has gotten less common in white collar spaces since the 1990s with stronger HR enforcement of sexual harrassment policies. "Don't crap where you eat" has gotten to be a more common saying in relation to this. Prior to the 1990s/early 2000s, white collar workplaces were often a good place to meet a girlfriend or even wife.

In more recent years, the only times I've heard of white collar pairings were in larger organizations when the man and woman rarely ever interacted from their day-to-day work duties. They might have met at the corporate holiday party or through their workplace acquaintances that they worked with more day-to-day (few degrees of separation social connections). One of the couples that is part of the primary social circle that this thread started around formed exactly as I just described in a white collar workplace.

Blue collar workplaces have been mostly men and usually don't result in couple formations. HR and #MeToo haven't changed this space too much.

Workplace pairings are still most relevant in service sector jobs. Retail store workers often date each other. Bartenders/waiters/waitresses commonly date. Bouncers date strippers and female bartenders. Some of these pairings aren't long lasting. Some of the reasons why service sector pairings can still work is because these people tend to change jobs more frequently than white collar workers and these jobs tend to have less demanding interview processes. It's more difficult to replace a white collar job if things go bad in a romantic interaction than some service sector job.
Good point about a guy having a relatively easy time if he stays in the same geographical area (as long as he isn't a total outcast). I had a high school classmate who went to the same exact schools as me for all of K-12. He then went to a college pretty close to our high school.

He was fat, below average in looks, and was socially awkward.

On the surface, he sounds even worse than me (We're both socially awkward. And he had some disadvantages I didn't have, like his fatness and his below average looks)

Yet here's what set him apart (in a good way): Despite his social awkwardness, he wasn't quite an autist.

He had 2 girlfriends in high school. He then did relatively well in college, as well as for the first few years after college (then I lost track of him)

Unreal that being a high-functioning autist with a skinny build and average to above-average looks is somehow more of an impediment than being an ugly fattie with garden variety social awkwardness.
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
On the general topic of social circles:

A strong social circle can totally help a guy get broads in high school and college. Even after college, I'd estimate a decent social circle can help a lot until the age of 28 or so.

What changes around age 28? By that age, there are fewer and fewer singles. Then by the time you're my age (33), no matter how strong your social circle is, chances are the vast majority of broads in your social circle either have husbands or serious boyfriends.

A strong social circle in your younger years means you're less likely to end up in my position (33 year old borderline incel), I get that. All I'm saying is if a 33 year old were to find himself single and/or celibate, I have my doubts of how much a strong social circle would help.
I am aware of cases of guys 35+ getting social circle introductions. I know of a guy in his late 30s who received a social circle introduction in the immediate aftermath of a divorce and that led to his 2nd marriage. It's difficult for me to determine if this is an outlier type case. Your idea could have merit. I wish it could be quantified.

In my local social circle, the majority of women in the social circle were paired off by late 20s/early 30s, so your hypothesis would hold water in my local social circle. While the main topic of this thread is my primary local social circle, I am well aware that this social circle is not representative of social circles in general.

I have received few social circle introductions over the last 25 years. I've achieved a well above average notch count on the strength of approaching strangers. I've invested time in learning seduction. I also dabbled in dating websites and dating apps. This has been a brutally tough path that I do not recommend. I have repeatedly said that having a social circle helps most men get girlfriends with less grief and frustration than either app swiping or approaching strangers.

There is a reason why the Wheat Waffles flowchart said that my best play is daygame seducer.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
Reaction score
I am aware of cases of guys 35+ getting social circle introductions. I know of a guy in his late 30s who received a social circle introduction in the immediate aftermath of a divorce and that led to his 2nd marriage. It's difficult for me to determine if this is an outlier type case. Your idea could have merit. I wish it could be quantified.

In my local social circle, the majority of women in the social circle were paired off by late 20s/early 30s, so your hypothesis would hold water in my local social circle. While the main topic of this thread is my primary local social circle, I am well aware that this social circle is not representative of social circles in general.

I have received few social circle introductions over the last 25 years. I've achieved a well above average notch count on the strength of approaching strangers. I've invested time in learning seduction. I also dabbled in dating websites and dating apps. This has been a brutally tough path that I do not recommend. I have repeatedly said that having a social circle helps most men get girlfriends with less grief and frustration than either app swiping or approaching strangers.

There is a reason why the Wheat Waffles flowchart said that my best play is daygame seducer.
Interesting how even I (an autist) had a decent amount of success from tech methods, yet you (from the sounds of it) struggled a lot through tech methods.

Don't get me wrong, I also had a ton of failure through tech methods. But I say I had a decent amount of success because I did much better through tech methods in college than I did through trying to find a broad organically in person.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Interesting how even I (an autist) had a decent amount of success from tech methods, yet you (from the sounds of it) struggled a lot through tech methods.

Don't get me wrong, I also had a ton of failure through tech methods.
You have gotten a decent quantity of partners through tech methods, but you had to dumpster dive to do it in many cases AND you also haven't done well retaining the partners you've gotten. It's debatable if that is success.

Dumpster diving via tech methods is a common tactic men use to get pussie.

Dumpster diving is a bad tactic for a lot of reasons. I do not dumpster dive for pussie.

I say I had a decent amount of success because I did much better through tech methods in college than I did through trying to find a broad organically in person.
This forum has had 2 good college sex threads. Both of these college sex threads happened long after you graduated from college.

College is a phase of life when a tech method for dating should not be necessary. The typical male has far more proximity to women on a college campus in real life than he would have at any point in his life in the working world. Men usually resort to tech methods when they are in the working phase of their lives. Men who work jobs typically need to go out of their ways to meet women organically in real life. On a college campus, a male is surrounded by females. He has options with females in classes, options with females randomly on campus, options with females at off campus parties, options with females as a result of participating in Greek Life (if he chooses that), and options with in various campus extracurricular clubs.

If a man is using tech methods while he's on a college campus, that's a very poor sign. Even in the 2010s-2020s with more dependency on tech, it's still not needed on a college campus.

Tech methods did exist when I was in college from 2001-2005. There were online dating websites that existed in those days. Online dating websites go all the way back to the early to mid 1990s as a concept. Facebook and MySpace had launched by my senior year.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
Reaction score
You have gotten a decent quantity of partners through tech methods, but you had to dumpster dive to do it in many cases AND you also haven't done well retaining the partners you've gotten. It's debatable if that is success.

Dumpster diving via tech methods is a common tactic men use to get pussie.

Dumpster diving is a bad tactic for a lot of reasons. I do not dumpster dive for pussie.

This forum has had 2 good college sex threads. Both of these college sex threads happened long after you graduated from college.

College is a phase of life when a tech method for dating should not be necessary. The typical male has far more proximity to women on a college campus in real life than he would have at any point in his life in the working world. Men usually resort to tech methods when they are in the working phase of their lives. Men who work jobs typically need to go out of their ways to meet women organically in real life. On a college campus, a male is surrounded by females. He has options with females in classes, options with females randomly on campus, options with females at off campus parties, options with females as a result of participating in Greek Life (if he chooses that), and options with in various campus extracurricular clubs.

If a man is using tech methods while he's on a college campus, that's a very poor sign. Even in the 2010s-2020s with more dependency on tech, it's still not needed on a college campus.

Tech methods did exist when I was in college from 2001-2005. There were online dating websites that existed in those days. Online dating websites go all the way back to the early to mid 1990s as a concept. Facebook and MySpace had launched by my senior year.
Right, I had to dumpster dive to some degree. Then again, I'm an autist. I don't think you'd have to dumpster dive on tech methods.

I totally agree a guy shouldn't have to resort to tech methods in college. You're 100% correct when you say we're around a much higher concentration of broads in college than at any point post-college.

It's pretty alarming I had to rely on tech methods in college.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
You're 100% correct when you say we're around a much higher concentration of broads in college than at any point post-college.
For men who attend college, the transition from college to the working world is a major change in terms of the mating environment.

All post-college men need to adjust to the fact that their daily lives post-college won't automatically put them in contact with a lot of eligible women.

The advice of "just go outside" that gets told to a lot of men is only partially true. Going outside helps because it is necessary. However, going outside without a plan isn't going to lead to much.

It takes effort for men in their 20s-40s when they go outside into the world to meet women. There needs to be a plan.

Most post-college men have a poor daily routine for being in contact with women. These are men that go to some office setting (with mainly married women co-workers), go home, watch TV, and maybe go to a gym with women who wear headphones/earbuds on the general gym floor. That routine doesn't lead to much. Instead, a man will need to create his own opportunities. Too many men in this situation rely upon Tinder/Bumble/Hinge for that. The better play is to create real life opportunities from traditional daygame stranger approaches, nightlife venue approaches, and some activity stuff, like a co-ed sports league. Participating in most co-ed sports leagues isn't the easiest play for getting poontang, it might be worth doing. It would depend on the individual man and the rest of his routine.

Most of the men in my primary local social circle (the people who this thread is about) met the women who would become their wives in a post-college setting. I have one friend who moved to Dallas in a relationship with his college era girlfriend. The rest of the men were men who had to rely upon something post-college to meet women.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
Reaction score
For men who attend college, the transition from college to the working world is a major change in terms of the mating environment.

All post-college men need to adjust to the fact that their daily lives post-college won't automatically put them in contact with a lot of eligible women.

The advice of "just go outside" that gets told to a lot of men is only partially true. Going outside helps because it is necessary. However, going outside without a plan isn't going to lead to much.

It takes effort for men in their 20s-40s when they go outside into the world to meet women. There needs to be a plan.

Most post-college men have a poor daily routine for being in contact with women. These are men that go to some office setting (with mainly married women co-workers), go home, watch TV, and maybe go to a gym with women who wear headphones/earbuds on the general gym floor. That routine doesn't lead to much. Instead, a man will need to create his own opportunities. Too many men in this situation rely upon Tinder/Bumble/Hinge for that. The better play is to create real life opportunities from traditional daygame stranger approaches, nightlife venue approaches, and some activity stuff, like a co-ed sports league. Participating in most co-ed sports leagues isn't the easiest play for getting poontang, it might be worth doing. It would depend on the individual man and the rest of his routine.

Most of the men in my primary local social circle (the people who this thread is about) met the women who would become their wives in a post-college setting. I have one friend who moved to Dallas in a relationship with his college era girlfriend. The rest of the men were men who had to rely upon something post-college to meet women.
With what a disaster college was for me (the fact I had to rely on tech methods), no wonder post-college has been even worse.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
With what a disaster college was for me (the fact I had to rely on tech methods), no wonder post-college has been even worse.
There are guys that find that college doesn't live up to the hype for them. It's a common experience for men that go into college expecting that the college campus experience will help them attract a lot of women.

The typical play for most college males is to get into some LTR during college. That college era LTR might last for a good portion of college. It usually doesn't last that much beyond graduation.

Most men who go to college will end up having to face the mating environment again at some point after college between ages 22-23 and 29.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
There is much resentment in seduction forums and the Manosphere of ordinary dudes with women.
I have noticed this as well, I'm glad you brought it up, especially with "average" or "ugly" guys who are with hot/pretty women that they met in a social circle or through High school/College.

Even in 2025 the manosphere/Red Pill community has a disdain for ordinary men (not only Chad's) it's baffling to me that men won't take a page from those guy's book to learn what makes them successful and instead try to shame these men or even women

IMO I think
Thanks for the informative response.

Do you have an idea about why womanless men resent ordinary/average men with women?

I’m an an average man with a wife and kids and I’ve had girlfriends? Do I deserve resentment? Did I do something wrong? Am I harming womanless men?
Like @SW15 said perfectly the resentment is that they aren't getting laid, however, I will take it a step further. There is also resentment that they can't get the type of women that they want in a relationship and be happy. They see men they perceive as lower than them (BETA or Ugly) having success and it infuriates them. They can't hide their jealously. Not understanding that women's attraction for a man who may not be conventionally attractive can increase just by proximity and spending more time etc.

Most seducers/PUA/RP guys do not have friend groups for various reasons i.e. awkward, mental illness,boring or just don't plain have access to a friend group

I'm glad this was brought in this thread because it's confirmed to me a lot of things I have been thinking about the last few years