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please forgive my new-ness, but I must speak!


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2001
Reaction score
I spent the last hour or so going through the posts and searched by topic to see if what I'm about to say has been touched on. If I missed it somewhere--sorry!

First, a little background: I'm 34yrs old and have been a bartender for over ten years.
I have worked clubs, s**t-hole bars, 5 star hotels, airports, you name it.

And a few things I continue to see--no matter the establishment--still baffle me.
One: A guy starts a conversation with a woman at the bar, but she's not interested. She's looking at her drink, playing with the straws, even turning her back on the guy,and/or talking to someone else. Take the hint: She's a b***h! Move on!

Two: Buying women drinks as an intro. Don't do it. See if you can sit with her and talk a while, then--and only then--should you buy her a drink. And if she insists you buy her one before you've had a chances to judge if this is a deserving lady, walk away without saying a word.

Three: Guy's that walk into a bar/club all hunched over, and with a look on their faces like someone just shot their dog. Smile! Listen to some comedy on your way to the club if you have to, but by all means don't looked all pissed off like someone crapped on your catus.
This is basic stuff for sure, yes!

There's more, but right now this is where I'll leave off. If you're not the type of guy with these problems, then you're okay and none of this is for you. Forgive me if I've come-off like a complete d***. I see so many guys get taken advantage of, or shot down, and it doesn't have to be that way if you know how to take care of yourself. I hope I helped someone.

The Realest

Don Juan
Jun 8, 2001
Reaction score
Thanks 4 tha info Dogg,

All of you should listen to anything this guy says. Bartenders watch people and know what works and dosent work. They know becasue all day hey watch people.

Anyways the point im trying to make is if someone is at a position as a bartender its the stuff they deal wih everyday. They can offer alot more knoledge than just what to do in clubs because they hear alot of storys and know what will work anywhere. Id ike for this guy to stay on this forum because he can offer lot of advise.

By the way id like to as you a question. Almost every batender I've known "****tail" is their favorate movie. Is this yours? im just wonderin because Icant think of one bartender that it is not their fav. or one of there most fav. movies.

The Realest


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2001
Reaction score
New York, NY -- USA
Originally posted by phoenix-eye:
There's more, but right now this is where I'll leave off.
OK. I'll be waiting for the rest.


Master Don Juan
May 14, 2001
Reaction score
Thanks for the tips phoenix-eye,

Like to hear more of you!

Great post you have already,


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2001
Reaction score
Welcome to the Forum. If you don't mind me asking how much do you make. Just an average because as a side job I am thinking of going to bar tending school and am curious on how much moolah you make. Again welcome to the forum.

I stole this from maranathaman and I urge you to steal it from me.
"Please remember to use the "SEARCH" function in this forum on the topic you have questions about before asking, because it most likely has been answered already! Thank- you"

People who have stolen my signature...


I encourage you all to steal the signature that I stole so I can add you to the list of theives. Thank-you

Sgt. Ray

Don Juan
May 19, 2001
Reaction score
Nampa, ID, USA
Phoenix Eye --Solid info. Thanks. I look forward to hearing more. I have a pick up book by an author whose program is based on tending bar and having watched thousands of interactions.

A question I've seen posted and one we're all curious about is, "Does working the bar get you women?"


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by The Realest:
Thanks 4 tha info Dogg,

You're wellcome!

All of you should listen to anything this guy says. Bartenders watch people and know what works and dosent work. They know becasue all day hey watch people.

Anyways the point im trying to make is if someone is at a position as a bartender its the stuff they deal wih everyday. They can offer alot more knoledge than just what to do in clubs because they hear alot of storys and know what will work anywhere. Id ike for this guy to stay on this forum because he can offer lot of advise.

By the way id like to as you a question. Almost every batender I've known "****tail" is their favorate movie. Is this yours? im just wonderin because Icant think of one bartender that it is not their fav. or one of there most fav. movies.

The Realest
****tail is a okay movie, but not even close to being my fav...Also, I think the movie makes bartending look too easy and unrealistic.


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by DJ:
Welcome to the Forum. If you don't mind me asking how much do you make. Just an average because as a side job I am thinking of going to bar tending school and am curious on how much moolah you make. Again welcome to the forum.
I make between $400 to $600 a week, including
the wage the owner pays me. DJ, it's hard starting out; know-it-all customers, chicks that can't make up their mind on what to drink, co-workers back-stabing you and running to the boss ever ten seconds. Check out the bartending school very well, shop around, talk to other bartenders and ask what school they went to. If you have anymore question you can write me direct:


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Sgt. Ray:
Phoenix Eye --Solid info. Thanks. I look forward to hearing more. I have a pick up book by an author whose program is based on tending bar and having watched thousands of interactions.

A question I've seen posted and one we're all curious about is, "Does working the bar get you women?"
Yeah, that's why I got into it...But there's a down side as well: If there's a hottie I see, I can't go talk to her cause I'm busy slinging booze. If a hottie wants to talk to me(this happens a lot!!!) I get interupted by customers, my boss, etc. I turn around to talk to again and she's gone!
The best places for a bartender to get laid(my opinion) is to work wedding receptions. Something about weddings and alcohol get women all hot down stairs.

Sgt. Ray

Don Juan
May 19, 2001
Reaction score
Nampa, ID, USA
Thanks, Phoenix-eye. You know, you should write a column. I do magic, and I've thought of the angle of magic bartender. One of my mentors did just that. Any ideas? (Sorry if we're all bugging the hell out of you.)

I think we'd all be interested in any other observations you may have about who gets --or doesn't get-- laid at bars.

If you want to talk, talk to your friends. If you want a girl to like you, listen to her, ask questions, and act like you are on the edge of your seat.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Sgt. Ray:
Thanks, Phoenix-eye. You know, you should write a column. I do magic, and I've thought of the angle of magic bartender. One of my mentors did just that. Any ideas? (Sorry if we're all bugging the hell out of you.)

I think we'd all be interested in any other observations you may have about who gets --or doesn't get-- laid at bars.
You're not bugging me at all.

The idea of a magic bartender is a cool idea and one that I have not heared before. I guess what you could do is if you were a bartender, when it's not so busy, say between customers is do a couple of tricks, with a glass or a bottle--hey, how about mixing a drink, covering it with a cloth and making the fluid in the glass vanish. That would be cool!


Master Don Juan
May 14, 2001
Reaction score

Because I'm going out to a club every weekend I love to know the answer to my following questions.

How often does it happen that you see a beautiful girl sitting or standing alone at some place at the club?

What's the average balance between single guys/single girls/and couples in a club?
I mean, how big is the chance to pick up a girl at a club, instead of picking up girls at others places?

Thnx in advance,

Don't let the Matrix control reality, take control of your own life starting now!

Go Confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined!


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Neophyte:

Because I'm going out to a club every weekend I love to know the answer to my following questions.

How often does it happen that you see a beautiful girl sitting or standing alone at some place at the club?
Not very offen. When you do, it's usually because her b/f is in the bathroom, she just came out of the bathroom and can't find her friends, b/f, or heading my way for a drink.

What's the average balance between single guys/single girls/and couples in a club?
I mean, how big is the chance to pick up a girl at a club, instead of picking up girls at others places?[/B][/QUOTE]
That's a tough one! It depends on the bar/club you frequent. I know here in southern california, most of of time there's more men than women--that's on a friday night, in a popular place(viper room, geko's, the blue room). Once, I started at this club, and for the first 3 weeks I was there, it was mostly women on friday's, but as soon as word got out, the place was never the same. It soon was 50/50! Don't let anything I've said here discourage you about clubs. Clubs, in my opinion are one of the best places to get tail. That's why they're so popular. Go to a lot of them. Check them all out. Do a little research. I hope I helped.

Thnx in advance,



Master Don Juan
May 19, 2001
Reaction score
Bremen, Indiana USA
Phoenix-Eye, I've got one for you, if you don't mind. How likely is it that a guy can pick up one of the waitresses in a club? If it's possible, what's the best approach?

Thanks in advance, BC

Never try to read a woman's mind. It is a scary place. Ignore her confusing signals and mixed messages. Assume she is interested in you and act accordingly.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
May 14, 2001
Reaction score
Thank you for the answer phoenix-eye, I'm not discouraged, but this might get tough... Everybody seems to have fun. Every girl is talking or dancing with someone. There's no girl that will approach me...I have to approach them. I'm not that ugly, but it's just the way girls are at my place at the age of 19 / 24. They won't come to you. The guys have to do all the 'work'.



Don Juan
Jun 22, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by bclarke675:
Phoenix-Eye, I've got one for you, if you don't mind. How likely is it that a guy can pick up one of the waitresses in a club? If it's possible, what's the best approach?

Thanks in advance, BC
I think it can be none, but I've yet to see
anyone pull it off.
The waitresses are tough to get because their working while you're hitting on them, they get approched all the time, and most are 9's and 10's--some are want-a-be actresses. About 4 months ago, I took one out, but that's different--I work with her. I'll ask one next time I get a chance and get back to you or post what she says.