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Playing Dumb Gets You Laid


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Agreed, but there are right-brain dominant fields and these tend to be more interesting subjects and produce more attractive and interesting personalities to women. Generally speaking, the less technical your field is, the more attractive you will be if you are of high intelligence.
Agreed, an intelligent right brain man would be more attractive compared to an intelligent left brain man. Still, women are most attracted to men of average or even below average intelligence (all else being equal). From a woman’s standpoint, an ideal man is hot, rich (due to inheritance or some job that doesn’t require intelligence, like sports, music or acting), impulsive, slightly dumb and irresponsible with money.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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So pretend to be a "Woke liberal"

Got it OP


Just kidding
Actually yes but not the woke kind. Hippy men got laid constantly, at least the old style ones cause they did exactly this [they were all liberterians]. They told women sob stories and poems, played music, and smoked weed. Everything they did was the same tactics puas did but were more natural at it and more open about it. Remember, the liberals today are not liberal. They are preachy authoritarians. They are not even the smooth religious types that get thousands of people to donate tithes to the church every week.

Woke liberals have no game and are the epitome of drying up p*ssy. That is why little liberal women f*ck them because they are a disgrace and have no attractive qualities.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Telling a woman what she wants to hear in order to get in her pants isnt exactly a ground breaking or controversial strategy, and anybody who claims to have never done it is either lying or a virgin.
I agree that most guys tell women what they want to hear to some extent in order to get laid.

Slight bends of the truth or omitting smaller details can help and be sustainable longer term.

@jaymbrs wasn't suggesting to outright lie to women. He was suggesting that it would be best for smarter than average men to not over emphasize their intelligence in order to get laid and/or get into extended relationships. Women operate on emotions and they want to feel certain things. In general, they don't associate intelligent discussion with strong sexual feelings.

The 6'0"+, tanned, muscular guy doesn't emphasize his intelligence. He doesn't need to do that.

So pretend to be a "Woke liberal"
In general, men tend to be more conservative on average than liberal. The conservative-liberal ideology is a spectrum.

When considering pre-menopausal women, they only tend to adopt a conservative ideology after they get married. More religious than average women are more likely to be the exceptions to the rule on this. Millennials and now Gen Z are not known for religious practice. Rates of weekly church attendance in Judeo-Christian faiths is low in the United States and other Western nations in the Millennial and Gen Z age groups.

Today, if a man 42 or under (Millennial or Gen Z) is interacting with a woman 42 or under, it's likely that the woman is a liberal. This is even more true if the interaction is occurring in a larger city and the woman is childless and has a bachelor's degree or higher.

Some liberal women aren't obsessed with talking about liberal identity politics. They'll generally keep quiet about those things and these are women closer to moderate on the liberal-conservative spectrum. Additionally, there are some women who are actual moderates, and these are women who are capable of having discussions about political/social issues at some point in an interaction. I don't recommend most men discuss politics, religion, or controversial social issues prior to sex in most cases.

In general, it benefits most men to omit their political viewpoints to women, especially if they are moderate or conservative. Liberal men likely have more freedom to discuss political and controversial social topics with women and find agreement.

These days, it is quite common on Bumble and Hinge for women to request men swipe left if their political ideology is conservative.

When men focus on doing in-person approaches to arrange dates, they'll hear less about identity politics. It can still happen though. I can recall one instance in Dallas, TX where I was doing an approach at a bar's outdoor patio during the day. In the first few minutes of the conversation, the woman mentioned how it was an interesting adjustment for her to live in a conservative oriented state (Texas) as she had previously lived in coastal liberal states. It was obvious she was a big time liberal. It wasn't necessary for her to mention this because she lived within Dallas city limits and this interaction occurred in Dallas. The city of Dallas itself tends to be more liberal than the Dallas area suburbs. I said nothing about my own political viewpoints during this interaction and the interaction ended with a 5-7 minute conversation with me not asking her out on a date.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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I can get a tech job, have a compsi degree and related msc. Worked in tech for about 8 years. But I find it boring and somewhat draining to do it full-time. I think the main problem with tech ppl is spending too much time just doing tech work not enough time socialising with sales type work. Honestly I think I would take an easy hospitality, waiter, bartender job than a 100K tech job just cos the former would be more fun and sociable, jobs are easier to get and leave if you dont like it. Life can be better as hospitality shifts can be fun and on your feet interacting with ppl. Working in tech spending 8hrs a day infront of a pc looking at coding, db, whatever and then trying to find a decent relationship dont sound like a fun life to me. Seems heavy and depressing.


Mar 4, 2023
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I can get a tech job, have a compsi degree and related msc. Worked in tech for about 8 years. But I find it boring and somewhat draining to do it full-time. I think the main problem with tech ppl is spending too much time just doing tech work not enough time socialising with sales type work. Honestly I think I would take an easy hospitality, waiter, bartender job than a 100K tech job just cos the former would be more fun and sociable, jobs are easier to get and leave if you dont like it. Life can be better as hospitality shifts can be fun and on your feet interacting with ppl. Working in tech spending 8hrs a day infront of a pc looking at coding, db, whatever and then trying to find a decent relationship dont sound like a fun life to me. Seems heavy and depressing.
Indeed. That's why I was chem major, CS minor, and not CS major. But as a chem major, all I get are minimum wage lab tech jobs and manufacturing jobs, all min-wage. It's such a drag.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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Play dumb = be socially intelligent.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
Reaction score
Playing dumb doesn't attract women. Not saying "dumb things" would.

A man can crack a joke here and there during a date but it's probably best he be serious. The only way he can lighten things up is if calls her on HER words and trips her up. If she says something that contradicts herself or she says something she did that's kind of stupid, he can call her on it.

Other than that, don't play dumb. You are not CarrotTop. You are James Bond.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
Reaction score
Playing dumb doesn't attract women. Not saying "dumb things" would.

A man can crack a joke here and there during a date but it's probably best he be serious. The only way he can lighten things up is if calls her on HER words and trips her up. If she says something that contradicts herself or she says something she did that's kind of stupid, he can call her on it.

Other than that, don't play dumb. You are not CarrotTop. You are James Bond.
Your mistake is thinking women know what is smart and what is dumb. That's why dumb actors can pretend to say smart things and the girl is entranced. Why do you think hippies were so successful with women? It's not cause they were smart. They just knew how to woo a woman.

Playing dumb is just an easier way to go about it. It comes from the same school of thought: stop treating women like they are on your level.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2022
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So, this advice is only for those who cant get laid by simply being themselves.

Gotcha. :up: