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A witness at the McDonald's said the customers were loudly joking, "there's that assassin guy." He should have easily been able to hear them. That witness expressed surprise that he didn't run.The term genius is overused, there are not that many true geniuses.
The assassin is a smart guy though. Smart enough not to get caught. I think he deliberately didn't hide. He wanted to get caught (but not right at the scene of the crime) so he'll have his day in court to give his reasons for killing that greedy bastard.
Love you brother hopefully doesn't happen to you and yoursHe smiled into security cameras.
If you read into him, you'll find that his mother was a victim of this health insurance. This CEO was directly involved in the constantly changing terms and conditions regarding coverage that his ailing mother suffered needlessly to fill the pockets of the board of directors and stockholders.
This is all in his 'manifesto' that he carried on him for when he was arrested. When, not If. He chose to be 'caught'. He wanted to get arrested, so that his court case will be a big media spectacle where he can carry his message to millions of viewers. And maybe people will listen and demand a change and realise that society is better off without this CEO.
To me, this guy is a principled person risking incarceration and/or death to bring injustice to light. He seems to be willing to face the consequences for his actions.
Of course there are plenty of righteous people screaming how this guy is insane/sociopathic to break the law and murder someone. I don't think he cares much about their opinion, he's convinced he did a good deed and the right thing by killing this greedy murderous dirtbag and bringing the horrendous practices of health insurance companies under the attention of the masses. And I agree, people need a wake up call but are so apathetic that shaking isn't working anymore. Slapping them awake by murdering a greedy capitalist pig may just be necessary.
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More like The Day Of The Jackal, if he succeededSomething out of the movie taken!
Wth does his looks have to do with this??Saw the killer’s Photos….He’s too good looking to be a killer ….Lol…but then again, look at Ted Bundy…..
But I smell a psyop…for the sole purpose of distracting the public
Channel your excited feelings into positive thoughts and behaviors. You will attract women by being enthusiastic, radiating energy, and becoming someone who is fun to be around.
Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
I don’t want to sound vain….But if you were a Chad like this guy, you’d probably have a bunch of women by your side and a whole bunch of perks with it that throwing it away by killing some dude would be a bad idea…..I heard he took his mask off to flirt with a woman and that's how they caught him..
Wth does his looks have to do with this??
Exactly!I hope Mangione goes down a hero and we move from mass shootings to taking out greedy CEO's in the back pocket of government and playing insider trading games. Nobody should get paid $10M per year.
We got rid of the Mafia but replaced them with sophisticated crime organizations called American corporations. These corporations have been extorting the people for years, and our government is no different.
Obviously women weren't what he thought was important. When you have plenty of something it has little value.I don’t want to sound vain….But if you were a Chad like this guy, you’d probably have a bunch of women by your side and a whole bunch of perks with it that throwing it away by killing some dude would be a bad idea…..
But then again, people are just not psychologically right these days….So I could be wrong.
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Everything. This is a psyop and Mangione wasn't the dude at the McDonalds. It was a different person, as I showed above.I heard he took his mask off to flirt with a woman and that's how they caught him..
Wth does his looks have to do with this??
What happens, IN HER MIND, is that she comes to see you as WORTHLESS simply because she hasn't had to INVEST anything in you in order to get you or to keep you.
You were an interesting diversion while she had nothing else to do. But now that someone a little more valuable has come along, someone who expects her to treat him very well, she'll have no problem at all dropping you or demoting you to lowly "friendship" status.
Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.