The Ultimate Guide to Success with Women

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One Night Stand - Gauranteed Success!


Master Don Juan
Dec 28, 2013
Reaction score
Previously, I created a thread about what it would take to make a woman love you forever. It's titled "All it takes is two things to make her love you forever." It's more oriented towards a ltr whereas this thread is geared towards the modern day womanizer. If you would like to get laid at your own discretion then read on, my friend!

There are currently upwards of 7 billion people in the world. Out of those 7 billion, 3.5 billion are male and 3.5 billion are female. Out of those 3.5 billion males, about 3/4 are beta males. That leaves a lot of unsatisfied women in the world. You are just one male with one ddick. One alpha ddick in a world full of unsatisfied women. Why would you ever need to settle for a chick that flakes on dates? Why would you ever settle for a chick that constantly nags you? The correct answer is, you don't!

There are 3.5 billion horny women in the world just waiting. They are waiting for that someone that knows what they want. They are waiting for someone to take charge. They are waiting for you!

But that's just the approach. Getting her into bed is another story..

From the approach, your mindset should be what would it take to get her to open her legs for you. Nothing else matters! Conversation doesn't matter. Looks don't matter. Your only focus is on her body language. As you are talking to her with your mouth, speak to her with your body. Look into her eyes, touch her with your hands - innocent and non assuming gestures, stand just a little too close to her at times. If she hasn't left yet, ramp up the sexual tension and close the deal!

This is the crucial difference between getting her phone number and getting her into the bathroom stall for a quick introduction to her new best friend - your ddick!

If you have touched her and she hasn't ran away screaming.. If you have pried a smile or two from her previously stony face.. Hell, even if the girl is still standing there talking to you.. She's waiting for you to take her hand and take her somewhere more private. Private is any place where it's just you and her..

If she lets you lead her somewhere more private then lean in to kiss her as soon as no one else is around. If she lets you kiss her then you take her hand and place it on your crotch. If she stays then that's a signal for you to freely roam over her body with your hands and/or mouth. If she doesn't leave at this point, then you will succeed 99% of the time!

This is as far as i take you, friend. If you can get her somewhere private, then she will most likely give you a b******* or have sex with you. If she stops you or leaves at any of these steps THEN LET HER GO! There are 3.5 billion horny and available women in the world and they are waiting for you. Enough reading, Go out and get your one night stand!


If you have any ideas for my next post, leave a comment. If you get the most likes then that will be the idea used for my next post.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
*takes away crayola box*


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
Do you have any practical steps ? your info is just enough to some hot sexy guy to approach a girl , but for some one with average shape he will just fall flat


Master Don Juan
Dec 28, 2013
Reaction score
Do you have any practical steps ? your info is just enough to some hot sexy guy to approach a girl , but for some one with average shape he will just fall flat
Self delusion is about 75% of game.

For the other 25% - Approach enough women and eventually at least one woman will find you hot and sexy thereby gaming herself