My 2year borderline girlfriend dumped me and Im devastated


New Member
Sep 11, 2018
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I don't have anybody else to talk who would understand me and it seems like you guys are going through the same sh*t here. So I met her when she was 14 and I was 15. During this time she was very lonely and wanted me to talk to her for at least 5-6 hours a day. I was crazy in love for her, so I did it. We built up a very deep connection in this time and I hoped that this first girlfriend I have was gonna be the last one. She told me how happy she was with me and doesnt need anyone else. At some point, we would argue a lot because often I was jealous. She talked to a lot of guys and therefore didnt have that time for me when I needed her like we talked on the phone for the whole day. She liked pictures from guys on instagram who I told have serious beef with and she didnt care. These things got me really anxious which I have never been before and I started to argue over the most stupid things. And then one day it started: She met a new "friend" , didnt have much time for me anymore, not answering my calls or Texts getting REALLY angry when I called her.. one day it happened. I was with her and a guy called her on the phone I didnt knew, I picked it up, got angry and said to call someone elses girlfriend. She was angry, left me and the same guy picked her up with his mercedes leaving me alone and at the same day dumping me on the telephone. I made the Mistake and chased her like crazy for 2 weeks. When I cried in front of her how much I Miss her, she got angry and started hitting me. I wrote letters to her. I was the first to contact her when it was her birthday. Cried on the telephone and all she said was "I need to go to sleep, okay? Good night" , I saw her on another day drunk Leaving with 3 guys and she ignored me. This pain was so brutal, so I seriously injured myself , send it to her with a picture, a lot of blood saying I will keep doing this until you stop ignoring me. She didnt reply and just blocked me. 1 week later, I saw her completely drunk again with her sister (who was always a very nice girl) and she puked all over herself. I spend 4 hours taking care of her, Cleaning her and driving her home. 2 days later, drunk again. I was told she was sucking **** of a guy in her school and shortly after gut ****ed by 3 guys in a car. (The same guy who picked her up on the day she dumped me) I talked to her mother and she said she doesnt know what she is doing, and she cried the whole day long because she was too drunk to do something. I speaked with her and asked how this could happen, 2 days after I cleaned the mess of her. She got angry again and blocked me. Since then I managed to NC for 4 days now. I dont know how to feel about this. Her parents are very strict and for the past 2 years, she spent most of her time home playing games on her pc. Its probably best I never see her again to heal myself but I believe she needs help. Her mother asked me to still take care of her. She is like a child that needs to be taken care of. And I really fear that she might contact me again and I will be to weak in response.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Well, welcome to the real world. It sucks this stuff happens but its a learning experience. Don't get involved with women like this. They are damaged and nothing you can do will fix them.

The outcome you had is the outcome that will always happen, they just have different time frames on how long before it does.


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Sep 11, 2018
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I can't blame her completely. I want to be honest with myself. I really was a wussy. Submissive. I accepted her disrespectful behavior when I obviously shouldnt. Its important to learn from this, because my own behavior led her to distance her from me. But no way this justifies what she has done.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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If you are not a Troll, then I would suggest this.. COMPLETE 100% NO CONTACT FOREVER!

It is NOT your job to take care of her.. She is clearly not someone worth ruining your life over..

YOU turned 100% pathetic beta over this chick, so except the blame YOU share in this fuked up situation.

The way you behaved is a COMPLETE turn off for chicks!

LEARN from your mistakes, and continue IGNORING this slvt forever!

IGNORE this advise at your PERIL


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Unless a man is in a marriage type of relationship (i.e., including shacking up, or spending a lot of time at each other's place, etc.), a man should not presume that any interest will last. I can remember in my younger years being walloped by this bitter red pill, so now I view every relationship as temporary, and I try to score as many sexual notches as I can until it runs its course. Presumably one of the days, a marriage type of situation will be the result, but whatever.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2017
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You're very young and you have much to learn about how real life is. You're going to look back at this time and wonder what the hell was wrong with you. You need to refocus on yourself and your life goals. Make some guy friends and stop worrying about what your slutbag ex is doing. She's a trashy person and she'll end up getting hers at some point.


I can't blame her completely. I want to be honest with myself. I really was a wussy. Submissive. I accepted her disrespectful behavior when I obviously shouldnt. Its important to learn from this, because my own behavior led her to distance her from me. But no way this justifies what she has done.
The deeper part of this is that we don’t care about her. In a lot of ways I don’t think she’s much different than a lot of women. So don’t start thinking it was just her. That is a huge mistake. Massive. The next woman you get tied up with, if you are in the same state as you are now will act very similar.
Start by downloading and listening to The Rational Male, by Rollo Tomassi on Audible. If you don’t have the cash just private message me with your phone number and I will send you a free copy. You will just have to download the App.
This is your chance. Mess this up and you will keep paying the grim reaper until your dead.


New Member
Sep 11, 2018
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At first I blamed it on her borderline personality disorder. Its not just something I diagnosed on myself, she went to a therapist some years ago and she got it diagnosed there. I believed her slowly changing behavior made me do these things, but I need to realize that with my behavior I probably just confirmed her doubts toward me. But you can't tell me that she is acting just like as any other girl. It seems like with my desperate attempts to get her back she enjoyed it to see me suffer. She told me on the phone that she found new friends who are far more interesting than me. That she already had fun with another guys. And that she would keep having fun without me in the future. And that I am only causing problems in her life, while in fact I saved her from trouble a thousand times. I made it clear how much she changed and how much she is hurting me but she just laughed and found it amusing. If you really tell me this is how most girls behave in this situation then they must be possesed by satan. Just joking, but I will learn more about my mistakes and see how It will hopefully change my next relationship.
Im interested to buy the book Ranger. I found 3 different versions of it on Amazon
"Rational Male", "Rational Male - preventive Medicine" and "Rational Male - positive masculinity"
Which one do you recommend ?


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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The deeper part of this is that we don’t care about her. In a lot of ways I don’t think she’s much different than a lot of women. So don’t start thinking it was just her. That is a huge mistake. Massive. The next woman you get tied up with, if you are in the same state as you are now will act very similar.
Start by downloading and listening to The Rational Male, by Rollo Tomassi on Audible. If you don’t have the cash just private message me with your phone number and I will send you a free copy. You will just have to download the App.
This is your chance. Mess this up and you will keep paying the grim reaper until your dead.

GOLD.. Let this sink in.. Even the NICEST girl you could ever meet, can well and truly FUK YOU OVER if you're game is not tight, and you have a beta blue pill mindset.

You need to have your own chit together.. Finance, Fitness, Social Status, Have some hobbies/interestes other than woman.

Learn to be happy on your own.. You don't NEED a woman.

Have strong boundaries, learn to walk away from BS a woman gives.. Always give her the impression, that you are ABOVE her!

I suggest you go NC, spend the next year or so, working on Yourself.

Hit the Gym.. Its amazing what the gym can do for your confidence.

Stop being a fukin Needy Puzzy!


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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At first I blamed it on her borderline personality disorder. Its not just something I diagnosed on myself, she went to a therapist some years ago and she got it diagnosed there. I believed her slowly changing behavior made me do these things, but I need to realize that with my behavior I probably just confirmed her doubts toward me. But you can't tell me that she is acting just like as any other girl. It seems like with my desperate attempts to get her back she enjoyed it to see me suffer. She told me on the phone that she found new friends who are far more interesting than me. That she already had fun with another guys. And that she would keep having fun without me in the future. And that I am only causing problems in her life, while in fact I saved her from trouble a thousand times. I made it clear how much she changed and how much she is hurting me but she just laughed and found it amusing. If you really tell me this is how most girls behave in this situation then they must be possesed by satan. Just joking, but I will learn more about my mistakes and see how It will hopefully change my next relationship.
Im interested to buy the book Ranger. I found 3 different versions of it on Amazon
"Rational Male", "Rational Male - preventive Medicine" and "Rational Male - positive masculinity"
Which one do you recommend ?
MOST woman will behave like this.. I know you find this hard to believe.

When a woman loses attraction for you & she realises how pathetic and spineless you have become.

Believe me, she will not hesitate in the slightest to treat you like UTTER garbage!

Everytime you call her, and cry down the fukin phone, she will feel absolutely disgusted by you!

You are like a pest to her, that will not GO AWAY

She will say some nasty hurtful things, just to get RID of you.. She is lining up other big DIKS to ride, but you keep getting in her way.

Bruv, never underestimate how cold and heartless a woman can be, when she has DONE with you.

This is why, we advise you to live for yourself.. Do not put all your happiness in a woman.

If a woman dumps you? So what.. Millions more woman outhere.. You will still live and breathe another day.

NEVER chase these hoes, simply move on!


MOST woman will behave like this.. I know you find this hard to believe.

When a woman loses attraction for you & she realises how pathetic and spineless you have become.

Believe me, she will not hesitate in the slightest to treat you like UTTER garbage!

Everytime you call her, and cry down the fukin phone, she will feel absolutely disgusted by you!

You are like a pest to her, that will not GO AWAY

She will say some nasty hurtful things, just to get RID of you.. She is lining up other big DIKS to ride, but you keep getting in her way.

Bruv, never underestimate how cold and heartless a woman can be, when she has DONE with you.

This is why, we advise you to live for yourself.. Do not put all your happiness in a woman.

If a woman dumps you? So what.. Millions more woman outhere.. You will still live and breathe another day.

NEVER chase these hoes, simply move on!
This is hard for me to admit but some of those things were me. I had kids and it was brutal. Kids crying etc. etc. etc.
she had NO remorse or sympathy. Zero emotion. Like a machine. A terminator. All she could think about was another d!ck. That’s it. The most incredible thing I’ve ever seen. Like out of a horror flick. That’s ok. I’m up and running and her life is now a hideous hell.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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This is hard for me to admit but some of those things were me. I had kids and it was brutal. Kids crying etc. etc. etc.
she had NO remorse or sympathy. Zero emotion. Like a machine. A terminator. All she could think about was another d!ck. That’s it. The most incredible thing I’ve ever seen. Like out of a horror flick. That’s ok. I’m up and running and her life is now a hideous hell.
When they no longer get give any fvcks about you many of them will get an intense kick outta degrading you. In the end you DO IT TO YOURSELF by remaining around. Self respect is a core to being successful and attractive.


New Member
Sep 11, 2018
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Hard pill to swallow. I dont know how I could ever leave my self worth, self esteem and personal growth on a little girl. I have a lot of work to do on my self.
I have this urge to show her in some way wirhout contacting her that I am not that person anymore she had in memory to make her believe she did a Mistake. But it would only prove that I still think of her right ? Maybe not neccessary, Its rather an urge for revenge.
Now is the day of NC and its cold turkey really. Brutal. I saw her on the bus today and ignored her. It felt amazing.
Im actually excited to Start working on myself until I get ready for the game again !


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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Hard pill to swallow. I dont know how I could ever leave my self worth, self esteem and personal growth on a little girl. I have a lot of work to do on my self.
I have this urge to show her in some way wirhout contacting her that I am not that person anymore she had in memory to make her believe she did a Mistake. But it would only prove that I still think of her right ? Maybe not neccessary, Its rather an urge for revenge.
Now is the day of NC and its cold turkey really. Brutal. I saw her on the bus today and ignored her. It felt amazing.
Im actually excited to Start working on myself until I get ready for the game again !

But you still are that SAME person.. That innner growth and change does not happen over night.

You needed this bad experience to WAKE you up. You need to work on yourself, resolve that issues you have, improve yourself.

Get fitter, emotionally stronger.. Then maybe you will be ready to meet another woman!


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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Be glad you went through this young, many of us don't until much later and the cleanup us more difficult.

Yes have absoloutley ZERO contact, this woman is a prime mike tyson and you haven't even had ypur first boxing lesson yet, it's THAT one sided.

Learn game, read the rational male etc as many have said.

Take responsibility (but also accept that you don't know what you don't know) this is a learning experience, life is not a cartoon and there are bad people out there.

The guys on this site will help you learn a lot, but stay stay stay AWAY FROM this girl, she's no good and trust me from experience this will send you over a cliff unless you know when to quit.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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Be glad you went through this young, many of us don't until much later and the cleanup us more difficult.

Yes have absoloutley ZERO contact, this woman is a prime mike tyson and you haven't even had ypur first boxing lesson yet, it's THAT one sided.

Learn game, read the rational male etc as many have said.

Take responsibility (but also accept that you don't know what you don't know) this is a learning experience, life is not a cartoon and there are bad people out there.

The guys on this site will help you learn a lot, but stay stay stay AWAY FROM this girl, she's no good and trust me from experience this will send you over a cliff unless you know when to quit.

OPS best friend now is No Contact


Jan 14, 2018
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MOST woman will behave like this.. I know you find this hard to believe.

When a woman loses attraction for you & she realises how pathetic and spineless you have become.

Believe me, she will not hesitate in the slightest to treat you like UTTER garbage!

Everytime you call her, and cry down the fukin phone, she will feel absolutely disgusted by you!

You are like a pest to her, that will not GO AWAY

She will say some nasty hurtful things, just to get RID of you.. She is lining up other big DIKS to ride, but you keep getting in her way.

Bruv, never underestimate how cold and heartless a woman can be, when she has DONE with you.

This is why, we advise you to live for yourself.. Do not put all your happiness in a woman.

If a woman dumps you? So what.. Millions more woman outhere.. You will still live and breathe another day.

NEVER chase these hoes, simply move on!
Very good post @soulforge .

Good job !


Jan 14, 2018
Reaction score
GOLD.. Let this sink in.. Even the NICEST girl you could ever meet, can well and truly FUK YOU OVER if you're game is not tight, and you have a beta blue pill mindset.

You need to have your own chit together.. Finance, Fitness, Social Status, Have some hobbies/interestes other than woman.

Learn to be happy on your own.. You don't NEED a woman.

Have strong boundaries, learn to walk away from BS a woman gives.. Always give her the impression, that you are ABOVE her!

I suggest you go NC, spend the next year or so, working on Yourself.

Hit the Gym.. Its amazing what the gym can do for your confidence.

Stop being a fukin Needy Puzzy!
^^This is good advice.

If u r a city dweller then hitting the gym is the easiest and fastest way to have some semblance of self respect return. Over the years I've met countless of men at the gym who's confided in me their reason for being there in the 1st place - pvssy whipped but ended up getting some semblance of their former confidance back in a matter of a few months. This works.

And yes reading some good books certainly helps. Only "book" I've read that pertains to women is the book of POOK. He's spot on.

All the other advices by posters on this thread I find worthy and so should you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
Reaction score
MOST woman will behave like this.. I know you find this hard to believe.

When a woman loses attraction for you & she realises how pathetic and spineless you have become.

Believe me, she will not hesitate in the slightest to treat you like UTTER garbage!

Everytime you call her, and cry down the fukin phone, she will feel absolutely disgusted by you!

You are like a pest to her, that will not GO AWAY

She will say some nasty hurtful things, just to get RID of you.. She is lining up other big DIKS to ride, but you keep getting in her way.

Bruv, never underestimate how cold and heartless a woman can be, when she has DONE with you.

This is why, we advise you to live for yourself.. Do not put all your happiness in a woman.

If a woman dumps you? So what.. Millions more woman outhere.. You will still live and breathe another day.

NEVER chase these hoes, simply move on!
Soulforge is bang on here.

It's a RESPECT thing, when women lose that respect its just varying degrees of how nasty they will be.

Really its doing you a favour, hanging around a girl like this is awful for your self esteem.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
Reaction score
^^This is good advice.

If u r a city dweller then hitting the gym is the easiest and fastest way to have some semblance of self respect return. Over the years I've met countless of men at the gym who's confided in me their reason for being there in the 1st place - pvssy whipped but ended up getting some semblance of their former confidance back in a matter of a few months. This works.

And yes reading some good books certainly helps. Only "book" I've read that pertains to women is the book of POOK. He's spot on.

All the other advices by posters on this thread I find worthy and so should you.
Yup obviously I'm a big proponent of the gym.

It's a good distraction and seeing yourself physically improve is great for confidence