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It takes 21 days to break a habit: 21 days no masturbation: The 3 week plan w/options

Cranky Monk

Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
OK I'm in. I tried on the 6 month thread before, but only made it to day 5.

21 is much more achievable!


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2006
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Cranky Monk said:
OK I'm in. I tried on the 6 month thread before, but only made it to day 5.

21 is much more achievable!
WELCOME! As you can see you're amongst champions here...see you at the top.

Byezbozhniy said:
I never made it to 6/21. Back to the start for me. I'm positive I can get 21 days. For those of you doing so well, congratulations, but boy does it feel superb when you get that release.

I'm positive you can get to 21 too (refer to posts #43-45 for inspiration)...and release does feel superb, and from now on we'll be getting that release from sex with women, not masturbation. Here's a quote from a fellow dj:

"Stop the masturbation, cut it off. Get your sexual gratification from real sex. If you are only jacking off, you are fooling your unconcious mind to make it think that masturbation is real sex. Stop it right now and get real sex. When you stop masurbation you are more active, you will approach more women and you will see them as only source of real sex gratification, not your hand. It is essetial. Force yourself not to masturbate untill you fill your sexual desire with the roots: real sex with women bodies. That way your mind will be educated in few months after few sexual encounters."


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2006
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14/21...Day Fourteen, I can honestly say now that I feel "normal" again. I feel passionate, horny, and just more lively. I feel like my old self (pre-college graduation) except wiser. I can feel my natural desires again and that they aren't squandered or diminished. I also can't remember a time I've given less of a f*ck and it feels really good (testosterone). I've set aside Saturdays as a total day of approaching and I can't wait. To those who'd like to set aside this time of horniness and use it as fuel to approach more women I'd definitely recommend you get Carlos Xuma's audio program "Approach Women NOW!" (much better than the Art of Approaching by Thundercat btw). It's without a doubt helping me get out and meet more women. And get "Secrets of the Alpha Male" by Xuma while you're at it for your inner game. I'm almost certain I'm gonna take an approach bootcamp this summer as well just to make sure I have this thing handled forever...


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2005
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Yeah i'm going to try but it's quite useless to report progress because you'll see a whole bunch of "ok, back to day 1" posts.


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2006
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penguin said:
Yeah i'm going to try but it's quite useless to report progress because you'll see a whole bunch of "ok, back to day 1" posts.
"Every battle is won before it is ever fought." - Sun Tzu.

WELCOME! You're amongst champions here, so make yourself comfortable. Attitude is everything. See you at the top!

You essentially upped your VALUE in her eyes by showing her that, if she wants you, she has to at times do things that you like to do. You are SOMETHING after all. You are NOT FREE. If she wants to hang with you, it's going to cost her something — time, effort, money.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
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So now im on day 23. i've mastrubated 3 times without climaxing... this is getting difficult.

here is what is evident - you will consider having sex with girls you wouldn't scew before.


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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I don't like wet ddreams (duh, it's so messy)...So, jack off once every 3 weeks keeps it clean and yet your testerone level up?
I was actuallly thinking once every 2 weeks (on sunday, after the most important sarge nights/days). Like I said, I really want to keep it clean :p

oh, for the matter, I'm on day 4. Deleted all the orn except one movie which I have to burn...It's an instruction video for a girl, and if I get a g/f, she better see it and learn from it :p


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2006
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I'm half way there! I've noticed I talk more firm to people. For example, at work there is this one part time guy (I'm part time as well) who says what we should do at times, even though we all know what we need to get done. I finaly told him to chill, and that stuff will get done when it gets done. I didn't hear any more about what we needed to do after that. Just normal BS. I dislike talking about work when I'm at work. Just BS about other stuff and time goes by faster.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
Right, I'm in.. I've tried it by myself but I guess the peer support would help some.

First day today. 1st option= 27 may.

I've found that I can't even touch my penis... because if I do I start saying "okay, a little won't hurt" and then... who'd a thought it? (for the fiftieth time in a row). The same with porn.

The main thing is not laying in bed all sunday morning doing nothing. If I've got something to do I don't feel the urge.


Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
Hey guys, yeah its a b1tch. Here are some tips from me, i am currently going for the record (my previous is 30 days) so if you got encouragement to help me that's awesome ;)

Ok, first of all, i've been going about it wrong. The point is not to just not climax, the point is NOT TO GIVE YOURSELF PLEASURE. We must associate pleasure = fvcking a woman, not using your hand, this is why we do it.

So if any of you are doing what i was doing, (mastrubating without orgasm) stop it right now.

- when you get hard or horny, DO NOT COME CLOSE TO YOUR PENIS. just dont do it, start doing something else right away.

- DO NOT LOOK AT ANY PORN. I stumbled on a porno vid last night and almost lost it. Just do not look at any of it.

- Know that no matter how good an orgasm might feel, right after it's done you will regret it, and you would have to go back to day 1. ( sucks )

I know this is hard guys, its hard to break the conditioning. But just think about the time you didnt know what masturbation was. I sure had a lot more free time ;) So just relax, enjoy it, and see if you can beat my record.

Good luck.

Cranky Monk

Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks for the support :)

Day 2. Familiar territory, so it's pretty easy now. I remember my first few day 2s quickly turning into day 1s :D

Having something to do, and the discipline to stick to it, is key. I think a lot of us use masturbating as a form of procrastination. I certainly do... if there's a piece of work to do and I don't know where to start, my mind will chirp up with "hmmm, big job .... I'll have a quick wank first and come back to it later. Nothing wrong with a bit of pleasure, right?".

Of course that doesn't happen ... it takes a while to find just the right bit of porn ... and then I gotta take my time with it to *really* enjoy it ... and then when I pop, I gotta clean up ... and then I'll be drowsy, no point working like this .... I gotta take a nap ....

AND BANG, another successful procrastination session - I avoid doing work for another day.

The best place to stop this steamroller is AT THE START - by identifying what you're supposed to be doing, and keeping your mind on it. The further you go, the harder it gets to stop. For examples, consider these different places you can stop:

Staying focused on the job you should be doing: pretty easy.
Resisting the urge to start up the porn: still pretty easy.
Viewing porn, resisting the urge to start touching yourself: getting tricky
Once wanking, making yourself stop: difficult
At the peak, stopping yourself coming: damn near impossible!

It gets progressively harder and harder to stop. If you want to stop this taking off, the easiest place is AT THE START, before it picks up momentum.

This momentum can work FOR you as well. Instead of letting the masturbation pick up momentum, make an commitment to concentrate on your work for 10 minutes. (Just get started!) Once you've gotten into your work and have engaged your mind, you won't want to be interrupted. Porn and distractions will slide off you a lot easier. And BANG ... another successful procrastination session put off 'til later :p


New Member
Apr 7, 2006
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ive completed day 3 now and and day 4 is in progress and i wake up really easy now does that happened to anyone else 2?


Apr 15, 2006
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finished day 13
onto day 14 tomorrow (but it doesn't really matter so I figured I'd just post it now)

...starting tomorrow or saturday I'll be taking a couple (supposedly) testosterone boosting herbs (all-natural, not pheromones, no way in hell) ...nonetheless, if they even slightly bump my testosterone, it will be hella hard trying to keep up with this goal. (in case you're wondering: fenugreek, maca root, avena sativa, horny goat weed)

as for those tips oxide...

i was doing the masturbate and stop at climax thing for the first 3-4 days, but i stopped because it was stupid. it made my nuts hurt like hell too. :eek:

i also stopped watching porn a couple days ago. good point, it really does make a difference to get used to only being aroused by real women.

i think that's my main goal here.

i think the confidence, and other "effects" are just placebos. if i don't get enough sleep i'll feel like **** no matter how many days i've held off on masturbating.

the only real thing i've felt since starting this thing is aggression.

great job to everyone for sticking to this...it's awesome to be doing this with other dedicated peeps.

keep it up y'all.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
I'm half way there! I noticed something strange. For some reason I felt like watching this hour long AMV called AMV Hell Zero (for those who dont' know, it's a bunch of anime clips with songs synched together). This one particularly has a lot of "hentai" (animated porn) in it. But I wasn't aroused like I normaly am. Sure, the video is for humor, but with all that sex in it, I'm surpised I didn't get hard. It's like it doesn't effect me now...animated girls...which was half of my pr0n collection. So I'm going to take this as a positive thing.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2005
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muttley said:
6/21 22 april 06

having very sexy dreams. feeling horny lol
on day 7 or day 8 i felt like a total king. I was very obnoxious ****y and all that stuff. I think it was the surge of T

oh and 12/21 28 april 06



Don Juan
May 25, 2004
Reaction score
I made it for 10 days, I got so close to having sex with a new girl the other night that I had to yesterday... Anyways ...


Going the distance this time


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
16/21...Day sixteen, I feel definitely more aggressive and just an I don't give a f*ck type attitude. I'd seriously forgot what that felt like. Today, I went out for drinks with this chic. I can tell she's pretty into me and I might go out with her tomorrow unless I hook up with a friend who'll be in town that night. Regardless I know what I want this weekend...