Giovanni SouthSide
Master Don Juan

I thought this was kind of accurate.
In the long-run, men tend to agonize over ended relationships for much longer and it's a lot easier for women to move on, generally.
On a purely biological war widow mentality basis the woman is the vulnerable individual that has to make herself instantly appealing in order to secure a protector and provider. She will have a very serious cry session and then internalize the rest of the issues which will later manifest in severe mental disorders aka craziness ripple effects later in life but at least she'll be able to get another man in the meanwhile because it’s a sausage fest in the west.
Men have the option to revel in their pain and their anger, given that being dark and moody is not necessarily repellent to chicks and in many cases is an attractive trait. Traditionally they could channel it towards violence but absent that, in modern times, they're often stuck wallowing in an emotional holding pattern for much longer and it’s a slow burn-off.
After a woman has been seasoned and riped with enough d!cks they tend to naturally think and act like the good ol’ player does. They under commit in the relationship and know when to have a foot out the door. They sort of instinctively know when things are on the rocks and tend to make things worse by withdrawing affection and respect like dimming lights, which tends to make things worse. They have moved on before the relationship ends.
Men tend to just double down and sometimes work harder.
So the net effect is that at the end of a relationship the man has usually gone all in, whereas she has been prepping for a couple months at least and the bullet grazes her.
This is why when a high value dude randomly dumps a chick out of the blue for no good reason, it usually fvcks her world up and more times than not she becomes your night stalker.
In essence, women react to market forces, though their nature helps them to move on. Most females are smart enough to know, the quickest way to get over a guy is to be with another one.
I can be wrong with some lines but that is what I am witnessing even more vividly around me as of lately.
Any of the older members with more stripes are welcomed to drop some wisdom. After all, we are here in community to keep sharpening the blade.
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