The Ultimate Guide to Success with Women

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Guys, what are your requirements of the woman in your life?

Falcon Eye

Don Juan
Oct 16, 2003
Reaction score
When I refer to the woman in your life I mean a woman that you may be entering into a long term relationship with, for months, years, perhaps the rest of yor life. I know for the short term relationships the requirements are less stringent as it's often a case of being there for a good time.

As for me, I don't have a long list of things I require of a woman, but it is a list of must haves:

1. She must be financially self sufficient. I'm am not interested in spending years with a woman who cannot take care of her own financial needs, who has to be supported and who will be a drain on my bank account. A long term relationship is a partnership and she needs to pull her weight financially.

2 She has to have some motivation in life. I'm not interested in being with a woman who is content to collect unemployment insurance or welfare cheques. I want someone who wants to get out of bed with a purpose, who works, who has hobbies, etc.

3. She needs to have personality and style. I want a woman who can hold her own in a conversation one on one or amongst a group. I don't want someone who is moody and who angers easily, someone who is going to nag, nag, nag and who constantly complains about little things in life. I want a woman who dresses well, is stylist and who takes care of herself physically.

4. I want a woman who likes sex, alot. I want a woman who is adventureous, a woman that I can bang on the floor in front of the fireplace, a woman that I can bend over the arm of the sofa and do her from behind, a woman that'll get on her knees in the kitchen.:D

5. This one is an absolute must for me. Any woman that I enter into a long term relationship with must do blow jobs. It's a must have, no breaking that rule, not even bending it. In my view one of the great things about being a man is having a woman on her knees sucking to MY hearts content.:D I do in fact know guys of various ages who are in long term relationships/marriages and can't get a blow job to save their lives. Very sad. In fact, if we only knew the numbers of guys in the world that are married and don't get blow jobs it would blow our minds. There are a lot. I'll stay for the short to medium term if she's special in a lot of ways, but, if she won't get on her knees and be a woman then eventually I'll be putting her on the launching pad, and yes she'll know exactly why.

I'd be intersted in hearing from all you guys as to what you require of the women in your lives.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2003
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Pittsburgh, Pa
She must know when to shut the fcuck up and she can't b!tch and complain when I do things with my friends.


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2004
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1. First and foremost she must be my friend. I am totally convinced that's what makes a LTR work. Not a beer drinking/golfing buddy like my "friends". But someone who shares the same interests and goals as myself. The ability to laugh at herself and see how little things just don't matter in the long run.

2. Someone who takes care of themselves....smells nice, etc. Most of the "Barbies" I've met are just as plastic as their looks.

3. I have to agree with the author.....if she won't blow she has to go. It's a deal breaker.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
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1,2,3 for most women yeah.. 4 is okay most women will do that, not sure about 5 since some women are asses about it.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2001
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1. She would have to know how to cook. And I don't mean just whip up a meal. I mean downhome, grandma's recipie kind of COOKING. She would consider "instant" anything insulting to her pride. None of that skimpy, exotic gourmet stuff either.

2. Low maintenance and naturally attractive. Nt gorgeous, but I have to be able to admire the view when she rolls out of bed at 6am with messy hair wearing one of my shirts.

3. Good family life. Brothers, sisters, supportive parents. Good with kids.

4. Sweet, simple and unmaterialistic...
People would be shocked if she cussed, she doesn't have a clue what the newest fashion line is called and she doesn't aim to be seen in the biggest, newest, SUV on the block.

5. She has an adventurous & "cool" side. She can appreciate a classic car, would not be afraid to jump on the back of a motorcycle...

And finally...

6. Long hair! No boy cuts. Not ever. Not unless there is a medical cause.

No more sushi girls. I'm going back to basics.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
Here's a few

Some good stuff here, I like Falcon's a lot.

Here are mine:

1. A kind heart. Seems so simple, but with today's mean-spirited U.S. woman, it's unique. By this I mean they don't fly off the handle or are mean. They like children and animals and see the goodness in life and other people. This is HUGE for me as I dated two half-empty cynics (when I was an AFC), who were always negative. A real turnoff.

2. Intelligent. By this is they spend more time reading and learning than watching TV and being a couch potatoe. They can converse on many different levels.

3. Have goals, whether it's family or career. They have their own life and strive to accomplish some things without stepping on or using people to get there.

4. Athletic or at least enjoy some sports. I like sports and working out. They don't need to be jockettes, but at least like to get out for a long walk, short run, or medium bike ride now and then. If they played tennis they get bonus points!

5. Affectionate. Enjoy holding hands, hugging, kissing, and having sex. Are not uptight about such things.

Many more but that's enough and my top five. I didn't put physical attributes because the past few years I've dated everything from skinny blondes to chunky brunettes; white women to minorities, and enjoyed them all. I'm looking more internally these days, but I still have to be sexually attracted to them.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
That spelling should be ...

... potato, not "toe" and if I put it under intelligence I should at least know how to spell it!
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Yes Westcoaster, a kind heart is a must!

I would like a womam who adheres to her nature as a woman - this is called femininity!! These traits are..

Good heart (pity)



honesty (sincerity)


Soft-spoken and reserved as opposed to loud and boisterous,


All of the above could be lumped together and stated under the category of a loving nature! A feminie nature!

Oh Yeah, untouched - a virgin!! :rolleyes: Ok, Ok a 'non-hor! :D


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
Wine Country, Ca
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover

I would like a womam who adheres to her nature as a woman - this is called femininity!! These traits are..

Good heart (pity)



honesty (sincerity)


Soft-spoken and reserved as opposed to loud and boisterous,


All of the above could be lumped together and stated under the category of a loving nature! A feminie nature!

Oh Yeah, untouched - a virgin!! :rolleyes: Ok, Ok a 'non-hor! :D
Your idea of a perfect wife is a Golden Retriever!

Just kidding! ;) Don't hit me!