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getting their attention!


Don Juan
Aug 18, 2001
Reaction score
o.k this aint for everybody...anyways i have a friend whose a little overweight but he carries himself better then the best looking guys i know because of what he does and what he taught me RULES!anyways when at the bar you got your few good dancers and then the guy dancers who are all stiff while dancing...the clones,they all dance the same.and of coarse the all famous death row.dont be like those fools.i learned a way to get girls attention better than them all.i'm no hot stepper and i know this,so when i dance, i dance like the freakest thing you ever seen and its fun and i laugh at myself because i think to myself dam im crazy...and girls notice too...but in a good way!.i know guys on death row look at me and say look at that f*cking bone head but what there really thinking is "i wish i was that brave".(thanks boys keep standing on death row your leaving all the babes for me...less competion)!women see it as funny and freaky.its like i have my own dance space because i dance bizzare.but it fills up fast with girls that want to be around me.i remember standing on death row along time ago watching my friend dancing funky and laughing at him thinking that takes guts and i eventually joined him and i never looked back since.sure i can get serious and dance normal when the babes join me but conveying myself as fun and different proves to be the winner.and at the bar being a hell of a lot different then everyone else is key.its competion!look on those nature shows.when you take a chick animal and a bunch of guy animals that are looking to get freaky with the chick they have to show whose the freakest.the freakest one always gets laid!the last time i was doing my craziness at the bar the best looking vixen came my way.i was scared me how well this crap works.laughing is key while doing this.its the im a blast look!let out a big yell...yeaaaah!that will get em looking...dont give a sh*t!the bar is the most fierce place to meet women because most of the other guys are better looking then ya!i'm no push over though...i've been told i'm cute...but all the best looking guys go home alone because they think there looks will do them justice and more the half those smucks go home alone,because they dont hit the floor.i used to think my looks would bag me the women on the sidelines....and yeah it did!!!THE ONES I DIDNT WANT!so all and all if you want to keep your old bar tactics...then do it,if it works...but im telling yas that this is the sh*t.we all have an inner demon....let it out!he'll do all the scoring for ya.


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2001
Reaction score
Bremen, Indiana USA
I think you have to take your suggestion with a grain of salt. Indeed, getting noticed is better than blending in, but don't make such a fool of yourself that you're labelled a flake by everyone. I've seen guys dancing crazy by themselves, and usually it gets them branded a freak. I think the difference is that the freaks like to bother other dancers, taunt the crowd that's not dancing and usually dance when no one else is dancing. He also is rude and obnoxious toward the DJ or band. His net effect is to scare everyone else off the dance floor. I'm hoping that RockandRoll! is the type that dances near other dancers, but doesn't intrude in their space unless he gets the go-ahead from a gal(through eye-contact or otherwise). I agree that laughing and looking like you're having a good time will help separate you from the freaks. The main thing is to look like your having fun, not like you're performing for everyone else. Me, I like to take female friends (not gfs) to dance with and use the competition factor of the normal woman.


Don Juan
Aug 18, 2001
Reaction score
well my looks don't hurt me...and i do dress kinda that also catches the girls of guard.usually a cute well dressed guy is looked at as dull and boring.i surprise them.its competion that i'm looking to do a number on.the other stud muffins standing on the sidelines don't pick up because they just stand there all least i make the effort...and it pays off!i'm not obnoxious i don't bang into people i just do my own thing people know to give me space.i go to the bars to have a blast...f*ck whatever everyone thinks.get off the floor if you can't take it.

Big N

Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2001
Reaction score
I do this too, but my intentions are different than yours. My goal is to piss off the retards who are standing on the side, not to impress girls.

If you want to talk, talk to your friends. If you want a girl to like you, listen to her, ask questions, and act like you are on the edge of your seat.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
Sep 20, 2001
Reaction score
Very good posting guys. I think it's important to realize though that when the girls see you having fun, they are noticing the confidence you are portraying. Confidence to both genders is a very attractive trait. You don't have to get "freaky" if you don't want to. If you don't have a great deal of confidence, you can act like you do and eventually it will come with time and experience.