I have no desire for a woman over 50, and I'm rolling up on that age myself. They simply don't understand.
I think the desire is possible, but it happens mostly in old-fashioned, traditional relationships i.e.
- you have met the female when she was young
- you have lived together a lot of years, during which you have dealt together with a lot of external issues or dangers and fought them off successfully
- in the end in your eyes she is not really that old person other ppl might see but your best friend that was there for you when you needed her the most
- I think I read it in some book, it went like that "if female captures man when her looks is still young and fresh, the man that loves a woman does not see her like other men do when years pass, if the relationship is successful he looks at her as if she was still that young female he fell for years ago, not the (old) woman she might be now" - I think that part was a bit exaggerated, but I think it's true to the core i.e. we are well capable of looking past looks only but it is usually connected with looks factor being satisfied by this female at some point for a longer period of time and overall positive experience with a female in everyday life. In every man with values there's this almost primal need for winning the princess heart. If we have won it (when she was still a "princess" in our eyes) we tend to cherish this prize and hold on to it. This is something that progressive society would like to overwrite. Except it's impossible, this need is more than "traditional values" it seems to be connected with man's basic psychological needs (not only sexual needs)
Therefore, I'm afraid there's no reason to look past looks if there is no chance that your psychological needs will be satisfied as well and for me female over 35/36 years old would have unlikely chance to make any lasting, valuable impression due to aging connected with long history of sexual experience with other men connected at least partially with unsuccessful relationships with other men which she would try to hide or "wipe out" or stress out her disregard and overall lack of luck (playing "wounded dove" card) in order to try to imprint herself in my mind as unlucky princess (but still a princess

). I think that's what differ smart men and stupid men. If you are smart, you will not be fooled by such a woman.
Therefore I'm sure it's possible to desire female over 50 years old but such a female is most probably your first high school/college/early-career work love you have married, have children with, she hold your back during the worst time of your life - not surgically refreshed 48+ year old you have picked up out of loneliness and sadness that had rather sad life because there's little of Mother Nature's magic of young, fresh female in it. That's why I do understand why some men are all about that Magic even if their own Magic slowly fades away - to the point of social stigma of progressive society (I'm looking at you Leonardo Di Caprio).