Feel the butterflies and approach!


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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i saw this on twitter from a guy, men, who gives seduction advice to men:

"A lot of women, or just many women, cannot understand how someone(a guy, man, human male) cannot be desired or doesn't have any dating options, or has never dated or never been with a woman before by a certain age, unless something is seriously wrong with them. They(women) get desired and wanted, sought after, by default have dating options, always have choices, opportunities, just for existing and being a normal person, so they assume that's how it is for men, but it's not., women who think that way are completely delusional"

never truer words have been said or spoken.
True words indeed.

On a related note, many a woman will tell us "Just ask the woman you're interested in out. If you get a rejection, big whoop. Rejection is a totally natural part of life."

Here's the thing though: For a woman, rejection isn't a totally natural part of life. A woman could sit back and do nothing, yet still get propositioned for dates/sex. A woman could make it her whole life without ever asking anyone out/getting rejected. And if a woman were to get rejected, she'd go absolutely ape$hit.

In other words, broads tell us to do something (and get over something) they'll likely never have to do (and wouldn't handle well if they were to do it)


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
depends - sometimes persistence can go a long way - in daygame it was 6 months before I got my first actual lay but then the a few stunners quickly followed - sometimes it just takes one good success that can be the springboard for more-

getting from 0 to 1 daygame lay is a hell of a lot harder to go from 1-10

at 0 you can doubt if this stuff works ( it does but it requires good volume) and talking to strangers especially in large cities you need conversation skills and to be somewhat adaptable to conversation and dating with different cultures and different women - that can be a tough learning curve psychologically for anyone - for me it was difficult at the beginning but once I got some decent wingmen everything because more efficient

self improvement helps but unless the confidence is there to approach consistently without excuses then its going to be tough to get results long term. A lot of men use self improvement as an excuse to just not approach outright- it then becomes another form of procrastination in my book.
Okay... how is this different from self-improvement? You got better, because you practiced... this is NOT rocketing science. You gain self-confidence from PRACTICE... practice is self-improvement.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2024
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True words indeed.

On a related note, many a woman will tell us "Just ask the woman you're interested in out. If you get a rejection, big whoop. Rejection is a totally natural part of life."

Here's the thing though: For a woman, rejection isn't a totally natural part of life. A woman could sit back and do nothing, yet still get propositioned for dates/sex. A woman could make it her whole life without ever asking anyone out/getting rejected. And if a woman were to get rejected, she'd go absolutely ape$hit.

In other words, broads tell us to do something (and get over something) they'll likely never have to do (and wouldn't handle well if they were to do it)
yup, everything simply just comes to women, thats a luxury they have always had and always will, in many ways, women are the spoiled gender


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Okay... how is this different from self-improvement? You got better, because you practiced... this is NOT rocketing science. You gain self-confidence from PRACTICE... practice is self-improvement.
You can stop giving them advice, Mike. They don't want to better themselves and lose their victim status.

Vending Machine Veteran

Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2024
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There really is no reason to fear an approach. No matter what happens... it's all good. She likes you and allows you to take her out: she shoots you down... now you know are can just move on.

The only reason anyone would be afraid of anything is over-thinking and being dependent on an outcome. If you really don't care what happens then there is no fear. All negative emotions are derived from expectation not met.
My buddy asked me if I had sales experience.

I don't lol, but I was raised on sosuave. I know how to sell

I've been harping lately on how much experience makes. It really changes the game

So you have that to look forward to, lurking posters

If you get out and get it. You have to try


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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My buddy asked me if I had sales experience.
Sales and dating are not fully analogous but there's some overlap.

Working as a sales rep can help men in the early stages of dating. Being a cold approacher seeking vagina can likely help in many sales rep jobs, though it's not necessary. Advantages that men might have had in sales are disappearing as more and more men are becoming reliant on apps and DMs for getting pussie.

Many sales jobs are performed by women. There have been comments on another thread recently about how a lot of pharmaceutical sales reps are female. Residential real estate agents are more likely to be female than male.

Health issues (back problems) took me out of the game lately and although I'm on the rebound somewhat, the months of isolated down time & recovery have left me a little introverted. I even feel I missed out on an opportunity the other day just because I didn't have the urge to break the ice with a lady showing a subtle IOI.

I find it funny how just a few months of isolation can take me out of my game so much, but I admit it does, on the other hand I know once I break the shell of initial shyness I can talk to anybody.
You bring up an important point for older men in the seduction community. As men age, health issues can take them out of regular approaching. Men who exercise regularly tend to encounter some sort of orthopedic problems around middle age (ages 35-54). Hip, knee, and back issues are common. For unattached, middle aged men, dealing with orthopedic problems while also needing to prospect for women is not pleasant at all.

Tech based dating doesn't solve for this problem. While it is possible to open women via DM or on a swipe app while dealing with a significant orthopedic problem, that orthopedic problem will often emerge early on in the in-person process.

Men who aren't in shape are often passed over for looks and might also be dealing with cardiac problems in middle age and beyond. That's also a bad place in dating.

Vending Machine Veteran

Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2024
Reaction score
Sales and dating are not fully analogous but there's some overlap.

Working as a sales rep can help men in the early stages of dating. Being a cold approacher seeking vagina can likely help in many sales rep jobs, though it's not necessary. Advantages that men might have had in sales are disappearing as more and more men are becoming reliant on apps and DMs for getting pussie.

Many sales jobs are performed by women. There have been comments on another thread recently about how a lot of pharmaceutical sales reps are female. Residential real estate agents are more likely to be female than male.

You bring up an important point for older men in the seduction community. As men age, health issues can take them out of regular approaching. Men who exercise regularly tend to encounter some sort of orthopedic problems around middle age (ages 35-54). Hip, knee, and back issues are common. For unattached, middle aged men, dealing with orthopedic problems while also needing to prospect for women is not pleasant at all.

Tech based dating doesn't solve for this problem. While it is possible to open women via DM or on a swipe app while dealing with a significant orthopedic problem, that orthopedic problem will often emerge early on in the in-person process.

Men who aren't in shape are often passed over for looks and might also be dealing with cardiac problems in middle age and beyond. That's also a bad place in dating.
Outcome independence is what we're searching for.

The ability to give zero clucks, regardless

And that is a mind frame that will see you through life


Senior Don Juan
Feb 15, 2023
Reaction score
Sales and dating are not fully analogous but there's some overlap.

Working as a sales rep can help men in the early stages of dating. Being a cold approacher seeking vagina can likely help in many sales rep jobs, though it's not necessary. Advantages that men might have had in sales are disappearing as more and more men are becoming reliant on apps and DMs for getting pussie.

Many sales jobs are performed by women. There have been comments on another thread recently about how a lot of pharmaceutical sales reps are female. Residential real estate agents are more likely to be female than male.

You bring up an important point for older men in the seduction community. As men age, health issues can take them out of regular approaching. Men who exercise regularly tend to encounter some sort of orthopedic problems around middle age (ages 35-54). Hip, knee, and back issues are common. For unattached, middle aged men, dealing with orthopedic problems while also needing to prospect for women is not pleasant at all.

Tech based dating doesn't solve for this problem. While it is possible to open women via DM or on a swipe app while dealing with a significant orthopedic problem, that orthopedic problem will often emerge early on in the in-person process.

Men who aren't in shape are often passed over for looks and might also be dealing with cardiac problems in middle age and beyond. That's also a bad place in dating.
You're pretty spot on there.
I've been active most of my life and it has kept me in better shape than most my age, but that, along with some car accidents, and arthritis, it's taken it's toll on my body. So yea, it's been challenging.

... and tech dating is even worse for me, as some of my arthritis is typing & computer related. That's why I don't post that much here, and mainly read the forum & archives.

I do OK IRL & cold approach once I get past the initial shyness stage after being offline socially for periods like this, but I can't deny that I'm in a rut right now, and I'm not 100% back physically.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I've been active most of my life and it has kept me in better shape than most my age, but that, along with some car accidents, and arthritis, it's taken it's toll on my body. So yea, it's been challenging.
Many older members of the seduction community are having a somewhat similar experience. Aging does reduce the incentive to want to go out and do approaches. Some middle aged + men end up in relationships (often mediocre at best ones) because of this. They are tired of continuously prospecting at a certain point.

To some degree, I think Neil Strauss in his 40s was an example of this when he got married to Ingrid De L O. As expected, the marriage failed. Neil Strauss is now 55. At 55, Strauss' health isn't what it was 20-30 years ago.

A thread I started in 2022 directly dealt with this topic. It's not only the big name pickup artists who have had these issues. Many of the anonymous, smaller time followers have also had similar issues arise.



Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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It has nothing to do with age.
Not true at all. If a middle aged or older man has hip/knee/back problems, he's going to have physical problems walking around malls, walking out on streets, or spending time on urban walking paths/in parks looking for approach options. Many middle aged or older men have orthopedic issues. A good portion of these middle aged or older men are married and aren't needed to find new women. Divorced or never married older men can often be dealing with orthopedic problems while needing to find new prospects. This is something more common than it was a few decades ago.

The same orthopedic problems can affect participation in night game, but are lesser factors into why older guys are not enthusiastic about night game. The bigger factors for older guys in night game are late nights/getting sleep and noise levels. I'd say it is common for a lot of men to burn out on nightlife venue approaching by late 20s/early 30s, which is usually before the onset of orthopedic issues.

It has to do with IOIs.
IOIs are an issue as well.

The whole IOI environment has changed since everyone got a smartphone in their pocket and/or started using earbuds. Smartphones/earbuds have reduced the number of IOIs that men receive.

I noticed that by the early 2010s (my late 20s), I was receiving fewer IOIs than in the mid-2000s (my early 20s). The main change in those years was the gain in popularity of smartphones and earbuds.

In roughly my sophomore (2002-2003) or junior (2003-2004) years of college, the majority of females at my college gym did not use headphones/earbuds with an iPod (introduced 2001) or other MP3 playing device. In the 2002-2004 time period, only the absolute hottest women at that college gym were using headphones/earbuds to discourage approaches on the general gym floor. By the early 2010s, I noticed in my big city gym with mainly a 20s/30s post college crowd that the majority of women were using headphones/earbuds in the gym. That's a trend that has continued into the 2020s. It's very difficult to receive IOIs from women in the gym with headphones/earbuds. Only the absolute top tier men have a chance to break through headphones/earbuds and possibly receive an IOI. This is why the general gym floor is not a good place for approaching.

Headphones/earbuds have also made outdoor walking/hiking path and park approaching more challenging.

In nightlife venues, women are spending more time looking down at their phones than being present in the moment. That affects their ability to give IOIs too.

Millennial and Gen Z women have lost social skills to some degree since smartphones and earbuds have gotten popular.

The changes in the IOI environment are affecting both younger and middle aged men.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Not true at all. If a middle aged or older man has hip/knee/back problems, he's going to have physical problems walking around malls, walking out on streets, or spending time on urban walking paths/in parks looking for approach options. Many middle aged or older men have orthopedic issues. A good portion of these middle aged or older men are married and aren't needed to find new women. Divorced or never married older men can often be dealing with orthopedic problems while needing to find new prospects. This is something more common than it was a few decades ago.

The same orthopedic problems can affect participation in night game, but are lesser factors into why older guys are not enthusiastic about night game. The bigger factors for older guys in night game are late nights/getting sleep and noise levels. I'd say it is common for a lot of men to burn out on nightlife venue approaching by late 20s/early 30s, which is usually before the onset of orthopedic issues.
I don't know...it's sounds like you are describing an 80 year old guy, not a middle aged guy, lol.

It's more likely what you said before, the smartphones, dating apps, social media, has made it generally discouraging to approach. That bleeds into middle aged guys more than younger guys because it doesn't bode well to tackle something that's way more challenging and difficult to do THAN when you were youthful (not to mention lower SMV on looks due to age related issues compared to younger, making it even more difficult) whereas young people don't have much of a memory of better times when it was also challenging for them.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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It makes you wonder, if someone could communicate to the past sosuave - like around 2006 and describe what a dystopian hell-hole the dating market has become....I would if it would have motivated people more back then, especially that poster Luke Skywalker. Perhaps they did not realize how good of a dating market that it was back then it's gone to the dogs today.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
You bring up an important point for older men in the seduction community. As men age, health issues can take them out of regular approaching. Men who exercise regularly tend to encounter some sort of orthopedic problems around middle age (ages 35-54). Hip, knee, and back issues are common. For unattached, middle aged men, dealing with orthopedic problems while also needing to prospect for women is not pleasant at all.
Apparently I'm beyond middle age already, but I'm pretty spry for an old guy.

Pretty much every older man won't have the stamina to go 'sarging' in nightclubs every weekend, but then, they find their nubile young women elsewhere that requires less rigorous effort to get laid. Pretty much all of the 'middle-aged' men I know personally are fit and mobile enough to strut around and ride their bicycles. What older men lack in physical energy they have gained in cerebral experience. Most men who are currently in their fifties know how to talk with women, how to flirt and charm, and often have a much higher success rate even if they approach fewer women.

Being too decrepit to strut around is more for someone around 70-80 years old, but by the time you reach that age, most of the time you will look at women while trying to remember what you usually did with them...