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  1. H

    My prediction for dating by 2028 and beyond the foreseeable future

    number 2 about Femcels, well this was just announced today, its possible that this girl is a femcel:
  2. H

    My prediction for dating by 2028 and beyond the foreseeable future

    "Men initiating an interaction with women has always been (and always will be) a fundamental part of courtship. From the ancient days until now, it’s been primarily up to a man to commence a possible connection between two people." i'm sure that will be the same, men still having to do the...
  3. H

    Courtney Ryan made a video about inexperienced men

    yup women are the only gender that are owed success or results with men, not the other way around
  4. H

    Courtney Ryan made a video about inexperienced men

    yup, another reminder how its a lonely journey for many men, cases like that further remind me that women are the only gender that are owed a relationship
  5. H

    Harsh Truth: Women pursue the men that they want

    yeah, somethings will always be the same
  6. H

    What is game?

    yup, women just have to exist in order to have men interested in them
  7. H

    How To Get A Loving Girlfriend And Long Term Relationships | Interviewing Mystery's Wingman, Ablaze

    even though for the past couple of years, there have been news reports saying that the birthrate has been declining in the US and other western countries. Yeah the dating coach industry has exploded a lot within the past decade or more, and i'm sure it will only continue to get bigger.
  8. H

    Do you actually enjoy approaching women #2025 (YES I DO!!!)

    doesn't matter, men will always be stuck with this role or burden whether they hate it or not
  9. H

    Do you actually enjoy approaching women #2025 (YES I DO!!!)

    yup, even you admit that only society and the world cares about womens pains/struggles/anger, but not mens, so in other words, its a good thing if men have awkward interactions with women that result in men getting thrown the creepy/weird label, are men to supposed to enjoy those reactions from...
  10. H

    Harsh Truth: Women pursue the men that they want

    yeah but it has always been and more than likely always will be very rare for women to do that.
  11. H

    Do you actually enjoy approaching women #2025 (YES I DO!!!)

    Talk to any guy that's actually had women overreact and accuse him of being creepy or weird, making them uncomfortable when approaching them and he will tell you it's one of the worst things or embarrassing things to ever happen to him, even when that guy or man was harmless and he had good...
  12. H

    Harsh Truth: Women pursue the men that they want

    when women do pursue, they obviously do it differently than men would
  13. H

    After giving it some thought, turns out my fear of rejection isn't *really* a fear of rejection

    i would never have had non-paid sex if i didn't lower my standards for a woman i had a situationship with back in 2017, my mindset mentality is that, since nature and reality is cruel, unfair, i figure, at times, we have to do cruel unfair things to improve our situation, a good analogy i like...
  14. H

    Do you actually enjoy approaching women #2025 (YES I DO!!!)

    Well we have a right to feel the way we do because of awkward interactions we've had with women in the past just for approaching them, awkward interactions in which we accidentally made women uncomfortable or got perceived as weird/creepy, and yes i know i'm a broken record on that, but its a...
  15. H

    Do you actually enjoy approaching women #2025 (YES I DO!!!)

    Yeah, reading that long statement or quote from that pick up artist guy really pissed me off, despite the advantages that men have over women, men are naturally always more at risk than women are at being forever alone/single or a virgin later than normal obviously, and i know i'm a broken...
  16. H

    The reason I believe most men can relate to Jordan Peterson vs other dating gurus

    It's unreal how we get called entitled (or accused of feeling owed) for merely venting about the bad position we're in. "Here's the real kicker: Every woman who calls us entitled would go ape**** if she had to deal with the predicaments we men deal with (romantically/sexually). Yet they expect...
  17. H

    The reason I believe most men can relate to Jordan Peterson vs other dating gurus

    "Eventually the things you worked hard for will make your victories soooo much sweeter." Sounds like the way nature and reality is meant to work, is that men are the only gender that have to put in work to receive rewards, not the other way around, women are the reward themselves, or women...
  18. H

    The reason I believe most men can relate to Jordan Peterson vs other dating gurus

    naturally it feels like women are the only gender that are owed/entitled to relationships since they have the luxury of being chased/pursued, hit on, get offers.
  19. H

    The reason I believe most men can relate to Jordan Peterson vs other dating gurus

    Don't know, honestly i don't know, obviously men are stuck with the burden or role of having to approach/initiate, ask out, whether they like it or not