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Search results

  1. S

    More than a one night stand

    Most girls except for the town bicycles will experience regret after a one night stand. This happens to me from time to time because I break down there defenses with seduction. They wake up the next day suffering from slut syndrome, put up a wall and move on. That’s the tradeoff. If you...
  2. S

    Do you think a *new* 5'8" movie hero is possible in the current era?

    I’ve dated girls taller than me... Always replace the inches on your measuring stick with confidence.
  3. S

    How to you reply to rude cancellations?

    If only I got paid for every time a girl told me she had to cancel due to a family or friend being admitted to hospital, I can retire comfortably. It’s right out of there B.S. playbook, while others use it to screen out men who get mad and aggressive. Response should be, “no problem“, and...
  4. S

    Harsh Truth: You will never beat women in the dating game

    My hottest lays were always the ones that I didn’t pay attention to as my focus was elsewhere. Took me years to understand male thirst. Assassin said it best, you should always have your own goals as women will fall in line. They’re attracted to a man with a mission. If you’re an ugly pudgy...
  5. S

    Not so suave...

    There’s a time and a place. i always take a smile or an eye glance as ammunition for the next girl when the opportunity presents itself to take a shot!
  6. S

    Masculine & Feminine Energy

    Howver nowadays, these differences are masculine energy and male thirst.
  7. S

    Arguing with Women

    Unless she’s from Vulcan with pointed ears, best to walk away from the illogical. Better yet, “fack” them good with dominance and she’ll forget what you’ve arguing about.
  8. S

    Tactful way to express autonomy on a first date?

    The tactful way is not to express autonomy. It’s the first date, this crap comes later. Yes, girls will usually try to screen with the “What are you looking for?” if your responses are “Im not looking for any serious, fun only, etc. This is their version of a red flag”, unless she’s a loose...
  9. S

    Which Body Type Would You Choose?

    Exercise your mind! Get good enough and she won’t look from the neck - down. i have friends who are on the chunkier side pull because they know how to brain fack. Be a Jedi!
  10. S

    Language Barriers in Dating

    Dating nowadays is already complicated enough. If you can’t communicate properly, especially if she can’t understand sentences versus a few words, it’s going to be a wasted effort when she disappears for someone else who speaks her language. Smash or flee...
  11. S

    Girl went from obsessing to unfriending

    I said it before and say it again. Yes, she’s either married or in a stagnate LTR. She got a thrill and then got cold feet. Rinse and repeat. I’m sure one day she’ll jump on the cack carousel, but she’s not ready yet.
  12. S

    Unbelievably high standards for landwhales

    This meme sums it up and made me laugh.
  13. S

    Does dating advice apply to all men

    No, because we all have a different skill set. Red pill awareness is structurally sound as an example but cold approach wouldn’t work with an introvert. Advice should be cherry picked.
  14. S

    Post 55 Online Dating

    OP. The biggest issue is you’re using OLD as a measuring stick. They are a bunch of spoiled children and thirst hounds. It’s only a dirty wrench in your tool box and you need to treat these apps as such. I’m getting older, aging well and economically sound too but I’m using that to my...
  15. S

    There's nothing wrong with dating promiscuous women

    Promiscuous women should rank just above your tube sock. Use only when necessary.
  16. S


    Remember March 14th is “Steak and a BJ day”. So whatever you decide to spend, plug in that reciporcation.
  17. S

    Girl Says She's Not Into FWBs/Casual On First Meet

    Always find it funny, because they have these anti-slut defenses but have a cleavage shot or two on their OLD profiles like an advertisement. Regardless of her reasons, YES, it’s a test as you’ll be graded on your answer. They’re always prequalifying... I‘m not in a rush is predictably boring...
  18. S

    Grandfathers advice about women to his Grandson

    Ah the good old days. When men were the providers with mistresses on the side. The old bull giving words of wisdom to the young one.… My interpretation, is when men are single and reach a point of neediness, they latch on to the first thing that comes their way. Being patient and waiting for...
  19. S

    Women into sexting on Bumble/Facebook dating and then they unmatch

    She’s married and got cold feet.
  20. S

    Tired of waiting

    Shes waiting for something better and offering the bare minimum to keep you around. Drop your fishing rod in other ponds and you wont care about the wait with the abundance. If she comes around with the honey pot, it’s a bonus, but focus your efforts elsewhere.