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Search results

  1. M

    LTR feels like it's in jeopardy

    Another vote for it's so over. Please save what's left of your dignity and STOP saying things to her like, "you know where you can reach me if you need me". She doesn't. She won't. She's moved on some time ago. It happened W-A-Y before she said "let's break", if you think about it. She was...
  2. M

    Are womans just plain shallow by nature?

    >> I tell her "no it's not ok with me but it's not your fault and there's nothing I can do right!" She tells me that she thinks i'm being rude and that it's not her fault. >> Based on how you answered her, as well as the expectations you expressed regarding women, I think what's happening to...
  3. M

    Weird 'kiss close' this night.

    Don't let the fact that she seemed to enjoy your company and agreed to go on a trip with you fool you. She didn't want to properly kiss you is the bottom line. You're being used. I'll peck you on your cheek too for a free vacation. I don't think it's about her feeling put off by how you...
  4. M

    Was this bad for a first date?

    What a weird sense of humor you have. Though this woman's done with you, you're rubbing salt into a wound by bringing it up again. Actually, it comes off more like you're pleading guilty. It's like you're reminding her of the alleged offense by bringing it up front and center, just so you can...
  5. M

    Beautiful Women are everywhere.

    ^^^^^ Yes, and part of that effort is toward needing to look even hotter than the next girl so that men notice THEM and not HER. Wouldn't you say? Jophil, you and I are going to start an intercontinental DJ web site where we just keep adding to each others' comments.
  6. M

    Was this bad for a first date?

    >> Right after she left I called her and I said sorry and I told her to come back. She said no to coming back, but she said it was OK. That wasn't enough? >> Nah, the damage was done. It's too late. Jophil has a point in that it could've been the excuse she used to not see you again, that it...
  7. M

    To talk or not to talk

    Let me tell you, not only does limiting phone contact work for you in the early stages of dating someone (because you do want to engage her sense of mystery and because you do want to reserve stuff for when you do meet and not spill your chit chat wad on idle phone calls), a way important point...
  8. M

    born again bachelor

    I'm not married because I just haven't found the right stripper yet.
  9. M

    Comment On This Girl (Rant)

    Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!...
  10. M

    Was this bad for a first date?

    My opinion: if a chick looked like she forgot all about me and deserted me for five to ten minutes and I saw she was joking around at the bar and watching the TV game, I'd leave. I wouldn't even bother saying goodbye first. She stuck around. She didn't know why you were held up at the bar. All...
  11. M

    When a girl never initiates the contact...

    The reason it seems to work for Muscle Expert is that women are more prone to want sex with muscular guys anyway (see http://www.reuters.com/article/oddlyEnoughNews/idUSEIC04599320070710). I'm thinking it's not his M.O. that's actually at work here as it's more likely the sexual appeal his...
  12. M

    Talking about ex's

    >> So she pretty much sent that text to me in the view that I'm a friend then? >> Not even.
  13. M

    When a girl never initiates the contact...

    It's crude at any age. Just like wearing speedos. But that's not the point. Oh shyt I just realized I'm debating the crudity of speedos with an aussie.
  14. M

    Talking about ex's

    >> Today she sent me one of those stupid chain text messages: "Hey punk you owe me money. You've been living in my heart and not paying rent. Send to your friends you love including me." Sounds like she is putting me in the friend zone there.>> Oh, chicks keep email addresses and email out crap...
  15. M

    When a girl never initiates the contact...

    >> THe sequence posted by the Muscle Expert above will do just fine. >> His sequence sounds like exactly like what I used to do when I was 21. Not for nothing, but in hindsight, it constituted a rather crude attempt to initiate sex. But then, there were times back then (and since) where the...
  16. M

    Do any of you MATURE men ever feel like this?

    >> Monogamy should always be a last resort; something so unavoidable with a particular girl who's a good fit that it's a byproduct of your connection. If you're looking to become monogamous you're doing it wrong.>> + 100
  17. M

    How does one train oneself to be more self disciplined?

    You mean that even though you're shooting yourself in the foot by opening up your mouth, that's not enough incentive to keep your cards close to your chest? That's just a bad habit. You can change habits. Is it really about "releasing angst" for you? Maybe you need to learn how to not create...
  18. M

    Test Your Women

    Yeah, that is kinda silly. That's like a woman tests guy by gaining 75 pounds to see if he sticks around? You don't really have to "test" a woman. You'll get to see what kind of woman she is if you're observant and not blindsided by your hormones or your ego.
  19. M

    ALERT - Woman over 35 wants Friends first now

    It's not all that complicated. "Friends first" is the woman either: A. Establishing her "out" in the event it turns out she meets you and doesn't like what she sees. B. The last several guys have gone too fast, overwhelmed her with their romantic overtures and claims of falling in love. She...
  20. M

    Talking about ex's

    >> What should I say to her when she brings him up? I've been bringing up my ex everytime she mentions him.>> I'm guessing her ex dumped her, despite what she says, because that's the way it goes: whoever gets dumped is the one that feels the pain. And she's newly dumped and going through the...