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Search results

  1. P

    Will swine flu keep you from going out tomorrow night?

    Wow good to hear from the OP! Nostalgic!
  2. P

    Take this or leave this?

    Well said. She does have a great job and a bunch of hot friends.
  3. P

    Will swine flu keep you from going out tomorrow night?

    No this is a post from 2009. I brought it back up because it's interesting to see how we have had discussions about viruses on the forum before and how it could effect our social interactions.
  4. P

    Will swine flu keep you from going out tomorrow night?

    Now that we are in the middle of Coronavirus I thought I'd bring this post up from when we had something similar!
  5. P

    Take this or leave this?

    Thank you for the responses. Will do.
  6. P

    Take this or leave this?

    Girl I used to work with years ago is recently single. She's been single for 3 months coming off a 7 year relationship. I have her on Social Media and I asked her if she wanted to have lunch and she said she was busy and said if we could "Raincheck" it. I said okay. Today I sent her an article...
  7. P

    How can any one trust any one on a forum

    I love this site. I have been in here for years. Don't post much but follow closely. There is a lot of good advice here. To answer the OP I believe people come here to help people and also even some of the best of us have our peaks and valleys in life. Some years you are up and some years your...
  8. P

    How do most guys out of college in their 20s date nowadays??

    I'm 29 and so are some of my friends around me and when we go out we pull women just fine. Also we are a little behind the 8 ball when it comes time to income and where we wanna be. I'm still going to school part time for my degree and work hard but my job is nothing special. I also tend to...
  9. P

    Hate him or love him: Donald Trump

    We can learn a lot from him. http://www.businessinsider.com/scott-adams-donald-trump-is-a-clown-genius-2015-8
  10. P

    Move with it or drop it?

    Thanks for the advice guys. I can definitely see where I need to sharpen up.
  11. P

    Move with it or drop it?

    ^This is exactly what I was thinking.
  12. P

    Move with it or drop it?

    Ahh I see. I will say though with all honesty I haven't been friend zoned in years. I also don't consider her a gf candidate. I've scored in a very similar position in the past.
  13. P

    Move with it or drop it?

    Got a girls number that works at the mall with me however we don't work at the same place. We've texted rather briefly but I haven't got her out yet. This is a transcript from last night. My question is should I continue with this or drop it? Thoughts? Me: I think your pretty cute. I was told...
  14. P

    Hey Millennials, Do you Call or Text?

    Ayye Drummer you are considered a Millenial as well! You are right in the age range.
  15. P

    What is considered an actual Flake?

    I see posts here about guys attempting to get a girl out with some back and forth conversation but couldn't get the girl out on a date right away and they call that a flake. I've always considered a flake is when you set an actual date and time and the girl doesn't show or makes up some...
  16. P

    Why does chasing women sometimes pay off?

    I think as a guy you can minimally chase and turn things in your favor. I've done it several times and i've seen it done successfully. Im not saying chase the girl 24/7 but a little persistence overtime can definitely pay off. The way I see it also is maybe chasing at first does give her a bit...
  17. P

    Attempting to reach out to a girl.

    I actually found out from her we attend the same College even though i've never seen her there. So you maybe right. I just need too find a way to run ibto her. I know I got her on looks but in this point I by no means am in her social network yet.
  18. P

    Anybody using Snapchat to game?

    Well obviously in person is better. But I mean experimenting with it couldn't hurt right?
  19. P

    need tinder advice girls just ignore me when ask number

    First off for some reason I have no luck on Tinder whatsoever. I get hit up by girl's more on FB or Twitter then Tinder. Also in real life at school and at work my success is way better then Tinder. You would think my actual real life success would translate to Tinder. If I were you I'd...