The Ultimate Guide to Success with Women

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Search results

  1. L

    I might be falling in love. I'm terrified.

    I've been in relationships before, this one's the strongest thus far. I've known her for a year. She told me she loves me early on and has confessed being "in love" with me as well. She calls me the perfect guy in every way, I call her gorgeous, we just work. I'm usually busy with work and so I...
  2. L

    Help, DJ brothers?

    By step away and hard, you mean just cut contact? I slipped. I've had many women, yes, but I've never had a virgin. She wasn't very receptive or reciprocate, which threw me off. Also knowing her super-conservative upbringing and background worked against me. I did some basic kino, but couldn't...
  3. L

    Help, DJ brothers?

    So I've become more or less a Don Juan since I first joined SoSuave 3 years ago. I've had my fair share of women and can quite possibly have any one I want. I especially use Anti-Dump's Machine on all my conquests. It really does help. Lately though, I've grown attached to a woman I speak to...
  4. L

    So I've been in the greatest relationship of my life so far. Here's how I got there.

    A very condensed version of what they taught me was: Stop fidgeting (sign of weakness) Hold eye contact like crazy Make sure your whole body is visible Use a lower vocal tone while speaking (esp. during opener) and a bunch of other stuff. I might actually post a full walkthrough in the tips...
  5. L

    So I've been in the greatest relationship of my life so far. Here's how I got there.

    prolly the most important thing i learned was how important what they called 'nvc' was. its non-verbal communication. your body talks waaaaaay more than your mouth does!! they taught me how to use it tos ay "hey babeh lets have a good time!" Instead of "get away, creeper alert" lol
  6. L

    So I've been in the greatest relationship of my life so far. Here's how I got there.

    haha! sorry it sounds like an informercial! It's just that I didn't expect to have the success I've had! pardon me if im a little too overwhelmed and excited after looking how far ive come haha!! @VladPatton lol weird they must have some new guys i suppose @pdx1138 as i said in the post, I...
  7. L

    [NEED YOUR help!] Frustration/Alienation in College, How to Fix It?

    My advice would be to not expect too much too fast. All good things take time, bro. That being said, you'd agree with me that you've made progress since you first came to this website, right? Aha! It's working! Here's my advice: keep reading, keep putting it into practice. Consistently do this...
  8. L

    So I've been in the greatest relationship of my life so far. Here's how I got there.

    Since my last post from July last year, I've been feeling as if the countless hours of forum reading, book reading and anonymous IRC chats to help me get better with ze ladies wasn't enough. Don't get me wrong, they helped, but they didn't get me to where I needed to be. I felt like there was a...
  9. L

    When to stop punishing a woman?

    What are you basing the above **** on? You know nothing of my relationship besides what I've mentioned here. All relationships have arguments, moments when the female and male parties disagree. It's healthy. This discussion board is a place where people give & get help. Not judge and be petty...
  10. L

    When to stop punishing a woman?

    My girlfriend is being a huge ***** right now, dishing out a whole lot of disrespect. So as any Don Juan would, I'm punishing her by withdrawing my attention & affection. I'm basically going No Contact. When should I stop so that I give her a sense of "okay, you're forgiven! don't do it again!"...
  11. L

    Testosterone: The simple answer to everything chick-related... and more?

    This post changed my game and my ENTIRE LIFE! +rep!!
  12. L

    New territory for me. The LDR.

    Hey folks, I've been on this site a while, constantly learning the ways of the Don Juan. I've been getting laid left and right, scoring with all sorts of chicks. I've reached the stage where simple sex/hookups bore me; I seek a relationship. So far, I've applied Anti-Dump's machine to my life...
  13. L

    F***ing Alphas

    Kick some ass. Or get your ass kicked. Either way, you put up a fight and weren't someone's little *****. That's what matters.
  14. L

    Guilt from cheating on LTR

    LostInBoston, I have. And I speak from experience. I can guarantee that if you take my advice, whether she leaves you or not, it'll be the better choice to make. Oh and gspshields2, I do live with my parents. Just working a few things out with my life at the moment. My handle's what it is...
  15. L

    Why do us guys, men, have to be perfect everything in order to get girls?

    That's a misconception. We don't have to be billionaires, we don't even have to have our lives sorted out, no. Women want Men. Simple as that. Now I hear you asking, "If that's the case, then I should have the hottest blonde in my arms right now, even though I'm a loser who has nothing to do and...
  16. L

    Guilt from cheating on LTR

    People do fall in love. Even a Don Juan could fall in love. There's nothing wrong with it and it's a beautiful thing. The key is maintaining your manhood & respect when you're in love. Ah, enough with the replies, I should write an article for you guys on the subject.
  17. L

    A nice guy that gets the babes?

    Hahaha this guy's body says "Hey, I'm a sexual being, I'm a MAN!" while his behaviors and everything else says "I'm a homo, stay away!". Looks create initial interest, personality is what keeps chicks. Odds are, chicks would use him as their citizen dildo and discard him like one. All hope for a...
  18. L

    Guilt from cheating on LTR

    Be a man and tell her straight up: "Babe, I cheated on you. It's not cool & I'm probably the biggest **** ever, but I did. It was a huge mistake and I'll never do it again, but I need to be honest with you & you need to know. " And that's that. If she chooses to still be with you, good. If not...
  19. L

    So I got hit in the face by a girl last night.

    Dude I would've swung back, but pulled away before contact, and did EXACTLY what you did. "*****, you ain't worth hittin'! Get the eff out. " And that would've been that. Well done. Btw, for some advice with this chick that keeps texting you, enough with the texting; get with the action. Set up...
  20. L

    Women are always late.

    She thinks she'll look desperate and show up late out of fear of losing you. Anything under 20 minutes is fine. Anything over 20's disrespect. Kick the *****.