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  1. B

    Trading Forex

    Thank you for the interesting links! To complete the list I am asking if you found any good thread on improving our trades. For example, good FF threads on indicators, S/R, correlation of EUR/USD with other currencies/stocks/etc, information on other trader's (and advice on my trades')...
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    article: How Testosterone Therapy Is Transforming Aging

    I have been castrated and currently have a blood testosterone level of 686. I have been on and off TRT several times over the last twenty years and it always works. I first went on TRT after I was told that my testicles had atrophied 30 years after my vasectomy. After my prostate cancer, I was...
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    I dont sleep

    once again i had trouble falling asleep and always had. I tried everything. But only youtube helps sometimes and some advices which you can take a look at. but I stopped fighting it and let my racing thoughts race on and watch the sun come up:) good luck;)
  4. B

    What are the best concepts to understand for finding compatible romantic partner?

    For me the test is being able to have conversations about something and not having it feel forced or contrived. Not feeling exhausted by our interaction, but rather energized and excited and looking forward to engaging them again. Feeling like they're a best friend/teammate first is important. I...
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    I dont sleep

    just walk before the sleep or watch youtube it always helps:)
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    hurt bicep - any suggestions

    This is similar to my situation. I started with pain in my right shoulder, radiating down my biceps, especially where the tendons attached to my shoulder and elbow. Hurt so bad that I couldn't raise my arm over my head. I iced it, heated it, took ibuprofen and never got much relief. Always the...
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    Anyone ever have a stress fracture?

    Pain on the inside or outside of the ankle? I dealt with a lot of ankle tendinitis at one point a long while ago (as a freshmen in HS), it must've slightly altered my gate. I started to get pain on and below the medial malleolus. Basically it felt like a constant, ringing pain that was amplified...
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    1 week of no FAP

    Well bruh congrats also for me it was hard to stop it, i've made a month of nofap and smtimes weeks but nw i try my hard to stop it permanently..wish me a good luck Masturbation is an illness, it made me weak and lose weak also made me look ugly .-.
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    Healthy Foods on budget

    For your overnight oats use frozen fruit. It is cheaper than fresh. Veg is also cheaper frozen than fresh. Gluten free is expensive if you just replace gluten foods with gluten free versions. Changing what you actually eat is cheaper. Remove bread from your diet and replace with potatoes or rice
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    Cardio after lifting?

    well if cardio after training is bad then i've been doing bad things for a very long time. from what i know, during your training you deplete your glycogen stores then while doing cardio you burn fat. so therefore thats why i do cardio after training. now dont get me wrong, i dont go crazy doing...
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    What is the best Fitness Exercise while traveling?

    When I travel, I check ahead for local gyms. I've only ever stayed in one hotel that had a decent gym. Many motels/hotels without in-house facilities have deals worked out with nearby fitness centers/gyms, where you can train at a discount or for free. Ask. Otherwise, most gyms will admit you at...