The Ultimate Guide to Success with Women

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  1. J

    If we are knowledgeable men of action then why do we ignore RED flags?

    Ha, have choose to ignore red flags sometimes. Otherwise, you'd rule every woman out as a suitable companion, date, partner, etc... Every woman has issues. You just have to decide if the benefits outweigh the risk as the saying goes... Let us be for real now. Most guys (me...
  2. J

    How badly did I screw this up??

    If it ever happens again, say "OK" then walk. If there was even a slight chance of her coming back to her, you blew it by trying to maintain some or any form of contact with her. It just shows you have no self respect nor value. I've done it in the past too. It has never worked and is a...
  3. J

    Girl mostly initiating contact and asking me out on dates, but distant and unaffectionate in person

    Sometimes, the most physically attractive women can be the worst in bed. A former boss in another life/career referred to them as "Dead Fish". He said that they'll lay there while you do your thing. He was right too. I'm reaching a bit but more often than not they are treated like an arm...
  4. J

    Don't know what to do or how to act around her?

    You just have to man up and take the lead. She probably went cold because you didn't strike while the iron is hot so to speak. Take a chance if a woman shows interest or what you perceive as interest. You'll either moves things along with her or know not to bother anymore. You have to put...
  5. J

    My Passion For Women Is GONE

    If you settle (as you say) then you will never be truly happy or satisfied. Do what makes you happy. Take your own advice. Better to make no choice at all versus a bad one with unintended, negative consequences. If a woman doesn't add something more to your life then there is no point in...
  6. J

    Is this a rebound or a BPD/Narc?

    Women who are paranoid about being seen in public with a man are usually cheating for the most part. They could be married, separated or in a somewhat serious relationship and don't want to risk being seen by someone who knows them and could bust on them. I doubt this ex is really an ex. You...
  7. J

    Why do they go cold for no reason then come back?

    Ask her to join you for a smoothie or some healthy juice drink after her session ends. Isn't there a place next door or nearby? If she wants to scope you out, tell her to take a look at your signup application. Sometimes...the get to know you better is somewhat of a game because more than...
  8. J

    Why do they go cold for no reason then come back?

    Just make you intentions towards her crystal clear. Meaning that you would like to take her out, romance her a bit then sleep with her. You are not trying to add a female friend to your social group. Either she says Yea or Nay. The mistake I/We make is continuing to pursue when she has...
  9. J

    Handled flaking successfully - How do you handle it?

    Actually, I wouldn't describe what she did as a flake at all. Sounds like she just momentarily forgot that she had plans that particular day. Seems considerate and polite (to me). I consider it an actual flake when a woman cancels on you the same day of the date or literally within hours...
  10. J

    What signs and behaviour would you see if someone regretted rejecting you?

    Just chat her up and feel her out again. You'll either get the friendly vibe or she'll shut you down quickly. Then, you'll know what to do next. No need to burn any bridges with any women. I'd try again for my own satisfaction. Then, you can focus on other things and other women.
  11. J

    Fighting with my mother a lot. I completely exploded. I feel like I'm gonna kill someone.

    Quickest way to become independent is to join the military once you are 18. There are plenty of career fields that don't involve walking around with a weapon. Plus, you could get some training and certification in technical skills that directly translate to a civilian job.
  12. J

    Someone help me make sense of her behavior

    Sounds more like reverse psychology to me. She may be seeing other men but it sounds like you rank high on her list. She probably doesn't want to scare you off. Haven't you heard that saying that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach? She sleeps with you, cooks for you and also...
  13. J

    Talking to someone who likes somebody else

    Go for it. More than likely, this other guy was waiting for her to be single again. Let this other guy be her rebound.
  14. J

    The way women are around me

    Your life mirrors mine in a lot of ways. Sounds more like you've developed wisdom (not so much cynicism) based on real life experiences. I tend to view women as an investment of sorts. The moment dealing with a woman becomes more like work than pleasure means it's time to cut your losses...
  15. J

    First time interested in a black chick...

    Either she is really messed up or someone really messed up. Smoking hot from what I can see in the pictures. Just treat her like you would any woman you are interested in getting to know better regardless of her race or ethnicity. Either she will show she is receptive to you or she will...
  16. J

    What is with her behavior?

    It's rather easy to figure this one out. She probably became curious because you don't pay her much if any attention at all. Most attractive women aren't used to men not paying them any attention. So, she could be looking for an ego stroke from you in particular or to hook up with you. Up to...
  17. J

    what happens when women regret their decision

    You never know because I had a woman apologize to me face to face after 8 months had passed since we last spoke to each other. Didn't hear a peep in all of that time either. I invited her to lunch one Saturday and basically told her off indirectly in quite a polite manner. She asked way...
  18. J

    Difference between relationship and friendship?

    Relationship = Sex, Friendship = No Sex You have to get physical with a woman from the first date. Otherwise, her interest will plummet rapidly. Most women won't say it but they feel rejected when you don't try and make a move on them. If she went out with you then she is either interested...
  19. J

    Hot white girls are the final hurdle in the game.

    Pure brilliance right there. Thank you!
  20. J

    Girlfriend begging me.. says she wants to change her ways

    In reality, you cannot trust any women. Anybody and/or anyone can cheat. It all depends on the circumstances (typically negative ones) that create an opportunity to do so. If you want to continue seeing her then do so by all means. It's your life and your happiness. But, I'd tell her there...