The Ultimate Guide to Success with Women

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Search results

  1. A

    Maintaining Interest in a Relationship

    I'm guessing you are trying to figure out how/wether to show your soft underbelly? Simple, don't. Dispite what women tell you about women wanting a man who is sensitive, they don't. Think about how your grandfathers acted. Did they ever go around being all touchy feely? Of course not. Women...
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    Coming Across Too Nice...and Gay

    Well, I guess I am on the other side of table. I've had women tell me there is no one alive who could mistake me as gay. My question is what are you doing that is so gay? Are you ecxitable, is your voice not very deep? After five minutes talking to a woman, what is the subject of the conversion...
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    New Venue, New Stuff to Do

    Move to Florida I too am moving soon. But I am moving north. See I am in Key West right now. I would NEVER move to Miami. It is just so shallow and superficial. For instance, fashion is a nightly segment on the news. I am moving to Tampa. Area of about 2 million people. Jacksonville is also...
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    small town problem

    I have you all beat Try entering in my zip 33043 then use a 35 mile radius! Yup 1/3 as many as the previous post!
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    making a women senti, and then consoling her?

    Stop trying to manipulate her How's this for a crazy idea? Try being trustworthy. Don't manipulate her into telling you things in a lame attempt to 'build trust'. Just support her when and if she needs it.
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    she has a boyfriend, what to do?

    Don't bother I would pull back from your current support role. You don't want to become one of her girlfriends. But, you can try to get her to introduce you to some of her single friends. Believe me, there is nothing better than a woman telling your girl that you are as perfect as they come.
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    Girl in my class

    As the ranking old man here. Try to remember she has just as much to benefit from a relationship as you do. That said you don't need to run into this. You have already placed yourself in an awkward possition. I would try to get to class a couple minutes earlier, but still after she shows up...
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    why do i keep attracting s|uts &wh0res?

    Birds of a feather fly together The reason you are attracting sluts is simple. You are the guy slut like. It's okay, you are still young and have time to change. A loot of young guys dress in the hip hop gangster tough guy costume. This will get you silly little sluts but nothing more. I would...
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    friendship zone

    There is no point in trying to convert a 'friend'. But you never should have spilled your guts. That is just wuss personified. Second, how could you have had such deep feelings so fast anyway? That is what really turned her off. Lets say you spent a total of 30 hours with her. You still don't...
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    "Hi it's me.." on the phone

    Hell, I never let anyone get away with that. Well, maybe my family. Even at work, our phones used to display names but I would ignore that. Anytime someone assumes they are important enough to be recognized, alway ask who it is. Even after dating one woman exclusively for more than a year. She...
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    Meeting women?

    Okay, so I never really did the whole university experience. I would go to class then straight to work. So I can relate to your problem. However, I am going back to school. You don't mention anything about school sponsored clubs or activities. Especially coming up this fall where a lot of...
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    Nervous about getting nervous?

    When you start to freak out, do what I do. Just ask yourself, "What would McGuyver do?" Works every time for me. Just slow down, take out some duct tape and find a solution.
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    How to blow of a fat chick, gently..

    Obviously most of you are still waiting for your balls to drop. She may not be attractive to you, but she is still a person. How would you feel if the roles were reversed? Try treating her with some respect. Aknowledge her when you see her. And if she asks you out again, tell her you're...
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    Why am i ALWAYS treated like a "second class" person?

    It's all in your attitude I've been on this journey for about a year. Now I am not a pretty, hot, or great looking man, but I'm trying. But I do have one thing going for me physically, I am tall. But that does not matter. I determine if I am approachable, friendly and attractive. I was not...
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    She Said "I intimidate her." What is she trying to say?

    This is a good thing This has absolutely nothing to do with age. I get this a lot. For instance I met a bartender a couple weeks ago.... Anyhow, we went to another bar to play pool, she's a pro, first off SHE eebuys the drinks. I simply play it low and cool. Not saying too much. Hands off. She...