The Ultimate Guide to Success with Women

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  1. J

    Think I'm Finally Redpilled

    I never asked for advice dumbass.
  2. J

    Think I'm Finally Redpilled

    I never said all women are like that. I don't think they are. I have plenty of kind and genuinely nice female friends. I just don't want a monogamous relationship. It's too much of an emotional committment and I've had stuff like this happen before. I seem to always fall for girls who are...
  3. J

    Think I'm Finally Redpilled

    No. 100% sure she's not a tranny. And btw, you kinda sound like a fvcking psychopath. Get help.
  4. J

    Think I'm Finally Redpilled

    I never said I'm swearing off all women, where did you read this? I said I'm not going to talk to one girl at a time online, always at least several. Also said I'm not gonna get married. There's no rational reason to get married anyway.
  5. J

    Think I'm Finally Redpilled

  6. J

    Think I'm Finally Redpilled

    Why? If I had jacked off more often I wouldn't have been an irrational emotional horny simp for a mentally unstable girl I never even met.
  7. J

    Think I'm Finally Redpilled

    First off, no rude comments or making fun of me for being a complete idiot. Also for those who don't know my mom has severe BPD, I have OCD and people have said I might be on the Asperger spectrum. So plz don't make fun of me if this sounds retarded or I seem like a drama queen making a big deal...
  8. J

    Women gained everything, why get married?

    I agree I'll never fcking get married.
  9. J

    Getting Out of a Funk

    Thanks I appreciate it. I'll have to check that book out. It's hard not to worry about "304s" at my age tho
  10. J

    Getting Out of a Funk

    Thanks man
  11. J

    Getting Out of a Funk

    I'm just wondering how to snap out of a funk. I don't think I'm "clinically" depressed but I'm a bit bummed out and apathetic about a few things. I try to approach women and have gotten one girls snapchat which she promptly deleted/blocked me from as soon as I tried to contact her. Started a...
  12. J

    No Approach Anxiety but Not Approaching?

    Thanks. What's a good approach, just like "hey I just saw you here and wanted to come say hi" or what? Also how do I approach girls in groups walking past me
  13. J

    No Approach Anxiety but Not Approaching?

    I agree. Will try. I'm near a college campus with 10,000 people which is not super small but small enough I worry a little about getting a weird reputation lol. But I guess just starting conversations cant hurt lol. I've done it a few times but not nearly enough.
  14. J

    No Approach Anxiety but Not Approaching?

    Lol, picturing that'd make me less likely to approach.
  15. J

    No Approach Anxiety but Not Approaching?

    Probably right. I don't think I have low T (horny all the time lmao) but def had a f*cked up childhood as my mom pretty much dominated my dad all the time. I also think too much in general before acting and making decisions. I think I'm gonna just try to take more action in life in general and...
  16. J

    No Approach Anxiety but Not Approaching?

    I realized that approach anxiety isn't my real issue. It's something else. Because if I am thinking about approaching a girl, my heart doesn't even start beating faster at all, so it's not anxiety. I usually end up just talking myself out of it somehow, because apparently a lot of the time I...
  17. J

    Was this creepy or not?

    Video taping people from your car? Really creepy jeez lmao. Also could possibly get the cops called on you if you get caught doing that in the future.
  18. J

    Simple tricks or hacks to manage anxiety

    Phenibut. just tried it and I can tell its gonna be a big game changer for me. said hi to more female strangers yesterday than i have in the last 6 months.
  19. J

    Getting Myself to Approach in Public Settings

    That's impressive. Are these like approaches on the street, in the grocery store or what?
  20. J

    Getting Myself to Approach in Public Settings

    I agree and appreciate your advice, however, I'm not sure everything you say is correct. It can def be creepy. I have heard girls complain about men giving them compliments before. I have seen women I don't know act very startled the times I have said hi to them in public. It doesn't always...