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Search results

  1. G

    Anyone here take Xanax (legally lol)

    I took Xanex for anxiety, it was fukcin great. But I don't have an addiction problem. I found taking a lot of omega 3 oils and exercising like an absolute machine (8 sessions a week) made my anxiety subside substantially (almost non-existent). I also read a book, "change your thinking" that...
  2. G

    George Soros gets married

    Sank South East Asia? WTF are you talking about! That was pure speculation after he broke the Bank of England and did the UK a favour!
  3. G

    Anderson Silva gets knocked the eff out.......

    Joe Rogan is the single reason I don't watch much MMA anymore. I can't stand the guy. He talks like he is the expert on every single art. He says over and over and over, to anybody that will listen, how the guys who use a boxing base are too limited with their striking. He was saying it...
  4. G

    Losing faith in top athletes

    Scientists also said nobody would break the 9.7 mark I believe. Two men have now done that. And yep, most top athletes are on some type of PED. I know that for a fact. I know of plenty who are on the juice and just haven't been caught yet. In fact, you would be surprised how many average...
  5. G

    Anderson Silva gets knocked the eff out.......

    I always find it funny when people talk about MMA vs Boxing. Like they are somehow mutually exclusive. The fact boxing is hitting a new golden era on the back of the MMA wave, seems to me like it actually bought fans to boxing. More people appreciate the combat sports. Hustlaz, Gennady...
  6. G

    Anderson Silva gets knocked the eff out.......

    The rematch is on apparently and Silva is again the betting favourite. That punch landed on the tip of his chin, that is the absolute killer knockout zone. That's why boxers are always taught to tuck their chin. Obviously, Silva has a different style of fighting so he could always potentially...
  7. G

    The world's fwcking fetish for traveling

    Yep, that's all it is. Experience. Life experience. You can't always learn from it, it doesn't always present a profound moment. It just is what it is. New experiences, which to me, are always fun. I get bored with the routine of life and travel gives me something completely new. It's...
  8. G

    Need to pick a new TV Series to get into.. suggestions?

    Californication. Absolute best series I have ever seen. Brilliant.
  9. G

    Ever met someone who was a compulsive liar?

    Are you sure his not in this forum going under the names "goundra" and "twentee". Lol, apparently the baddest man on the planet!
  10. G

    1 mill people BITTEN by US dogs, annually

    2-3 million dogs also get put down every year because humans breed them and then don't take care of them (who knows how big that number is if you include all the rest that die of neglect). These are domesticated dogs, not wild wolves, humans bred them and have a right to care for them! I'm...
  11. G

    Early Thirties Life Change

    I'm in my 30s and settled down with a woman and work probably 45+ hours per week. However, I'm also experiencing a lot of friends disappearing with their partners. They think getting older and 'settling down' means becoming a hermit and only hanging out with their other half. I have found...
  12. G

    Federal Prison guards clear 100k a year

    If you want good money, for few hours, work for the Government. Most pay rediculous, with rediculous perks. You don't have to be a corrections officer to work for the Goverment. Get good at policy work or a field of office expertise like HR and you could make 100k for <40 hours per week. I...
  13. G

    Looking to buy a dog

    I like ****erspaniels the most. A lot of attitude but not the aggressive type. More cheeky and big personalities.
  14. G


    You sound a lot like me in my 20s. Now I'm in my 30s and it has become much much harder to stop even for a few weeks. I think your relatives just hid the depressed state from you. I don't get anywhere near suicidal or to the point people can see I'm depressed, but when I have big nights of...
  15. G


    From my perspective, drinking makes me depressed, rather than vice-versa. But not before I get an incredible high, far greater than a high I can get off any other drug. But yep, alcoholism is in my family. My uncle used to say "if they bred alcoholics like race horses, you and your...
  16. G


    I'm still not convinced his the absolute best of the best. There are plenty of good (not great) horses around at this time and he didn't take them all on. He never even left home. But no doubt about it, his one of the best ever after that last race. He was hit at least once, but I get...
  17. G


    Great great win for Frankel! Bullet Train couldn't lead him this time as they got split up! Cirrus Des Aigles is a top notch horse - finally we see Frankel take on one of the absolute best, not just Excelebration who keeps being given a top rating just because he comes second to Frankel...
  18. G

    Lying on your resume

    I'm not sure about in the US, heck, I'm not even sure about in Australia, but I 'think' lying on your resume can have you seriously prosecuted. I did a 'fraud' course the other day and I think I remember skimming over that quickly and thinking damn, big penalty for such a small crime (of course...
  19. G

    Bailouts where for Chinese

    The Euro was imploded? As in the currency?
  20. G

    Teach me how to fight

    Very well said. Its a lose-lose situation!