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  1. I

    Date lost interest in me after meeting in person

    @pipeman84 is right. I know it sucks,but this is kinda normal,really. I've been through this before....BOTH.....where the girl wasn't interested in me,and sometimes,where I wasn't attracted to the girl. This is NORMAL. This is a good time for you to learn one lesson I had to learn about online...
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    How do I start getting sexual with girls?

    Getting "sexual" doesn't mean what you think it means. You don't get "nasty" or vulgar in conversations. You don't talk about her body parts. You want to get sexual? Ok,flirt. Compliment her on her appearance. And the really,REALLY most sexual thing you can do when you're trying to get the...
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    JustPearlyThings channel on Youtube

    This is true. Pearl IS LEGIT..........but what she's saying...she got from KEVIN SAMUELS. She started out doing reaction videos to Kevin Samuel shows. Did A LOT of them. She even called in to his show one time,though she didn't get a lot of screen time. Then after Kevin died,she kinda morphed...
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    This is weird, Now I can't even make girls friend platonically.

    Umm.......why would you even want to make friends with women in the first place? I mean if it happens,it happens.....but you seem to have it as some sort of goal. That's because they feel REJECTED by you. A woman is displaying SEXUAL interest in you,but you're responding back with FRIENDSHIP...
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    Under What Circumstances Should a Guy Give Up Entirely?

    You don't believe in the effectiveness of cold approaching? said you've NEVER had a girlfriend......and had ONE DATE.....8 years ago. This is what your CURRENT "strategy" has produced. And you feel that is more effective than cold-approaching would be??? I've been here at this...
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    At what point do you stop "playing it cool" and completely cut a girl off?

    Ok..........let me just ask a real/simple/basic question....... What do you want with this girl? I can't tell. You say you two get together and "hookup" from time to time....seems mainly when you're DRUNK. You want to sleep with the chick,I get that......but beyond that......what else are you...
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    How to re-attract

    Well.......if she "CLEARLY" has no interest in you,why would you bother? I mean I could see if you were unsure whether she liked you or not. But if it's evident she doesn't,why would you waste your time trying? I actually have respect for those types. It's the ones playing games and leading...
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    I just had the WORST DATE in the Sosuave history.

    It was just a meeting place. Date wasn't supposed to take place there,we were just supposed to meet there.....then the date would proceed from there. I used to read a LOT of dating and relationship-type books back in the early to mid-2000s. One piece of advice I gathered was how women's Number...
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    Anyone have a worse date story than this?

    I once had a date where the chick showed up with her 7 year old daughter in the car. Then,the chick gets a phonecall from her mom saying her 5 year old son woke up crying for her,so she tells me she was going to go back home to get him....then asked me if I'd like to go back to her house with...
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    OLD chick flakes when I tell her I work 2 jobs.

    Agreed. I damn sure wouldn't be texting her "each night" until the weekend when a date could happen. The more you interact with her before a date,the LESS LIKELY a date is to occur. If you reveal too much about yourself to the point where she can form an opinion about you,she may not feel the...
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    Will Smith and why women don't trust nice guys

    Well he was. It was the Oscars,they usually have a comedian host the show. The comedian ALWAYS busts on and cracks jokes on the actors and actresses in attendance. Chris Rock is a comedian....that's what he does. At the least,Will could have confronted Chris off stage. All he did was show how...
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    Reply to "Let's just be friends" text

    I like this response. Either something like this, or don't respond at all. I get one likes to be friend zoned or rejected,but this girl was straight-up honest. She didn't play games, and she didn't try to lead you on. She just came straight out and told you the truth. I like that. No...
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    Do oriental guys and white guys have a disadvantage versus Latinos and black guys especially in high school and college

    Come on fellas.....racial threads are against forum rules. Thread closed.
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    So there’s this girl…

    Well that's good to hear. It takes time and some hard work to eliminate AFC tendencies. Not easy to do,you have to be dedicated and consistent at it. Ohhhh....kay. Well.......this part ISN'T good. You say she told you she's been cheated on by "A COUPLE" of guys. Sir....that doesn't bode well...
  15. I

    Did I not say their would be another matrix!

    No.....not that. The movie is just.....ridiculous. They kept referencing back to the other movies. I mean a knod here and there is fine,but they actually had clips of the original movie PLAYING in the background while the characters in this movie were speaking. Then they had a new...
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    Did I not say their would be another matrix!

    You're going to be in for one hell of a shock. And not a good one either.
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    How are you guys managing restrictions?

    I'm in Texas...we don't have any restrictions,either. All the stores are open,no mask mandates. Some workers in some stores wear masks,but it's optional for the customers. Even with this new variant,it's business as usual. I think people are kinda "over it" mentally. I went into this one place...
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    Older Women

    If you're interested in going out with her,then YOU need to take the lead and set up the date. Geez. This is the perfect scenario for 99% of guys. This chick.... somehow acquired your contact info got into touch with you ASKED YOU about the two of you getting together and hanging out and asked...
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    Friendzone is a MYTH

    So you were friends with a chick for 4 years,and 3 of those years,she was in a relationship. And I'm sure SHE KNEW you were/or had been dating other women the whole time you and her were friends....correct? Forbidden fruit. Am curious as to HOW LONG the relationship with her lasted,though. So...