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  1. M

    Orbiters, or 70% man, have you been one

    This actually happened with me last week. I saw this girl 3 times.. She would txt me everyday asking how my day was.. I'd usually wait until the next day, give her a txt or call.. After the third time we went out), the next day txt stopped.. she txt'd me sat, I called her back.. No answer (I...
  2. M

    What the hell is wrong with you guys?

    There are two sides here (to the mature forum at least).. 1) There are guys (25+), who are getting into the game a bit later.. They don't go to clubs on a regular basis and are out of college and work full time. So their face time with women is not quite as abundant as that 21 yr old student...
  3. M

    "Small talk"

    I agree, when trying to connect you almost have to go out of our small talk comfort zone to really get build a rapport.. And that's what it is, building rapport. I've always found that it is how you ask the questions.. For example: 1) Do you come here often? 2) How do you find this place...
  4. M

    Approach Data - You're Gonna Love This

    Good post.. Now the question is, What was the dialog of your conversation after the opener? how long where they in your place before you made the move? Did anyone of them come back to your place and then not close the deal?
  5. M

    Pushing outside comfort zone

    I've found I'm more outgoing now than when I was younger.. Oh yeah and do the boot camp... You will loose your confort zone quick..
  6. M

    So, how do you score "not easy" girls?

    Every girl is easy... But on a serious note. If you are looking to be a pua, then a non-easy girl will eventually figure it out and leave you. If you are refering to the smart, non-easy type, it takes more than just a bunch of tricks to land her. You have to be able to talk to her on...
  7. M

    OT - losing job

    At least your boss gave you the heads up! Use this oppurtunity to try something new.. I met a guy last week. We were talking about careers and this part of the conversation we had: Him: I love the unions.. Me: Why do you say that? Him: I worked in a shop in my hometown as an...
  8. M

    My girlfriend's gay best friend

    Sounds like you don't have it too bad, he's the emotional tampon, and you are the guy she sleeps with... But stay on his good side, if he truely "disaproves" of you, he will be more relentless than her other girlfriends to get her away from you!
  9. M

    My deal

    I'd stay away from the online thing.. It is far more easier get a phone number in person (takes a few minutes to chat and ask). Also you can get a better gut feeling of who she is. As for the office romance. Stay away, but become friends with these girls, as they probably have alot of good...
  10. M

    Question about intelectual woman..

    jophil, you are quite right. I mentioned what happened to my friend who dates these types, and he said that they will basically seduce you and pretty much guide the way.. Thanks for the words of wisdom!
  11. M

    Question about intelectual woman..

    Yes , and I probably should have waited until the good bye hug to go for the kiss.. Ah well, chalk this one up to experience! And I will be letting her make the next move..
  12. M

    Question about intelectual woman..

    Oh, no I got the # on thurs, called sun early afternoon and went out that night (sun).. I was going to give the call back tmr to que up a 2nd date...
  13. M

    Question about intelectual woman..

    Ok guys, I had a bit of a slip and I wonder if you have ever done the same, and how has been the outcome. So my buddy and I were out for a bit to eat last thurs. Our waitress was super cute, and we hit it off really well, she is really intelegent (27, actress, in uni part time). We had a...
  14. M

    My Buddy

    Hey guys, I won't to into too much detail, but I've been buddies with this guy for about a year (actually more of a friend of a friend). I am not too sure of him in the first place, as he told my ex when I started seeing her that I was picking up other girls.. I don't hold a grudge with him...
  15. M

    It happened...

    How long were you with her? "and now i have to bear my scars and keep her as a friend" - Who says you have to keep her as a friend?? I was dating a girl for 4 years, we got a house together, 4 months after that, she said she wanted to travel more and didn't want to settle down.. As...
  16. M

    Best jobs to meet girls in

    Security guard at the mall!!! You are surrounded by girls that work at clothing stores or who are shopping. Plus chicks dig a man in uniform!! Kidding of course.. Restaurants are good, I bartended for a year after college and met allot of girls... But you will get into night owl...
  17. M

    What are some really good vampire romance novels?

    You should post this in the Anything Else forum..
  18. M

    Hot Car Effect on Females

    I've seen hot chicks riding passenger in pieces of s**t, and ugly chicks in nice cars.. Although it does help to raise a chick's attraction, you aren't going to go into a club and start braging about the car you drive (that shows lack of confidence).. No matter what you drive, you still have...
  19. M

    how to deal with this

    If you want to breakup with her, do it... It only gets harder over time. No matter what you will look like a ****head.. You let her control the tempo of the relationship, told her you loved her, and now you are going back on your word... Why won't she break up with you? Why would you be...