Well here's my sob story...lol


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2003
Reaction score
Hi all,

Well it's time that I gave you all the low down on my rather boring life! Yes I'm looking for advice, and pointers in the right direction...so any help would be great! Well here goes:

2002 was a great year female-wise for me - I ended up having 4 different women that year - 2 were at the same time too although I was not committed to either. One of those was quite a nice gorgeous blonde whose boyfriend had the car, the house, the job, the looks (he was better looking then me) but she said she liked me a lot so we ended up having a raunchy affair - it was good while it lasted. But alas she wanted the security that this guy could give her - I should have known better!!! All 4 of these women were real nice; however, that year was my peak with women! I have had fvck all since.

During 2003 I lost my job due to getting involved with a stupid dispute that ended up with me getting the boot, I was TOLD to resign! From 2003 to 2005 I dossed about in ****ty jobs and put on a lot of weight, 3 stone to be precise! All those clothes I used to wear in 2002 that got me the nice girls - 32 waist flared jeans, taylored peter werth shirts, tight tops etc) no longer fitted! I was a fat bastardo! The reason for the weight was because I was drinking 4-5 pints of lager a day and more during the weekend!!! Being a fat chump drained my confidence, I didn't go near women!

During 2005 I got a permanent job at a rather large organisation, and towards the end of that year I took up regular exercise and cut down the booze! I went from 17 stone to 14.5stone in 6 months, and started to feel good about myself again! I want now to get out and and about with woman like the old days but have some problems:

* I still need to shed another stone to get back into my old jeans and tops, they are real cool and are still in fashion! I can't get the weight to budge! Problems are fat on my thighs and upper arms. I don't do weights, just running and cyclying - 3.5 miles a day for the running 5 times a week. Could it be diet? I'm still eating crap! My height is 6.1 feet
* I have zero friends to socialise with, all of them are married. I have work collegues that always go out. Should I make an effort to mingle?

I'm 31 still live at home with the folks. I can't afford to move out but feel that I should be doing something with my life! Even my relatives looked disappointed when I told them I didn't have a girlfriend! Some even took the pi$$!

As for looks, well I don't think I'm an oil painting but I certainly ain't ugly. I've caught women looking at me from the corner of my eye, two women in particular where I work seem to always smile and look down to the floor when they walk past me...I dunno why? They don't know each other and I don't know them? One of them did it today...one of these days I'm gonna ask them why they do it! Some girls I've been out with have told me that at first they haven't fancied me but once they get to know me they do feel attracted to me - so I ain't a love at first sight kind of looker! That maybe why I never really did well in nightclubs but always seem to hook up with girls from the workplace (3 previous girlfriends were either from work or friends of a friend).

What do you reckon! I need to get out and about but don't really know the best way - I like to look good, I think I'm past the half way mark in my physical fitness. The running/biking has done wonders to my body.

Thanks for reading...I look forward to your comments!


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Regarding your weight, yes, your diet is important. Other than eating well, you should start some basic weight training. Your first progress is the fastest, and it makes it easy to stay motivated.

Regarding women, talk to those two girls and build value over several conversations if it makes you more comfortable. But in reality every guy who wants to meet women should be approaching women all the time. It's ok to get shot down as long as you don't let the rejection bother you, and you hone your skills each time. You are valuing yourself logically, by physique, job, and not having your own place. But women will value you emotionally. If you have the confidence to makes her feel sexy, that's all that matters.


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2005
Reaction score
Seems like you have some issues you need to deal with because you are feeling uncomfortable. How come you can't afford your own place if you are working full time? You need to get your own place. If you don't feel comfortable about your weight, deal with it. You can drop one stone in couple months. (tops, minimal muscle loss)

I agree with the above, you should start lifting weights. I am not going to preach here (i dont know how much you know about this stuff) but it's important especially if you don't have good base to work with. Im no expert but with simple google search you can find excellent help with dieting and weightlifting.

I would recommend you start socializing with your work collegues if you like them. Don't push it if you hate all of them though. Building social circle is no small task and something I too need to work with more.

Anyway, seems like you already know what's wrong and how you need to change (and nobody can't tell you that). You just need stop dreaming and start doing. One step at a time, start from today.


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
Reaction score
This story is fairly similar to mine...minus the females and the job part. At least you have the cojones to work on it.


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2003
Reaction score
Well the rent prices around here are in excess of 500 quid per month - unless u want to live with a nutter for £300+ a month! That's why I still live at home, my folks - god bless them - don't ask for a penny from me! I know it's sad but moving out will break the bank as I'm in a bit of debt too with a new car etc. But I'm gonna be concentrating on sorting the debts by paying them off etc.

Cheers for the input so far!


Don Juan
Aug 26, 2006
Reaction score
take out a piece of paper and write down what goal you want to achieve. then write down what steps you can take each day to achieve your goal and FOLLOW them. i know it sounds lame but if you are disciplined and stick to it, it works.

call it a self-improvement journal if you will. occasioanly at the end of the day write down what you did that day to achieve your goal. take small steps, but make sure you are consistent. a little bit at a time, let's say your goal for today might be to go to a bookstore and look at books and make conversation with one girl. even if it's something simple like 'hi, so what books do you like?' just make sure and follow your plan and you will see results. that's all i have to say.

Macca said:
Hi all,

Well it's time that I gave you all the low down on my rather boring life! Yes I'm looking for advice, and pointers in the right direction...so any help would be great! Well here goes:

2002 was a great year female-wise for me - I ended up having 4 different women that year - 2 were at the same time too although I was not committed to either. One of those was quite a nice gorgeous blonde whose boyfriend had the car, the house, the job, the looks (he was better looking then me) but she said she liked me a lot so we ended up having a raunchy affair - it was good while it lasted. But alas she wanted the security that this guy could give her - I should have known better!!! All 4 of these women were real nice; however, that year was my peak with women! I have had fvck all since.

During 2003 I lost my job due to getting involved with a stupid dispute that ended up with me getting the boot, I was TOLD to resign! From 2003 to 2005 I dossed about in ****ty jobs and put on a lot of weight, 3 stone to be precise! All those clothes I used to wear in 2002 that got me the nice girls - 32 waist flared jeans, taylored peter werth shirts, tight tops etc) no longer fitted! I was a fat bastardo! The reason for the weight was because I was drinking 4-5 pints of lager a day and more during the weekend!!! Being a fat chump drained my confidence, I didn't go near women!

During 2005 I got a permanent job at a rather large organisation, and towards the end of that year I took up regular exercise and cut down the booze! I went from 17 stone to 14.5stone in 6 months, and started to feel good about myself again! I want now to get out and and about with woman like the old days but have some problems:

* I still need to shed another stone to get back into my old jeans and tops, they are real cool and are still in fashion! I can't get the weight to budge! Problems are fat on my thighs and upper arms. I don't do weights, just running and cyclying - 3.5 miles a day for the running 5 times a week. Could it be diet? I'm still eating crap! My height is 6.1 feet
* I have zero friends to socialise with, all of them are married. I have work collegues that always go out. Should I make an effort to mingle?

I'm 31 still live at home with the folks. I can't afford to move out but feel that I should be doing something with my life! Even my relatives looked disappointed when I told them I didn't have a girlfriend! Some even took the pi$$!

As for looks, well I don't think I'm an oil painting but I certainly ain't ugly. I've caught women looking at me from the corner of my eye, two women in particular where I work seem to always smile and look down to the floor when they walk past me...I dunno why? They don't know each other and I don't know them? One of them did it today...one of these days I'm gonna ask them why they do it! Some girls I've been out with have told me that at first they haven't fancied me but once they get to know me they do feel attracted to me - so I ain't a love at first sight kind of looker! That maybe why I never really did well in nightclubs but always seem to hook up with girls from the workplace (3 previous girlfriends were either from work or friends of a friend).

What do you reckon! I need to get out and about but don't really know the best way - I like to look good, I think I'm past the half way mark in my physical fitness. The running/biking has done wonders to my body.

Thanks for reading...I look forward to your comments!


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2003
Reaction score
cyp6 said:
keep trying to improve.. but you really should move out of the house soon as you can afford it....
Totally agree cyp6!!! Gonna get these debts sorted first - I think it'll take about 10 months to sort but hey time flys when your having fun!

Thanks chaps!