Shy girl help


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2004
Reaction score
I'm a 15 year old sophomore, and there is this really hot sophomore girl. The thing is, she is really shy, but really hot, like a 9.5 out of 10. I've known her since 7th grade, I never talked to her, yet she just recently captured my interest. I wanted to talk to her before, but only after this saturday (where i went to a nightclub and got a 21 year old's number) did i get enough confidence to try. Well yesterday I saw this junior approach her. But I aint worried, he ain't got sh*t, I'll keep his a$$ in check.
Well today after 6th hour I came up to her at her locker and talked to her, (damn she has a sweet voice) I didnt get much from her, since she is shy, even with her friends.

So I need help with talking to her, you know to open her up more to talking and stuff. Cause only be talking to her more will I get her number. I lost the initial fear, now I just gotta talk to her and get her to talk more back. Any suggestions on how to open up a conversation with really shy girls? I wanna talk to her tomorrow, and maybe get her number. I saw the other guy ask, and he got shut down. I even heard her to him say I'm busy, so better chance for me.

any tips would be appreciated, and no, i dont have any classes with her unfortunately.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
Start slow, since she is shy. I have a feeling she is less shy outside of school. People in school act differently, in comparison to out of school.

establish a friendship for a week. make her laugh, have a good time and ask her out for v-day.

Be yourself though. Be a little AFC, she will like the sweetness and kindness. Most importantly, make her comfortable around dont over do the AFC thing. You should aim to make her laugh -- that should losen her up.


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2004
Reaction score
k thanks fitch, seems like something to plan ahead for. But i need help talking to her like tomorrow. I know her name, what class she has 7th period, that she has a cell phone, and she isnt going out with anybody and i have known two of her best friends since like 6th grade. But other than that i dont know what to do. she isnt like any other girl, with other girls i can talk effortlessly, but with her you gotta actually work to get her to talk.
i aint giving up either, cause there isnt a girl in school like her.

help me out on what to do tomorrow


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
Just a crazy thought: Tell her that. What you just told me (that she is unique, she is.... and so on and so forth).

You really can't plan for the future in depth such as conversations. The best conversations are sponstaneous because it is about the moment.

Keep that in mind when you talk to her.

Talk about knowing her in 7th grade. Relive the past. This idea is very controversial -- you may not agree. If you don't talk about something stupid you did in the morning today. Make her laugh. Spark her interest. Don't throw all your cards on the table. Flirt. She is probably interested in you. She is just too shy to reveal it.

Shy people tend to read people very easily because all they do is observe and remain silent. It is true. I can relate. I was and am shy to a certain extent. I do not initiate convos. frequently but I can continue one :p I could but I do not bother... it always presents itself.

Note:: Since she is shy, you will have to do the iniated -- until she gets comfortable. Then you will she her wild side. Hehe

My point is she most likely already sees your motives. Girls, espically, are very talented in understanding our body language, etc. Be friendly and be playful

You might not have to wait until friday. You might during the converstion consider asking her out right then and there. If that though crosses your mind, you should ask. If the oppurtunity presents itself. Charge at full force for you shall never know when another shall present itself.

be prepared for any moment may be it.

You know her better than I do so I am limited to general advise. Treat her with respect and treat as you would to any one else. Do not give her UNDIVIDED special attention. It will push her away.... just like i did with my first girlfriend...haha. You know what I mean! :)

Maybe you could randomly take her palm into your hand and sweetly ask her if she wants to go out with you. She will say yes and start hanging out from there until the date.

I assume your only problem is to get to her. The best way is to be friendly, witty and make fun of yourself a little. And tease her saying you would do the same thing. Once I was reading the paper... outside while walking... and I was 1 foot away from walking into a telephone POLL !!!

Happened yesturday, acually. Then say I want to see you try....something like that. tease her about it. DOnt make it a one sided convo. Then say im sure you do something stupid at one point or another. And ask her a funny thing she did. I would word it differenly though

If you feel the moment is right -- usually when you leave to go to class... ask her out.. take her hand and ask her, w/e (taking her hand could be a sweet thing to do...esp. if she is into u).

Today, randomly this acquientiese i knew from phy class who always says "hi." to me...she grabed my hand and held it for a sec or 2 and say hey with a BIG A.S.S. grin. I felt pretty good, hehe. So would she.

Good Luck. I hope I wasn't confusing with my random thoughts...but that happens when our minds are overworked...

Good night and do your thing. We are born with the talent to get mates :) it is our destiny!