Overview of Seduction Materials


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2002
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
I posted this as a reply to one thread and I thought others may benefit who did not see it where it was posted.

Cesare Cardinali says:
Do you think the ideal place to learn this is at Sosuave and fastseduction.com?
There are ups and downs on both sites.

For many on ASF/mASF seducing women IS a lifestyle. Not good or bad, just a choice. But whether or not you want to make a it a lifestyle yourself there is a lot to be learned from guys with that kind of experience. Also, ASF/mASF is less of a conversational social community than sosuave, they pretty much stick to brass tacks seduction material. Many of the legendary posters who posted on the USENet group (ASF) now no longer do so on fastseduction.com (mASF). There is A LOT of reading material on the site as well, and a lot of different methods are discussed. More diversity in seduction MO and more field activity is encouraged.

Sosuave is a good place for support and attitude development and there is a very conversational and friendly atmosphere among all of us but there are a few problems.

On sosuave EVERYONE gives advice. This is partly due to the conversational atmosphere I was talking about. I get the impression that many guys come here, spend some time reading the posts and eventually see enough questions answered that they figure they know what they are talking about. The problem with so many people offering advice whether or not they really have well-thought out insights on the topic is that the same lack of experience that causes someone to make bad decisions with women is in effect when they judge the quality of the advice they recieve. On mASF, where there a small number of people CLEARLY have everyone's respect, it's easier for the newer guys to know who to pay attention to.

My short answer is to use both sites, they are both good places. I post more stuff here than I do there mostly because my insights are of more help to people to whom these concepts are somewhat new.

Cesare Cardinali says:
Time, money, and motivation are not an issue; so whatever you recommend, I'll investigate it and master it.
Good attitude. I guess the question is are you willing find out what it takes to get where you want to be and then do what it takes no matter how uncomfortable or strange it may first seem?

Cesare Cardinali says:
I am an "older" dj (25...seems older compared to lots of guys on this site) and have been burned too many times to not plunge myself deeply into learning this stuff.
I am 23 years old and I have been making efforts to understand women better and be more successful to one extent or another since I was 19. I was successful here and there but I have now learned to learn more from my successes and failiures because I understand the process better. I also had some issues not related directly to women that had to be sorted out before I could really become 'unblocked' to fully taking in the experience.

IDJ says:
But first, how do we create attraction?
IDJ, if you can answer that question in a simple way you will be the richest man on earth (and I want to buy some stock in your company
). The truth that is that there really is no simple answer. All the great PUA's (and this board and ASF are by NO means the beginning and end of the seduction world) have their own way of doing this. You have to find this through experience and self-exploration.

andresdj says:
what books or programs do u recommend ?
I was thinking about this the other day and I have decided I am not comfortable promoting products on the sosuave message boards. I have no personal incentive to do so and I see it as being somewhat disrespectful to Allen. The good news however is that I feel perfectly comfortable sharing the material that has helped me most and it is absolutely free, posted on USENet and is therefore publically owned information, it is ASF archives of certain ASF posters. You can find them by doing and advanced google 'groups' search where you enter 'alt.seduction.fast' as the newsgroup and the name of the poster. formhandle has also compiled gzip collections of many of the more respected posters on the fastseduction.com achive.


Here are the guys who have helped gained the most understanding in these respective areas of the game.

MrSex4uNYC: Attitude of a seducer, understanding of the female mind, persuasion, dealing directly with the subconscious.
Mystery: Gimmicks, negging, working groups, peacocking, pawning, social proof.
Alessandro and Juggler: Extrovert behavior, openers, speaking from the heart, targeting wide ranges of emotion.
toecutter: Street PU, conversational routines, lying, congruity in performance.
Svengali: MLTR theory.

There are a few I probably didn't mention but that's a pretty good place to start. Unfortunately, mASF is not searchable by user name but a couple of these guys have posts there. So either do searches on ASF in google or fs.com or download those files in the archive.

One thing I can't stress enough is that you can't afford to get into the mindset of having to put everything together in your head before you act in the field. There is an INFINITE amount that has been written on this topic and more is written by all of us every day. You won't get it all. Just read the people who you want to be most influenced by and let the information pas through you conscious mind and sink into your unconscious.

Just like you will read from MrSex4uNYC your experience in the field builds a library that you later use an unconscious background process to retrieve that information from when dealing with situations in the future. Same with reading posts, except the effect is less dramatic than real world experience.

Let me know if that helps give you guys a place to start working on the stuff. If you have more specific questions you can contact me privately since this thread is now WAY off topic. alphasmilodon@yahoo.com .

- The performer known as Nick

Cesare Cardinali

Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2002
Reaction score
Sex PDX,

Thank you for sharing this information. To answer your question, yes I am willing to do whatever it takes to find out what works and take massive action towards the realization of my goal regardless of how strange or unconventional this may be for me in the short term.

I have experienced too much pain by not doing what it takes that any discomfort I may feel applying what does work is a small price to pay. I feel that I have the necessary leverage to turn my situation around and it helps to know that there are guys like you and others on this site who have been in a similar situation and have put in the focused effort towards personal transformation.

Again thank you for sharing and I appreciate the offer of emailing you directly in case more specific questions come up.


Cesare Cardinali


Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2001
Reaction score
Moved to Unusual Techs/Seduction Forum.